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What we need now is to decide if the initial quest is a heist, a kill, a fetch, or whatever. From there we can figure out what our odd mix of people is doing working the same-ish job..


(This of course assuming we'd find it a million times easier to all work on one quest, rather than lots of different ones. That's what we're doing, afaik.)

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Alright, Just start throwing out random Ideas.

  • Assasinating the Emperor
  • Blackmailing a councilor into passing a law
  • A Jail break
  • Ending a Chain Store
  • Eliminating a cult
  • Tracking down a murderer
  • Stealing an Elderscroll
  • Stealing a different priceless artifact.
  • Stealing Wabbajack from a Mage for Uncle Sheo
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I don't know that we can really Assasinate the emperor :P might be a bit too far from canon.
Nice easy bandit raid would probably be a good start, 'kill the leader of the Blood Bandits' the leader is secretly a vampire?

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I was just throwing Ideas out there.


Ok, so we have a Vampire bandit Chieftan who we've been hired to kill. Is the leader a he or a she? Are the blood bandits holed up in a cave, fort, ruin or abanoded Village? Do we want to just charge in and kill everyone? Or just kill the Vamp?


Once we know that, we can start RP'ing. Also, I vote a cave. Vampires and assasins both like to fight in caves.


Also, these bandits. Let's assume they have Near human AI's. No "Oh, I got shot in the face, but I don't see anyone, so i won't tell my buddies to look for an assasin". Stupid Computers.

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I kind of agree, I was thinking maybe we should each make a secondary questing character, I just don't see the GM's getting involved personally that often.
There'd probably be archers, maybe some vampiric mages too

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Name: Al'al


Race: High Elf


Age: young for a high elf


Job: thief/mage


Skills: Light armor, mysticism, illusion, One handed, pickpocket, lockpicking and acrobatics


Appearance: Al'al looks like your average high elf, except he has a curvy short-sword on the left of his belt, and on the right, a straight one. He never lets them leave his side. he also wears a grey cloak with a cowl that is only used before and after he kills, for when he uses his swords, his hair and eyes glow blood red, and the swords glow with a red light from the gem in their pommels. He normally uses his illusion magic to hide the glow, but in the ecstasy of the kill, he loses control.



Backstory: Al'al was born in Solitude when his parents were visiting it. They weren't ready for this, so they left him there and continued on their important diplomatic mission. So Al grew up with the other High Elven orphans in the city and a man by the name of Ben. He never told Al and the rest his real name. It was a hard life, and during it Al learned a lot of thievery skills, pickpocketing, lockpicking, how to pull off heists, how to sell stuff quietly. Ben knew how make High Elves theives. He taught Al illusion and Mysticism magic to help him pull off more than he could otherwise.


On the  day Al came of age, he found two swords at the foot of his bed along with a note from Ben. It read "Al. You have a choice. You can ignore the swords, and live your life as it is. Or pick up the swords and begin anew as a Killer. Keep your friends, your dirt, your squalor, or leave them for a soulless life of killing and legends."


Al picked up the swords, his eyes began to glow, and he entered a bloodthirsty trance. He slaughtered all his friends without a second thought, but when he was finished and the trance left him, he wept and swore never to draw the swords again.

Ben walked in and told him "You've passed. Welcome to Somerset Shadows, the true power in the world. You're one of us now. Next you have to kill your parents."

Al wept for a long time, then threw the swords at Ben. "NO!" he yelled. "I will be yours no longer!" 

Ben looked down at the two blades protruding from his chest. "Whoops. Guess I messed up." His eyes rolled back and he slumped to the ground, dead.


That day, Al swore never to use the swords unless he was in grave danger.


He left Solitude to find the truth about Somerset Shadows



Princes:Mora and Dagon


EDIT: IDK what the cities are, and IDK if there is an OP group that would work for that, but we could make one, and I could be hiring you all to destroy the group. Also, yes, glowing berserker swords. Deal with it.


EDIT2: Group and City added.

Edited by Ashiok
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Ok. I like that idea better. We can be high up in our guilds but not GMs so that they can be the NPC for our quests and our Mains can play. Except the Speaker/ Listener, there should be a different Guild masters on every town. I like Duke so I would like to play as him. And I think that the camp should be outside Bravil.

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So, I think I'm going to be a Redguard with Hand-to-hand, stealth, Bladed, Light armor, Illusion, Destruction, and Conjuration/Alteration. Can someone explain those two and then I'll decide. What other info do I need? Besides appearance and things like that.

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