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Managed to squeeze in a post based on how I generally wind up playing most Elder Scrolls games. When stealth just stops being worth it, you make up for your total lack of any other skills and play like a warrior.

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Can I just say that dispatching eleven bandits single-handedly would be quite a difficult feat, particularly if 5 of them got to close range and you were a stealth rather than tank type fighter. It was a great post but I just feel like it was slightly unrealistic.

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I'm kinda making fun of the level 100 sneak trait that makes people totally forget you exist while you ram knives into their buddies. That, along with spending hours in enchant, is probably the only way I've ever beaten Skyrim. I'll admit it was excessive, but what on earth else do you use that pointless perk for?

Also I've come to realize Dar'Omnir will probably die very young being the kind of person he is with the problems he has. Thinking I'll probably just kill him here whenever. Can't always get away with stupid risks.

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I thought it was a Nightingale reference actually, one of their powers makes you completely invisible when you sneak.

I find that Illusion magic is the most game breaking for me, fury spell>Invisibility. Wait for everyone to kill eachother, fire a lightning bolt at the last survivor.
But yeah just cause I play as stealth classes a lot and once you've been detected if there's more than 2 or 3 people around I usually just run and hide rather than taking them on otherwise you usually die pretty quickly.

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Figured making myself a nightingale would be a step too far, however OP it could be. Still, not much that's funnier than putting on a set of +40% to one-handed gear and then decapitating everything in single combat despite being a rogue. There's a reason Skyrim has it's own tv tropes page for game breakers, but imo enchanting has really worked to earn a spot there.


Also, another illusion game-breaking player :D Harmony + Legendary, y'know?

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It's a really old computerized D&D game from the Neverwinter Nights series by Bioware. It takes place mainly in the Underdark, and involves many, many fights with drow who just never stop throwing up those stupid globes of magical darkness. Think Drizzt, but on a much larger scale.

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