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Also, Who's going to believe he commit Suicide when all his teeth are pulled out?


They'll blame it on looters and thieves who found the body.

Very, very strange looters and thieves.


Or maybe, if he died and a pillow fell on his face, they'll think the tooth fairy made a mistake...?

More likely than any of this they'll all repeat "What a waste" in the same voice, clean up the body and then forget about it.

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Yeah I mean they would be guards picking up a body in the Riverhold Slums. Chances are they won't care plus his whole will would probably be completely ignored. Duke was just trying to do something right. I think it adds a small bit of realism to attempt something nice and nothing actually comes of it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry. Forgot about this.


If we still want to do this, We can probably get to the fight scene fairly soon. Within 4 or 5 posts.


Once we're in the cave, I'd like our Characters to split up. That way we can RP fighting bandits and Daedra without having to ask each other what they're doing. Once we're bored of that, We'll fight the Vampire dude.


If you don't post by the time we're ready to fight the Boss, we'll assume you no longer wish to participate, and find your bodies in the cave. Any objections?

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