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Feruchemical Mistings


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Since there's already a thread for Allomantic Mistings, I thought I'd add this one. :(

Brandon has mentioned that, in the future, Feruchemy will split, similar to how Allomancy did, resulting in Feruchemical Mistings. My question for you is: out of the metals whose functions we already know, which power would you choose if you could become a Feruchemical Misting?

For me, the answer is easy: copper. Having as much knowledge as I want at my fingertips (er... braintips?) just by wearing some copper jewelry is pretty much awesome.

What about y'all?

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Sazed and the Terris packmen mentioned in the logbook (and those Inquisitors who were given Feruchemical health spikes) seemed to have a dedicated time during which they filled their metalminds. Perhaps you could spend an hour before bed filling your zincminds when they get low.

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Perhaps we should have a list of the different metals and their Feruchemical powers, since Feruchemy has thus far all been lumped together, it would make it easier for everyone to know what their options are.

Iron - Stores Physical Weight

Steel - Stores Physical Speed

Tin - Stores Senses

Pewter - Stores Physical Strength

Zinc - Stores Mental Speed

Brass - Stores Physical Warmth

Copper - Stores Memories

Bronze - Stores Wakefulness

Atium - Stores Youth

Gold - Stores Health

For fun stuff, I'd probably go with Steel, for camping I'd go with Brass, and for everything else, I'd go with probably Zinc.

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That's provided you survive the fall to begin with, though, and have large enough goldminds to heal yourself. Gold is expensive, after all.  ;)

Copper is still my first choice, but Bronze would be incredibly useful as well. I'd love to be able to actually get out of bed at a reasonable pace to get ready for class.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You know what? I'm going to take a random stab in the dark. I'll be a Bendalloy fuerchemist!

You know, we really should come up with a name for Feruchemal mistings. Fuerchists? Chemists? Chems? Metalings?

Maybe we should just ask Brandon what the name is, for clarification purposes.

(I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those metaling chems!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure they're called chemings, unless I misunderstood Brandon when I asked him about this.  :) And Cadmium or Bendalloy would be my choice, assuming that they are related to their allomantic uses and can store time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to go with Iron, especially if you can store the weight of what you're carrying at the same time. You could go storing with like an army pack thing, and then go walk in front of a bus (saving a pram thats going to be crushed by it) whilst using the stored stuff up...AWESOME! :P

Tin sounds a good one for tripping out on :P if you can control what you store/use whilst you sleep (or keep a Cruise up without concentrating), you could rank up the storing when you go to bed and get a perfect sleep :P

And Cruising on Bronze would be pretty cool: sleep deeply and store loads, use it (boringly) to get work done or (more fun) to do fun stuff. Especially if it improves concentration.

I guess Cruising would be Savant-ish.


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  • 4 months later...

Copper or Bronze. Copper is obvious, never forget anything again, and with bronze you could store it up when you aren't busy and have time to sleep a lot, and tap it when you are busy and be able to use the extra hours to get everything done. Also if you are having insomnia you just store wakefulness and then hey presto no more insomnia. Maybe not very exciting, but definitely useful!

Edited by CrazyRioter
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Copper, penny in my pocket used as a coppermind= straight A's for the rest of my life in school, I still would have to study of course but just long enough to store it so I can recall it on the homework/tests. unless I was a Iron/Steel misting also because then I would want to be an Iron chemist so I could store weight, burn my storages, store the result of that, repeat two or three times, then use all of that wieght to push/pull anything regardless of wieght.

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i would definately take speed, but it would be awful to store it up. Any of the feruchemical powers would be. Imagine being dumb for a while to store it up.

That's Brandon and his costly magic systems for you. :) I personally love that aspect of his writing. But... what if you dumbed down too much and forgot how to stop storing. :blink:

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well with physical speed you can do it when you are sitting or lying still anyway, like if you''re watching TV or just before going to sleep. That way it doesn't matter much.

but yeah, being stupid for a while would suck.

Although storing weight might actually be helpful in certain circumstances. Being light could be really useful.

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Sazed actually used that to protect himself from potentially nasty falls, I believe.

He did indeed. I remember this happening, though I couldn't tell you exactly when or where. That particular metal is a bit of a double-power in that sense.

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