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Stick's Poetry and/or Writing and/or artwork (sometimes)


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6 hours ago, Just-A-Stick said:


Hi people...

Yesterday I was feeling arty...

So I messed around with some fine line pen things...

On a lil envelope...

here it is

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The front


And the back..

Then... I was looking through my camera roll on my phone and found some absolutely gorgeous pansies

They were practically begging to be painted with watercolor.

I'll just say this.

I'm not a painter, but I like to mess around.


Here's the first attempt at a pansy

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 And here is the reference for that one.

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And here is my second attempt 

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And the reference for that one

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And the reference for this one puts it to shame, but here it is anyway

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So, that's what I did...

I enjoyed it...


Those are all so pretty!! I think the first pansy is my favourite, but the lines on the third one are really well done!

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2 hours ago, Faerie Braids said:

Those are all so pretty!! I think the first pansy is my favourite, but the lines on the third one are really well done!


1 hour ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

They’re all really good, and I like the envelope and the third pansy a lot! Keep up the good work!


Thank you!


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9 hours ago, Just-A-Stick said:


Hi people...

Yesterday I was feeling arty...

So I messed around with some fine line pen things...

On a lil envelope...

here it is

  Reveal hidden contents


The front


And the back..

Then... I was looking through my camera roll on my phone and found some absolutely gorgeous pansies

They were practically begging to be painted with watercolor.

I'll just say this.

I'm not a painter, but I like to mess around.


Here's the first attempt at a pansy

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 And here is the reference for that one.

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And here is my second attempt 

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And the reference for that one

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And the reference for this one puts it to shame, but here it is anyway

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So, that's what I did...

I enjoyed it...


i absoluttly loved all the flowers and the envelope. keep up the good art

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Just now, Just-A-Stick said:

True, and as my friend Veil likes to say, "It's okay to not be okay." 

she sounds like a verry good person. *now wondering if the court gave you to the right deal* 

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1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

she sounds like a verry good person. *now wondering if the court gave you to the right deal* 

*literally can't remember what the verdict on that case was*

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Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

*remember the hospital bit? i still dont know how you got there*


I tripped trying to run away from conflict and tripped, slamming my face on the concrete. :D 

I think I broke my nose... :P 

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18 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:


I tripped trying to run away from conflict and tripped, slamming my face on the concrete. :D 

I think I broke my nose... :P 

oh. that makes sence why it happened outside

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On 3/9/2024 at 7:54 AM, Just-A-Stick said:

Hi people...

Yesterday I was feeling arty...

So I messed around with some fine line pen things...

On a lil envelope...

here it is

  Reveal hidden contents


The front


And the back..

Then... I was looking through my camera roll on my phone and found some absolutely gorgeous pansies

They were practically begging to be painted with watercolor.

I'll just say this.

I'm not a painter, but I like to mess around.


Here's the first attempt at a pansy

  Reveal hidden contents


 And here is the reference for that one.

  Reveal hidden contents

Wow! Those are amazing!

Good job, Stick! 😁

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


TW:  Blood, violence, neglect, self harm, school shooting, murder, suicide. 





The girl looked in the mirror, adjusting the mask that covered the lower half of her face. It was turned up in a bright, cheerful smile. It helped hide all the pain on the inside. Is it good enough? It wouldn’t do to have anyone prying into her past. Not today.

She brushed the mask over with makeup, matching it to the rest of her face, adding in a few beautiful details. Just to make them like me.

The girl turned away from the bathroom mirror, satisfied that nobody would find out.

She tugged her sweatshirt sleeves down, covering all of the many, ugly scars on her arms. Hiding the rope burns underneath her bracelets. Hiding where her ribs stuck out from lack of food with special pads in her clothes.

She picked up her backpack, barely able to carry it because of its weight. It held so much baggage. It held everything. To lose it would ruin everything. So she would keep it with her.

The girl struggled down the front steps of the decrepit old house. She turned the street corner and started walking, shoulders hunched against the cold wind.

