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Would anyone be interested in doing an adventure in Tamriel? It's a place that is familiar to most of us and has an abundance of magic and weaponry and monsters. PM me if you are interested and maybe we can start up a group conversation to actually outline something out. 

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I used to enjoy Tamriel RPs. But then I took an arrow--


* is pulled off stage with a crook *


(I actually know nothing about Tamriel. Someone I knew played Skyrim for a while, so I only know a couple of monster names and the arrow meme.)

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But with added bonus of MAPS! I think it's the perfect place to help with practice narrating a story. Cities and Villages and Guilds and everything are already set up.


We wouldn't play into Bathesda's prisoner fetish, but we could start as already known companions meeting up in an inn in Cyrodil maybe. Or even stumble upon each other as strangers. 

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Tamriel,world of Skyrim and all that other stuff, for those who don't know. As nostalgic as it would be to begin in an inn, am I the only one corrupted by the need to do something less conventional? We'll need some time and practice getting used to the mechanics as a group, it wouldn't hurt to start someplace where we'd have easy access to that. Furthermore, unless I'm not understanding anything, we'll need something approaching the role of a DM. Who'll that be?

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I'd say nose goes because I want a pc but since it was my idea maybe I should. Unless someone else who has more experience would take upon the mantle of Dork DungeonMaster.

Edited by BreathTaker
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I have little (Read: none) experience as a DM but I'm well versed in tamerilic lore, I'd be happy to give it a try.
I think Guilds would be a good place for learning the mechanics too, playing the role of newly arrived apprentices/thugs/warriors/assasins and learning the ropes.

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Tamriel,world of Skyrim and all that other stuff, for those who don't know. As nostalgic as it would be to begin in an inn, am I the only one corrupted by the need to do something less conventional? We'll need some time and practice getting used to the mechanics as a group, it wouldn't hurt to start someplace where we'd have easy access to that. Furthermore, unless I'm not understanding anything, we'll need something approaching the role of a DM. Who'll that be?


UESP.Net is a better place For Tamriel Lore. Also, I call being a Bosmer Assasin.


Panda, Tamriel is the World of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim.

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For those of you who don't know Tamriel, I'm just going to give you a short Run down.


There are 10 Races, and 9 Provinces. Most Race has a Sterotype they tend to Follow.


The Races of Men:

Imperials Hail From Cyrodil, the Capital, and are mainly Merchants/diplomats, though they can also be Legionares.

Nords hail from Skyrim, and are Generally Berserkers/Juggernauts.

Bretons hail from High Rock and are mainly Summoners or Necromancers.

Redguards Hail from Hammerfell and are mainy Warriors, or adventurers.


The Elven Folk:

(Dark elves) Dunmer hail from Morrowind, and are generally Magical assasins.

(Wood elves) Bosmer hail from Vallenwood, and are the best Archers.

(High Elves) Altmer Hail from the Summerset Isle, and make the best Mages.

(Orcs) Orsimer Hail  From, No where. Their Province was conquered by High Rock. They're Bersrkers.


The Beasts among Us:

Khajiit Hail from Elsweyr, and make good thieves. (Cat people)

Argonians hail Black Marsh and also make good thieves (Lizard People)



There are 4 Guilds, The Fighter's Guild, the Mage's Guild, The Thieve's Guild, and the Dark Brotherhood.

                                      Combat                   Magic                      Stealth                         Awesomeness


All the provinces are part of the Empire, and all the races are Racist against everyone else. The Nords and High elves are the Most so.


Anything I miss?

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UESP.Net is a better place For Tamriel Lore. Also, I call being a Bosmer Assasin.


Panda, Tamriel is the World of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim.


Ah... Thank you, Joe and Observer. It's been a long time since I've played Skyrim. No wonder why it sounded familiar.


So do we build our characters now? And is this like DaD, where we get a number of skil points to build our characters?


And is Fus Do Rahing sheep/people off the top of mountains considered acceptable?  :D

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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It depends on how many responsibilities the DM has, I'm happy to forgo a player for it if needed, but yeah if they're going to be controlling random encounters and other NPC's that's potentially not going to leave much time for controlling a player.

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