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I am BORED. Anyone else?

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I find myself bored fairly often. Anyone else? I'm open to talk about anything and everything. a list of random stuff to discuss:

1. Candy

2. classification of weird things

3. hobbies

4. movies

5. Hamilton

6. restaurants

7. skills you wish you had

8. cosplay


this is all I could think of for now... anyone have something to add?


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Hi. I am also bored. What's up? I'm trying but rather epically failing to do homework at the moment. So let's talk about everything on your list. Here we go.

1. Candy is awesome. Have you seen the thread about skittles in general discussion? Do you know the difference between American and Canadian smarties?

2. I don't know what you mean, but I am learning taxonomy in Biology right now. Also, did you know that the plural of spectrum is spectra, which is a pretty cool word.

3. I like unicycling and aerial silks. I've been doing less writing now but usually long weekend help me to write, and I have one coming up in two weeks, so I'm hoping to get lots done.

4. Movies are cool. I just watched the new marvel movie. It was... fine. It was okay. I really like Monica in WandaVision but in this she was just okay. I found Kamala really funny and awesome, even though I've heard other people found her annoying. I'm excited to see the new hunger games movie because I really enjoyed reading the prequel. 

5. Hamilton is the best. Singing Hamilton is the first thread that I check when I come on the shard. And we're actually crazily close to finishing the musical. We're on Burn, which is like, the best son, even though the next few are insanely sad and I will certainly be in tears registering to them. 

6. There's a good restaurant near my house that makes the best grilled salmon with this spicy rice stuff and it's amazing.

7. I want to learn sign language because I think that's a good skill to have, and since I already speak the two main languages in Canada, that feels like the next thing I would want to learn. 

8. I recently made a mist cloak and it was pretty cool. I wish I could go to Dragonsteel and hopefully I'll get to go next year. I'll probably dress up as Ranette, because she's the coolest. Also, I just did a school project on subcultures and mine was about LARPing. 

Okay, sorry. I just wrote a lot. But I'm really bored. Thank you for making this.

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1. yes it is, I love that discussion

2. I mean things less... academic like: if the ocean a soup bc it has meat, vegetables and salt? is cereal a soup? is a hotdog a taco?

3. I like outside and inside stuff... like gardening!

4. I don't really ever watch marvel... i like Star wars though...

5. I am a huge nerd about Hamilton... currently listening to the soundtrack...

6. I love asian food and mexican food and... well... food.

7. I want to be able to use a sword... even if it's not exactly practical...

8. I'm seriously considering making my own havah bc it's awesome and i want one...




fav candy?

fav sport?

fav non brandon book?


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7 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

7. I want to be able to use a sword... even if it's not exactly practical...


Yeah. If they weren't so expensive I would definitely want to take fencing lessons because that would be awesome. Plus if I knew how to fence then I could vent a sport called unicycle fencing. 

8 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

5. I am a huge nerd about Hamilton... currently listening to the soundtrack...


Yeah me too. I'm on the room where it happens. 

8 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

fav candy?

fav sport?

fav non brandon book?


Probably swimming, but not competitive. I teach swimming and I love just being in and around boats and stuff.

Really hard to choose. I love Six of Crows, and there's a book called the Sweep or something like that that I really liked when I was younger.

What things do you have in your garden?

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1 hour ago, The Sibling said:

What things do you have in your garden?

well, my garden is rather dead now... late fall in PA...

but I had zucchini, squash, carrots, onions, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers and some dreams that died with some of my baby plants. xD

1 hour ago, The Sibling said:

Yeah me too. I'm on the room where it happens. 

I was on guns and ships

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Just now, The Sibling said:

Usually we try not to double post.

darn it! I forgot... sorry.

today, (It's night for me like 10:00pm) i did a bunch of writing for SandoWriMo... I hung out with shard people... and my cat... tomorrow, I'm not really doing anything I don't think... which is sad... but I mean... whatever.  umm. I'll probably try to draw something... like painspren or something. what about you?

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3 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

today, (It's night for me like 10:00pm) i did a bunch of writing for SandoWriMo... I hung out with shard people... and my cat... tomorrow, I'm not really doing anything I don't think... which is sad... but I mean... whatever.  umm. I'll probably try to draw something... like painspren or something. what about you?

Cool! What's the difference between SandoWriMo and regular NaNoWriMo?

I was working on a psychology assignment.

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3 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

well, what's NaNoWriMo?

5 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

National Novel Writing Month, where you write during November and record your word count and stuff. I assumed it's what SandoWriMo is based off.

5 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

Yeah, I have homework for Latin, but I decided to do it in a few hours. (Totally an insomniac)

You do Latin? That's cool. I went to school for a bit in France last year and they did Latin and it was fun. 

I am also definitely an insomniac. I have to study for my drivers test tonight because I've been putting it off for way too long since driving terrifies me, and I probably won't start on that for another hour.

Also I'm just watching Secrets in Stained Glass for like, the fifth time because it' the best.

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yeah, my older brother goes for his test on wednesday... 

SandoWriMo is basically Brandon's version 🙂 you like... post your daily word totals or something and try to get more than him and he might give you writing advice if you ask.

The idea of driving terrifies me too! 

I've never watched Secrets in Stained Glass... cool name though...

Latin is fun i guess... but I have 36 words to memorize in a week... super stressed about that...

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1 minute ago, Just-A-Stick said:

Latin is fun i guess... but I have 36 words to memorize in a week... super stressed about that...

Oh. That sounds... less than fun. But good luck!

1 minute ago, Just-A-Stick said:

The idea of driving terrifies me too! 


Yeah, my parents let me drive once and I almost drove into a ditch and hit a tree and since then I have been somewhat reluctant.

2 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

SandoWriMo is basically Brandon's version 🙂 you like... post your daily word totals or something and try to get more than him and he might give you writing advice if you ask.


Oh that makes sense. That's cool that he runs that!

2 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

I've never watched Secrets in Stained Glass... cool name though...


It's sooooooooooo good. It's the shardcast people playing the Mistborn adventure game set in Era 1, and they're all nobles with political intrigue and really fleshed out characters which is awesome. 

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if you have nothing to do on here, try checking out the link in my sign. (it's bound to "MeeM")

the only reason it's not any bigger is because of the anti-double post rule. (not that it's a bad thing, I just have a lot to say, too little time to say it in text.)

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Hello peoples


On 11/14/2023 at 6:19 AM, The Sibling said:

Yeah. If they weren't so expensive I would definitely want to take fencing lessons because that would be awesome. Plus if I knew how to fence then I could vent a sport called unicycle fencing. 

Yeah me too. I'm on the room where it happens. 


Probably swimming, but not competitive. I teach swimming and I love just being in and around boats and stuff.

Really hard to choose. I love Six of Crows, and there's a book called the Sweep or something like that that I really liked when I was younger.

What things do you have in your garden?

I read six of crows! I really liked it though there were some things that made me a lil uncomfortable 😜 

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