She walked that way until about a block away from the building. Stoping there, she stepped behind a tress, pulling out a tiny mirror and checking that everything was in place. Good… it’s all good. She snapped the case shut, put it away and finished her walk, one hand resting comfortably on the gun inside her coat.

She ducked through the doors, walking down the hallway, a spring in her step and a smile on her face while, on the inside, her gut roiled with hatred.

Hatred of herself, and everyone else. It was a swirling pit of darkness, cruel and twisted. But that was her. That was who she was. It was the most important part of her.

She stopped at her locker, hand tightening on the gun in her jacket, fingers caressing the smooth, worn rubber. This wasn’t their first rodeo. They had killed before. It was easy. Ready? She asked the gun, not expecting a response, but asking anyway.

She looked up and down the hallway, verifying that there were plenty of students. Targets. She corrected herself. That’s all they are now. Targets.

She would have to be quick. She would have to kill as many as she could before killing herself.

All in one fluid motion, she yanked the gun out of her jacket and opened fire, tuning the screams out as blood sprayed the once white hallway.


                                                                                                . . .



“Motivation?” The news reporter said to the camera. “The police were unable to find any. The murderer was the person the surviving students always saw as the smiling, happy, calm and respectful type. When trying to dig into her past, we couldn’t find anything except a few forged birth certificates. No family, no relatives, no caretakers. Just empty record after empty record.

The murderer is now dead. She reportedly turned the gun on herself after killing and wounding a total of 35 students. Please be supportive of the families and friends of those lost, and together, we will stand through this tragedy as a community.”

The broadcast ended and the screen went black. The girl stood up and left the room.

It was time to move to a new city.


~ Stick 3-24-24


Edited by Just-A-Stick
The Italics didn't carry over
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14 hours ago, Just-A-Stick said:


TW:  Blood, violence, neglect, self harm, school shooting, murder, suicide. 


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The girl looked in the mirror, adjusting the mask that covered the lower half of her face. It was turned up in a bright, cheerful smile. It helped hide all the pain on the inside. Is it good enough? It wouldn’t do to have anyone prying into her past. Not today.

She brushed the mask over with makeup, matching it to the rest of her face, adding in a few beautiful details. Just to make them like me.

The girl turned away from the bathroom mirror, satisfied that nobody would find out.

She tugged her sweatshirt sleeves down, covering all of the many, ugly scars on her arms. Hiding the rope burns underneath her bracelets. Hiding where her ribs stuck out from lack of food with special pads in her clothes.

She picked up her backpack, barely able to carry it because of its weight. It held so much baggage. It held everything. To lose it would ruin everything. So she would keep it with her.

The girl struggled down the front steps of the decrepit old house. She turned the street corner and started walking, shoulders hunched against the cold wind.

She walked that way until about a block away from the building. Stoping there, she stepped behind a tress, pulling out a tiny mirror and checking that everything was in place. Good… it’s all good. She snapped the case shut, put it away and finished her walk, one hand resting comfortably on the gun inside her coat.

She ducked through the doors, walking down the hallway, a spring in her step and a smile on her face while, on the inside, her gut roiled with hatred.

Hatred of herself, and everyone else. It was a swirling pit of darkness, cruel and twisted. But that was her. That was who she was. It was the most important part of her.

She stopped at her locker, hand tightening on the gun in her jacket, fingers caressing the smooth, worn rubber. This wasn’t their first rodeo. They had killed before. It was easy. Ready? She asked the gun, not expecting a response, but asking anyway.

She looked up and down the hallway, verifying that there were plenty of students. Targets. She corrected herself. That’s all they are now. Targets.

She would have to be quick. She would have to kill as many as she could before killing herself.

All in one fluid motion, she yanked the gun out of her jacket and opened fire, tuning the screams out as blood sprayed the once white hallway.


                                                                                                . . .



“Motivation?” The news reporter said to the camera. “The police were unable to find any. The murderer was the person the surviving students always saw as the smiling, happy, calm and respectful type. When trying to dig into her past, we couldn’t find anything except a few forged birth certificates. No family, no relatives, no caretakers. Just empty record after empty record.

