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Cytoverse HG Signups!

Edema Rue

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Hello, one and all! Welcome to the signups for the Cytoverse Hunger Games! Please read this whole post if you’re interested in participating, I know it’s long but it’s all important information.

First, here is your character sheet:


Character Sheet Upon Sign Up:

The things in red are required, anything else can be skipped if you haven’t read skyward/the hunger games. Also, if you won’t be especially active, alliances will be hard.



Race (Human, Kitsen, Dione, Heklo, etc.):

Age (12-18):

Gender (or pronouns):

Preferred District:

Alliance (yes or no):

Special Skills or Hidden Talents:


Flight Experience (number of years 0-?):

Preferred Ship (Poco, Largo, Scout, Other):

Planet or Cavern of Origin:  


Next, we have the fun little blip of Ookla season coming up! If you’re planning on participating, please let us know what your username will be, because these games are incredibly hard to run when we don’t know who’s who :)

Now…plot. The whole idea for the hunger games is that everyone dies. That’s the way these RP’s work. But, since we the GM’s want to have fun too, that means we’ll be doing our own plot. We’ll try hard not to take over the entire thread (I know there was a lot going on with the GM’s in the last games especially) but if you guys aren’t killing each other, we’ll get bored. Just a heads up. Conflict is crucial for these games to work. If every character decides to run away and hide in a tree, this won’t be fun for anyone. So…fight, and accept that you will probably die! It makes the games fun. That being said, the GM’s aren’t the only ones allowed to fall in love, be monsters, have lives and emotions and plot. We do, however, plan some things out. So if you’re interested in being more than just a tribute, please PM us! We’re more than happy to let you figure out plot with other characters and maybe the GM’s as long as you let us know. There must be an order to the chaos if we want to enjoy it :)

We also have the issue of activity. These games are almost notorious for moving really fast, and we get that it can be really, really hard to keep up with them while life is happening. That’s fine, just…be mindful of it. With this games, if you’d like an alliance you can form it among yourselves on this thread (or another that I’ll explain in a minute). We’ve previously had issues where people can’t do anything because people they’re allied with are inactive, so if you won’t be able to check the thread more than once or twice a day, be careful with interactions. (Again, none of this is rules or saying you can’t, it’s just more convenient for others)

So, that other thread I mentioned! Signups are exactly a week, you have until next Sunday, and during that week we decided to try a sort of…pre-rp. We’ll see how it goes. This games is interesting because since it’s cytoverse, you can be anyone and anything from anywhere. So if you want to, you can put your character into the DDF, Starsight, or anywhere else for a week. This isn’t required, and is just a fun thought so that your characters can have backstory before we plop them into the games. @SmilingPanda19 will be making that thread later today for anyone who’s interested, but again, you don’t need to do that in order to play the games.

These games are cytoverse in celebration of Defiant, which comes out November 21st. Any new information released there won’t be included for these games, since a lot of people can’t read it for a while after it comes out.

Last, I just want to quickly mention etiquette. The GM’s are just people who want to have a good time. The magic won’t be perfectly aligned with canon, and this won’t be perfect in any form of the word. If you look for flaws, then stars above you will find them. You won’t have fun, though.

EDIT: here is what the coppermind has on powers

And…I think that’s all! Any questions, comments, concerns, or emotional outbursts can be answered by your GM’s: @The Wandering Wizard @Ancient Elantrian @SmilingPanda19 @Edema Rue @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @shortcake 

Happy hunger games, my friends!!

@The stormfather @Ravenclawjedi42 @TheRavenHasLanded @Aeoryi @Lightweaver2 @Lord Spirit @Silver Phantom @Argenti @Master if Magic @Scars of Hathsin @DefiantAllomancer @Experience @SymphonianBookworm @Kajsa :) @Wittles of Shinovar @The Honorable One @Canada Lover @Justice_Magician @[Redacted] @Lotus Blossom @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ (sorry, I know this isn’t everyone who’s interested, these are just people who participated in the last games)

Edited by Edema Rue
Added powers :)
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character sheet:


Name: Jason Green

Callsign: Hurricane

Race (Human, Kitsen, Dione, Heklo, etc.): Human

Age (12-18): 17

Gender (or pronouns): He/him

Preferred District: 3

Alliance (yes or no): definitely

Special Skills or Hidden Talents: engineering, ship repairing

Personality: Cautious, practical, likes planning (isn’t very spontaneous)

Flight Experience (number of years 0-?): 2 years (DDF)

Preferred Ship (Poco, Largo, Scout, Other): Poco

Planet or Cavern of Origin:  Detritus


Definitely want to participate in this one. The only problem is with my time zone. For me it’ll probably be night when most of the action takes place. I probably won’t be participating in the ookla season.

Edited by Ati16
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2 minutes ago, Ati16 said:

Are we doing cytonics/hyperdrives or would that be too OP?

Certain cytonic abilities are allowed but the hyperdrive cytonics are not allowed. Or if you do you'll draw a delver and die :)

@SmilingPanda19 @Edema Rue @shortcake @Ancient Elantrian @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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31 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Is there going to be a new cast for the game makers this time around?

As Wiz said, technically…most of them were introduced in the last games, though.

47 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

I haven’t read…this. How hard would it be?

This being Skyward?

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13 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:


Mm…not too hard! You can just make a character without magic, though they’ll probably need to know how to fly a space ship if you want to do well :)

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Name: Nova (Canada Lover)

Callsign: Nova Scotia

Race (Human, Kitsen, Dione, Heklo, etc.): Human.

Age (12-18): 17

Gender (or pronouns): Female.

Preferred District: 4 or 7

Alliance (yes or no): Yes

Special Skills or Hidden Talents: Is amazing at flying. Is also pretty good with a sword, and Mind Speed Acceleration.

Personality: Good pilot, but has no ego and no confidence whatsoever. Is also very nice and friendly.

Flight Experience (number of years 0-?): 6

Preferred Ship (Poco, Largo, Scout, Other): Interceptor, Poco, and Dulo.

Planet or Cavern of Origin: Detritus.

Other: Is literally Han Solo but cooler.


I can change any of this if it doesn't work.


Edited by Canada Lover
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