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All that's left for you to get is a Name.


Conjuration allows you to Summon Shardblades and other Spectral Weapons. It also allows you to summon Minor Daedra to fight for you. Necromancy is included in this Skill.


Alterations doeas a Variety of things. As Voidus said, it lets you Open locks, Walk on Water, Paralyse your enemies or Increase your Armor. It also lets you absorb Magic, breathe underwater, Detect Life or Undead and gives you access to Telekinesis.

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Character Name: Nynn gro-Shugg


Race: Orsimer


Class: Freelance Mercenary


Skills: One Handed, Duel Wielding, Heavy Armour, Sneak, Blunted, Athletics, two handed


Appearance: See picture


Background: tba


Daedra: Malacath



Edited by Mrs. Voidus
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Since I'm such a magic addict (regardless of how good it is), I'll join the Mage's Guild as:


Name: Jain Farstrider (Come on... someone get the reference)


Race: High Elf (yeah, my name isn't elfish. Let's just say he was raised by humans)


Age: Unknown (If that's allowed)


Job: Travelling elvish Alchemist/Artificer


Skills: Unarmored (I'm not a klingon that usually charges into battle naked, I'll have you know <_<. This is a one-time only thing), One-handed (A rapier), Conjuration, Alchemy, Enchanting, Speechcraft.


Appearance: Jain as the regal, honey-skinned appearance of most High Elves (or Altmer). He has platinum blonde hair and wears a simple (at least, by elf standards) travelling cloak. He carries with him an ornate elvish rapier and a travelling bag stocked with various alchemical and artificing equipment.


Backstory: Jain was abandoned as a baby due to unknown reasons, and was adopted by a human artificer who was married to an alchemist. Jain learnt both his trades from the unlikely match of his parents. When he reached adulthood, he began travelling the lands, earning his coin as a travelling artificer/alchemist. He has traveled Tamriel extensively, earning his nickname "Farstrider"


Princes: Mora and Namira


Guild: Mages Guild



However, if Necromancy is allowed in this game, then here would be my other character build (since I'm an even bigger fan of necromancers than wizards  :D)


Name: Arantir Erebos (Someone please get the 2 references)


Race: Breton (Vampire, if that's allowed)


Age: 55


Job: Necromancer. If you ever want to talk to your dead wife, just ask him.


Skills: Unarmored, Conjuration, Illusion, Alchemy, One-Handed (Ebony Dagger) , Restoration and Enchanting.


Appearance: Arantir has the appearance of a tall middle-aged man (despite being much older than that), due to his dabblings with dark magic, and has long black hair streaked with grey. He's a fairly quite but sarcastic person, and carriers around with him an a naturally dark Ebony Dagger. e also has a prominet spide tattoo on his forehead.


Backstory: Arantir's mother died during childbirth, and his father died from grief not long after. Orphaned as a child, Arantir was taken as an apprentice by a witch, and was mistreated and abused. He did, however, learn the art of necromancy. Once he reached the age of 16, Arantir killed the witch that had adopted him with the very spells she had taught him and set out to see the world for himself.


Princes: Vaerima and Mora.


Guild: Mages


Edit: Nevermind, saw the description. Picking the Necromancer build.


Edit 2: By the way, are we allowed to choose our gear?

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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However, if Necromancy is allowed in this game, then here would be my other character build (since I'm an even bigger fan of necromancers than wizards  :D)

Name: Arantir Erebos (Someone please get the 2 references)
Race: Breton (Vampire, if that's allowed)
Edit 2: By the way, are we allowed to choose our gear?


Voidus talked about Necromancy in his First Post, so you're in.


Arantir I recognize. He's from Heroes of Might and Magic 5. Erebos though, The Name rings a Bell. Is he in the Riyria Revelations series?


If you're a Vampire, Voidus might harvest you. Other than that, Why not?


Stats aren't really a thing, so Sure, choose your own Gear.

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Yep and yep, both names are references to 2 of my favorite death-related characters from games (Arantir the Necromancer from Heroes of Might and Magic 5 and Erebos the God of Death from Magic: the Gathering). In fact, I might as well add a Spider tattoo to Arantir's forehead.  :D. I think I'll hold it on the whip, though.


Considering how we can give ourselves any puny mortal items, then I'm giving myself A Shrouded Hood, Necromancer Robes, Vampire Boots and Vampire Gauntlets. 


Edit: Oh yeah, are we on Level 1 for skills or at we at any stage?


Edit 2:Right, I'll be popping in to do some RP in the Thread. Let's buddy up, Voidus, ey?

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Alright, been a while since I've done anything Tamriel, so this might need some fact-checking. For now, here we are.


Name: Dar'Omnir


Race:  Ohmes Khajiit


Age: 27 (IIRC, Khajiit generally die around age 60. This sound about right?)


Job: Assassin and Scammer


Skills: 1-handed (Short Sword/Knives), Stealth, Security, Acrobatics, Alchemy ,Marksmanship, Speechcraft


Appearance: Dar'Omnir looks very similar to a Wood Elf, with sandy brown hair and slightly feline features. He's short, even for his kind, but manages to make it look imposing regardless with  an obviously enchanted bow and a large array of bladed weapons. He has taken a few measures to distract attention from his clouded eye, but it can still be seen by the observant.


Backstory: Dar'Omnir was obviously raised by his parents for at least a while, but cannot remember anything about them. As far as he's concerned, he was always out on the streets, scamming and killing for a living. After a few successful hits, he found himself rather wealthy, but found the drive to kill and plunder never quite faded. Inevitably, after killing a few of those who would not be missed, just to prove that he still could,  Dar'Omnir moved on to a larger target. It was during this job that he had his encounter with the Dark Brotherhood, and it was also during that job that a bit of unexpected resistance ruined his left eye, clouding it over to the point of near-uselessness. To the present day, Dar'Omnir has been a member of the Dark Brotherhood, though generally kept at arm's length due to bursts of overzealousness and tendency to harm more than just the hit.


Princes: Boethiah and Nocturnal


Guild: Dark Brotherhood

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