The murderer is now dead. She reportedly turned the gun on herself after killing and wounding a total of 35 students. Please be supportive of the families and friends of those lost, and together, we will stand through this tragedy as a community.”

The broadcast ended and the screen went black. The girl stood up and left the room.

It was time to move to a new city.


~ Stick 3-24-24


that was... are you ok? the craftsmanship was excellent. the formating, style and the rest were amazing.  

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On 3/25/2024 at 4:39 AM, RoyalBeeMage said:

are you ok?

Not really but it's fine.

On 3/25/2024 at 4:39 AM, RoyalBeeMage said:

the craftsmanship was excellent. the formating, style and the rest were amazing.

Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Y'all mind if I post a school writing assignment?



We had to do a "photo story"

We were handed a sheet of paper with 5 photos on it and had to choose one as the theme of the story!

I'll post the story and at the bottom will be the picture I chose!

Enjoy! :D 


TW: Divorce


April 17, 2024


The Chasm Between



The girl walked slowly along the sidewalk, hood up, headphones on, trying to block out the yelling. She could still hear it, though she knew it was only her imagination. She would hear it again tonight. And the night after. It was normal now, and yet… it still bothered her. It shouldn’t. She was just weaker than everyone else.

A single tear rolled down her cheek and hit the pavement below with a silent splash, but the girl ignored it. It was time for school anyway, and everyone was used to seeing her cry.

She got to school and walked down the hallway, ignoring the whispers and stares. The girl got to her locker, took off her headphones, and walked, head down, to her first class. 

* * *

The mother stood at the kitchen sink, up to her wrists in dishwater as she cleaned the breakfast plates. He had left for work already, her husband, the one she had once loved. How would she tell the girl, the only light in her world, that she would have to choose…

The mother shook her head, clearing the thoughts away to worry about later. She had a meeting with the lawyer soon and had to get ready first. She finished the dishes, left them to dry beside the sink, and walked into the bedroom to change. 

The mother walked out the front door, locked it behind her, got in her car, and drove away, leaving the silent sentinel of a house behind.

* * *

The father sat at his desk in the lonely office, head in his hands, eyes staring blankly at the page before him. All it needed was his signature. One scribble on a line and everything would change. The father knew he had work to do, that he should… something caught the corner of his eye and he looked up to see the girl’s kindergarten picture sitting beside his computer monitor. He grabbed it and stuffed the picture, frame, and all, under a pile of papers in his bottom desk drawer. There was no need to make this any harder than it had to be. 

The father shook his head and returned to his computer, opening the next email that needed his attention and returning to work. He’d sign it later… later when it wasn’t so hard. 

* * *

The girl walked up the front steps of her house, opening the door and shutting it quietly behind her. She let her backpack slide to the floor with a soft thud and nudged it into the corner with one foot. She looked around the silent house before creeping up the stairs and into her room. The girl shut her bedroom door, leaned her back against it, and slid to the floor, burying her face in her arms. She gave up holding the tears in, but made sure she sobbed quietly enough that those who might be downstairs wouldn’t be able to hear. 

* * *

She entered the house, hung her purse on its hook, entered the kitchen, and sat at the table. Her mind felt… numb. Am I really doing this? Isn’t there another way? The mother didn’t know, she was just trying to escape. She simply couldn’t live in a home with the man she had once loved. He had changed… he wasn’t the same person he was in the beginning. The man he was now was harsh and bitter, always working, always doing something. She never felt the fire that there had once been between them. No, that was of the past. This decision… was for everyone’s good, right? She would be free. The girl… the girl would understand- she would learn to understand.

The mother stood, crossed the small kitchen, and opened the refrigerator. There was food, at least. That was a small blessing. She wouldn’t have to go shopping. She added ingredients to her mixing bowl, making a casserole they could all eat that evening. When she finished mixing everything, the mother poured it into a baking dish slid it into the hot oven, and shut the door. There was still time for her to shower before dinner. She went upstairs to her bedroom and closed the door behind her. 

* * *

The father walked into the house, went into the small office at the back of the house, and set his laptop bag on his desk. He took the paper out of his bag and walked into the kitchen, fists clenched. 

