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Would make sense if they did. I imagine Omnir has been, if nothing else, a bit of a problem in the past with his inability to kill just one target. Whether Sulen knows more than that is up to you. Make something up, and I'll roll with it.

Edited by Observer
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The best thing is, I hadn't even put Laxativies in your cup the first time. I justsaid that to mess with you. So I did fool you Twice!


Also, people, myself included, please stop saying what other characters would do, especially if what that character is doing is 'outof character' for them, like Sulen screaming, He wouldn't do that.


EDIT: Also, does anyone mind if the Vampire Chieftan Dude is an Orc?

Edited by The Only Joe
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The best thing is, I hadn't even put Laxativies in your cup the first time. I justsaid that to mess with you. So I did fool you Twice!


Also, people, myself included, please stop saying what other characters would do, especially if what that character is doing is 'outof character' for them, like Sulen screaming, He wouldn't do that.


EDIT: Also, does anyone mind if the Vampire Chieftan Dude is an Orc?

I was about to say the same thing, unless someone's said it's ok try not to control their characters.

I'd love to see a vampiric orc chieftan.

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Hey guys just posting my bio here as a quick reference as its been changed heaps since 3 or 4 pages ago..


Character Name: Nynn gro-Shugg


Race: Orsimer


Class: Freelance Mercenary


Skills: One Handed, Duel Wielding, Heavy Armour, Sneak, Blunted, Athletics, two handed


Appearance: See picture


Background: Having lived in Skyrim with her family for generations, Nynn learned her unusual fighting tactics from her mother in their stronghold near the college of Winterhold. It was not long after her Fifteenth year that Nynn and a select few were sent out on a dangerous mission for some conjurers as escorts through the local crypts. Proving her skill at disarming the draugr for the mages before they performed soul trap, Nynn was offered much work thereafter for her care and precision in fighting which set her ahead from the other warrior orcs. 

Quickly becoming wealthy through her endeavours, Nynn acquired a taste for the fine wines of the Surilie Brothers and the oldest Ayleid artefacts and decided to spend the last of her thirties adventuring before settling down in her manse in the Imperial city in Cyrodill.


Daedra: Malacath



Edited by Mrs. Voidus
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Also, people, myself included, please stop saying what other characters would do, especially if what that character is doing is 'outof character' for them, like Sulen screaming, He wouldn't do that.


EDIT: Also, does anyone mind if the Vampire Chieftan Dude is an Orc?

Thanks for pointing this out, 


and as my character is an Orc, that could lead to some interesting moral questions for my character so I say he could be :)

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