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The best thing is, I hadn't even put Laxativies in your cup the first time. I justsaid that to mess with you. So I did fool you Twice!


Also, people, myself included, please stop saying what other characters would do, especially if what that character is doing is 'outof character' for them, like Sulen screaming, He wouldn't do that.


EDIT: Also, does anyone mind if the Vampire Chieftan Dude is an Orc?


I second third (what place am I!?) that. Let's just stay with our characters unless necessary.


That college is probably going to explode from too many powerful mages/warriors in one spot...  <_<

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While I contemplate whether or not Omnir would be able to resist robbing a house to pass the time, we might as well have a less distracted version of the Doc discussion. Exactly what are we going to be up against here? The boss has to be able to challenge all of us, which means he is likely very high level. And what would somebody so high level want with a bunch of bandits?

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Techniccly, I'm the DM for this Quest, so;


He's a High Level Orc Vampire, and Chosen Champion of Malacath. He can summon High Level Daedra. He has so many bandits because he's using them to blackmail the Merchants and Count of Bravil.


Class: Juggernaut


Skills: Heavy Armor, Two handed, Smithing, Athletics, Enchanting, Speech, Conjuration.

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So Breathtaker, exactly how do you plan on getting out of prison?


Also, we've landed firmly back into Elder Scrolls territory with the prisons thing. Well done, keeping with the theme.


It's just a night in jail because of the bar fighting. Duke needed to do something to pass the time while you guys started to head out. But it is boring drinking alone so he decided to make some fun out of it. How long is it going to take everyone to get to Riverhold? A hard ride looks like it should take three or four days to arrive. I'm going to track down whoever stole my coins and beat them senseless. 

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