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Christmas Countdown to Save the World


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5 minutes ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

raven struggles mentally. i- i will not serve you. but, if you need my aid, you can call for me and my help will be given. i will not be chained.

Pylenia laughed (a very British laugh). I do not need your aid...if you are not helping me alive, you can nourish me with your death.

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9 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Will you serve me, human, or will you be destroyed?

I care not for him. I care not for any of you...your only purpose is to feed me.



Elan sighs. "Get off Pilly." He says.

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Elan sighs. "Get off Pilly." He says.


Well yeah but then I realized how cool it would be to have an evil black and purple butterfly and decided this would be fun.

I am not Pilly any longer.

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Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

I am not Pilly any longer.

Elan pauses. Then he waves a hand and the ship disappears, along with himself and Ezrium. They reappear far away. "Okay, let's leave quick before she finds us!" Elan shouts.

@Canada Lover

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Elan pauses. Then he waves a hand and the ship disappears, along with himself and Ezrium. They reappear far away. "Okay, let's leave quick before she finds us!" Elan shouts.

@Canada Lover

Pylenia hums softly. After a moment, her voice sounds in their heads once more, though it's fainter now. I will find you, mortals...

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Pylenia hums softly. After a moment, her voice sounds in their heads once more, though it's fainter now. I will find you, mortals...

Elan quickly uses a strange device to cut off his mind from the demon butterfly. "LETS GO!"

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11 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

"To help this guy's future female self?" Elan says, gesturing at Ezrium. "It's a complicated situation."

"Wait what?"

11 hours ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Pylenia laughed (a very British laugh). I do not need your aid...if you are not helping me alive, you can nourish me with your death.

"An evil caterpillar... well that's a new one."


No, not the British laugh...

10 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Elan pauses. Then he waves a hand and the ship disappears, along with himself and Ezrium. They reappear far away. "Okay, let's leave quick before she finds us!" Elan shouts.

@Canada Lover

10 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Elan quickly uses a strange device to cut off his mind from the demon butterfly. "LETS GO!"

"Well, here goes nothing." They were suddenly gone. Elan saw the timestream fly past them. Suddenly, they were in a different tinestream, then another.

"You have arrived at your destination." The ship's AI said.

"Woah," Ezrium stepped out of the ship and looked at the battlefield under the clinic and at the clinic itself.

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8 hours ago, Canada Lover said:

"Wait what?"

"An evil caterpillar... well that's a new one."

"Well, here goes nothing." They were suddenly gone. Elan saw the timestream fly past them. Suddenly, they were in a different tinestream, then another.

"You have arrived at your destination." The ship's AI said.

"Woah," Ezrium stepped out of the ship and looked at the battlefield under the clinic and at the clinic itself.

“Yeah, I’m confused too. I’ve just been told this needs to be done, and the Counsil of Elans has chosen me for some reason.” He said.


Aaaand now we’re at the clinic!



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22 hours ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Pylenia hums softly. After a moment, her voice sounds in their heads once more, though it's fainter now. I will find you, mortals...

raven speaks. "i do not wish to die. but if my aid is needed in ravaging the land and destroying its uncleanliness, i am at your beck and call"

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22 hours ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Pylenia hums softly. After a moment, her voice sounds in their heads once more, though it's fainter now. I will find you, mortals...




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7 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:


Pylenia started ravaging to world. What a wonder it was to be powerful, rather than powerless. She ate, and for the first time she was satisfied. The world was hers...and she'd catch those escaping mortals eventually. They couldn't run forever.

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43 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Pylenia started ravaging to world. What a wonder it was to be powerful, rather than powerless. She ate, and for the first time she was satisfied. The world was hers...and she'd catch those escaping mortals eventually. They couldn't run forever.




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11 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

Canada looked nervously at her once-friend Pilly. She offered some Maple Syrup, scared.

@Ookla the Prehistoric

Pylenia took the maple syrup…and then lashed her tongue at Canada. You will need to do more than that to appease me now.

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1 hour ago, Canada Lover said:

Canada began to cry. None of her friends liked her.

I could eat you…I’d like you much more then.

39 minutes ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

raven broke. his chest puffed out, feathers sprouting along his arms and chest, plus wings. "pylenia. be nice"

Nice? Pylenia laughed her tinkling British laugh. Niceness is for the weak.

12 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Elan was gone (Yime travel)


Ah yes, I do love Yime travel. It’s my favorite kind of travel.

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