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The Court of Nobles

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Calling all Emperors and Empresses, Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, Dukes & Duchesses, Barons and Baronesses, Marquess and Marchionesses, Earls, Counts and Countesses, Lords and Ladies!

There are a lot of people on the shard who have some sort of aristocratic title, So I'm making a group for us to gather and discuss whatever we want, like the peasants in the fields, plans to takeover the shard or how lovely the weather is. This is kind of inspired by @Ravenclawjedi42, who made the Ravenames club, but this is for the Nobility. 


Mistborn Assassins are not invited...:ph34r:


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The Edema might be on the lowest rung of the social ladder, but there are no finer actors breathing. I had been raised on the stage, and my father could play a king so regal I'd seen audiences doff their hats when he made his entrance.”


Do I count as nobility :lol: 

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2 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

I find Symphonian to be the highest title indeed. Those who dare to dispute may fight me, but I offer a fair warning unto thee: I will not hold back my cutting words when dealing with a lower class.


mostly cuz I'm curious what you've got :P

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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


What do you think you are, you blithering fool? Though asking you to think is far too outlandish of me to even consider, for you clearly have never done such a thing in your life. And you would try to disrupt my pleasant day with your whining and peasantish shenanigans! But, thankfully, you mean absolutely nothing to me and therefore can be taken as such. A gnat, a spec of dust, easily disposed of and trampled upon, is what comes to mind when I consider you. You are but a dirtied Kleenex: only needed when something disgusting comes up, and easily thrown in the trash. Ah, but there comes a contradiction: how could you be thrown into yourself?

sorry I just really wanted to...
this is all a joke obviously-

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Just now, SymphonianBookworm said:

What do you think you are, you blithering fool? Though asking you to think is far too outlandish of me to even consider, for you clearly have never done such a thing in your life. And you would try to disrupt my pleasant day with your whining and peasantish shenanigans! But, thankfully, you mean absolutely nothing to me and therefore can be taken as such. A gnat, a spec of dust, easily disposed of and trampled upon, is what comes to mind when I consider you. You are but a dirtied Kleenex: only needed when something disgusting comes up, and easily thrown in the trash. Ah, but there comes a contradiction: how could you be thrown into yourself?

sorry I just really wanted to...
this is all a joke obviously-


don't worry is just music and beautiful writing. Heehee I'm grinning widely :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 months later...

I feel like a Highprince counts as a nobles because they are more powerful then most lords or nobles and that you need a Highprince in your court of nobles for it to be complete. If you compare the feasts in the Stormlight archive and the parties in Mistborn Highprinces are like lords of great houses.

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Been messing around on my family tree and I am around 11th cousins twice removed to the thrown of England. So all I need is one family reunion to go really bad and I am the king.

2 hours ago, Highprince10 said:

I feel like a Highprince counts as a nobles because they are more powerful then most lords or nobles and that you need a Highprince in your court of nobles for it to be complete. If you compare the feasts in the Stormlight archive and the parties in Mistborn Highprinces are like lords of great houses.

Your right, Highprince one hundred percent counts

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