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Crazy (active) people on shard

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if a headline ends in a "?", the answer is often "no."

people need to seperate the art from it's artist, and be more forgiving. 


if artist does something bad, but somewhat small, like, saying something kinda rude, you should say: "hey, I/whomever didn't like what you said, please apologise." canning them is not correct. if the artist does something VERY bad, (ex: doxing, physically harming someone, etc.) then you can support  the creation, but not the creator.

trying to silence something tends to cause more focus on that thing than what would realistically happen if it was left alone. 




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wanted to post something just to post something. most of those were stolen from wikipedia. the second one is just me rambling on as i usually do.

I would've posted it in late knight randomness (see my signature), but... double posting is not allowed.

Edited by Just_a_Fan
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