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A-Cadmium Uses


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I feel like Cadmium is the undeserving laughingstock of Allomancy. It has many uses, as exhibited by Marasi. She has used it to stall Miles Hundredlives for capture, incapacitate unsuspecting opponents, redirect gunfire, and thanks to Harmonium grenades, render opponents absolutely useless. Cadmium deserves more love.

In fact, here's a use that absolutely no one can deny as useful: paramedic situations.

Imagine a person grievously injured who needs to make it to the hospital ASAP. Coinshots and Lurchers won't do, the patient is in a delicate state, and unnecessary motion would be harmful. Even an A-Bendalloy Savant would be very useless: they would freeze everyone else, but it would take them the same amount of time to get to the hospital as anyone else.

No, the best thing to do is load them into an ambulance, have a Pulser erect a slowness bubble, and start driving. By the time they arrive and signal the Pulser, it's as though only seconds have passed for the patient. They can receive practically immediate care.

Obviously, the vehicle would have to be big enough to isolate the bubble and move it through the streets, and the Pulser may require training. Small prices to pay for instant medical attention. This could be improved with the application of a Nicroburst. Stuff a Pulser absolutely chock-full of Cadmium, Nicroburst the living daylights out of them, and if Wayne's example is anything to go by, time inside the bubble will literally stop.

Edited by Longshot97
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On top of this, F-Cadmium could be very useful for similar applications, such as with people who are drowning, or who have water in their lungs. Lifeguards could have F-Cadmium medallions on the ready, and potentially save many lives. 
Basically anyone suffering from asphyxiation could be helped with this application. Also, if you are dying of asphyxiation, could you store that asphyxiation in a Cadmium-mind? Just as being a heavier person could store "more" weight per Investiture? 

Interesting to think about.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wonder if A-Cadmium will be useful in space age mistborn. There’s lots of sci fi material where people will freeze themselves to travel for hundreds of years while they are asleep. A-Cadmium could make it seem like a month passed when you in fact have been traveling for years. Not the best form of space travel but would have its merits.

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Working in medicine... cadmium bubbles would be epic.  Time is tissue. You call a code blue and start compressions and your team would be there in an instant. Everytime you need new meds or new equipment you could get it faster than ever. Same thing with any time sensitive jobs. We have already seen it with police action.  

Hunting and fishing too. 

I'm not saying this would be worth the cost or than people would be willing to sell their lives and time this way but you could take a crew out, lay down nets and use cadmium for a game of cards or two before picking up the nets again with days worth of fish. 

I was thinking... Scadrial doesn't have the obvious magics of other planets to aid in food production but they have time bubbles.  With some imagination you could make it work. 

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14 minutes ago, Elite01 said:

I wonder if A-Cadmium will be useful in space age mistborn. There’s lots of sci fi material where people will freeze themselves to travel for hundreds of years while they are asleep. A-Cadmium could make it seem like a month passed when you in fact have been traveling for years. Not the best form of space travel but would have its merits.

It will be - time bubbles are involved with faster than light space travel - not cryogenics but actual FTL. We don't know much about it, but I suspect it involves creating some kind of Alcubierre Drive by using A-Cadmium and A-Bendalloy to pull and push on the spacetime itself. Cosmere is built in a way where Brandon needs people from different planets to interact fast, not to wait decades or centuries for a normal spacecraft to cross the vastness of space. Cryogenics won’t work in Cosmere where CR travel is much faster and better.


Steeldancer (paraphrased)

Have you ever heard of the Alcubierre Drive? 

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes, I know about the Alcubierre drive. 

Steeldancer (paraphrased)

So, if we took two speed bubbles--mechanized, because Allomancers aren't powerful enough to pull it off--could we create a functioning Alcubierre drive?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

You are theorizing in the right direction. 

FanX Spring 2019 (April 19, 2019)




If I get a Slider, a Pulser, and a Nicroburst in a rocket with a lot of metal, do I have FTL?

Brandon Sanderson

Hehehehe. You're getting closer but you haven't figured it out yet.

Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing (March 21, 2014)


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