His wife… former wife? Was standing by the stove, taking dinner out of the oven. He slapped the page down on the table loudly. She jumped and turned around, startled. “It’s signed.” He said flatly, face expressionless and eyes angry. She blinked and glanced at the paper, not saying anything. The father felt a sudden dark anger rise in him. “Are you happy now?!” He roared, slamming his open hand against the tabletop. The mother flinched visibly, her shaking hands clutching the front of her shirt. “You wonder why I want to leave you?” She spat at him, voice shaky and eyes filling with tears.

 He couldn’t stand to see her cry. Not now… when everything was so fragile. The father shook his head and stalked angrily out of the room, slamming the door to his office behind him. 

* * *

She could hear her father in the kitchen. The girl heard him yell. Why aren’t the walls thicker? She wondered, listening to her mother’s tearful reply. She wrapped her arms around her knees, holding them tightly, eyes shut tight. 

The girl tried to imagine a better life, a better time when there wasn’t so much fighting and shouting. There weren't so many tears, so much hiding, so much fear. 

It would be dinner time soon, but the girl wasn't hungry. She didn’t want to sit through the uncomfortable silence and pretend they were a normal family. She didn’t want anyone to ask her how her day had been, to try and make small talk with all the issues looming over all their heads. 

The girl didn’t even know what she wanted anymore. Nothing felt safe, nothing felt normal. 

She felt like she was trying to build a bridge, one between the rift forming, her parents on separate sides. She could picture it in her mind. The dark water rushed below. She was trying her best not to fall into that water, but it was getting harder. What awaited below, she had no idea, just that it wasn’t the place she wanted to end up. 

She shook her head, clearing the dark image from her mind. She heard her mother call her for dinner and sighed before standing, opening her door, and creeping down the stairs. 

* * *

The mother had calmed down and no longer looked like she had been crying. She set the table and called the father and her daughter to dinner. 

“How was your day?” She asked the girl, pasting on a false smile. “Fine.” Was the only reply given. The mother nodded encouragingly, eating her meal, though it had no flavor to her. 

The girl didn’t say anything more, she only prodded the food with her fork but didn’t eat. The mother sighed and set down her fork. “Sweetheart… your… father and I wanted to tell you something.” The girl stared down at the table silently, head bowed. “We… We decided that we are going to separate. We’re getting a divorce.”

* * *

He sat at the table with them, but he didn’t feel like he belonged. The father felt like he was already gone. Already forgotten. “We… We decided that we are going to separate. We’re getting a divorce.” The woman said softly but firmly. No going back now. Should he say something? “It’s the best for everyone.” He finally said, breaking the heavy silence.

He watched as the girl nodded once, stood up, and left the room. 

* * *

Divorce. The word echoed in her ears. We’re getting a divorce. It’s the best for everyone. The girl flopped onto her bed, burying under her blankets and pulling them over her head.

 It’s happening. The bridge- her bridge- was gone now. Swallowed by the dark water. She would have to go with her mother. The chasm was complete. Things would never be the same. Her father was the whole way across the divide, her and her mother on this side.

And yet she thought, the water hasn’t swallowed me yet. The girl wished she could cry, show some emotion at least, but the tears didn’t come. She felt numb, not sad. I guess this is normal now.

* * *

It was done. The girl knew. This is best. I deserve better than this man. 

The mother wrote the girl a letter, explaining the details of everything. The girl would stay with her. She at least was safe. Divorce. The word turned over in her mind, but she felt no regret. It was the best thing for all of them, in the end. 

She left the letter on the table, where the girl would find it. Everything would be okay now.

* * *

The father packed his belongings, loading them into his car silently. There was no point in fighting this. The decision was made and there was no going back from the legal agreement. He wasn’t good enough for this family anyway. Maybe he could find a new wife? He was sad to leave his daughter the most. She, at least, had loved him. He would see her during the summers, that was one small mercy. 



So there you go!

Today we had to grade our own stories and I gave myself 15/33.

Here's the picture



That's all, thanks for reading!

~ Stick ❤️ 

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