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Aluminum’s effect on physical to cognitive realm travel


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Since aluminum, as far as we know, can’t really be affected by investiture, would it be possible to transport it from the physical realm to the cognitive, using a perpendicularity or the surge of transportation? I suspect that if you are inside of an aluminum box, you can’t travel to the cognitive realm, but really,what would be stopping you? Would using aluminum handcuffs be in effective way of disableing an elscaller? Because you’re not using the surge on the aluminum you’re using it on yourself so aluminum shouldn’t stop that. If anyone has WOB on this, that would be very appreciated.

Edited by Stormlightsong
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14 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

Since aluminum, as far as we know, can’t really be affected by investiture, would it be possible to transport it from the physical realm to the cognitive, using a perpendicularity or the surge of transportation? I suspect that if you are inside of an aluminum box, you can’t travel to the cognitive realm, but really,what would be stopping you? Would using aluminum handcuffs be in effective way of disableing an elscaller? Because you’re not using the surge on the aluminum you’re using it on yourself so aluminum shouldn’t stop that. If anyone has WOB on this, that would be very appreciated.

Not so much a WoB as an observation - Nightblood's sheath is Aluminum, and both Nightblood and the Sheath came to Roshar via Shadesmar and traversed at least two perpendicularities.

It's not so much that Aluminum can't be affected by investiture (since a Mistborn, Misting and Ferring are all obviously using it to burn or store/tap investiture) - it's that Aluminum bocks investiture (which is why the sheath helps contain Nightblood).

Here's the only WoB I could find about Aluminum and Perpendicularities:



Can aluminum be used to take liquid from a Shardpool, and will it stay Invested?

Brandon Sanderson

That would work.

General Signed Books 2018 (Feb. 22, 2018)


Edited by Treamayne
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On 11/18/2023 at 10:20 PM, Treamayne said:

Not so much a WoB as an observation - Nightblood's sheath is Aluminum, and both Nightblood and the Sheath came to Roshar via Shadesmar and traversed at least two perpendicularities.

That is a good point, and basically proves that aluminum can be sent into the cognitive realm using perpendicularities, but still begs the question of can you use the surge of transportation on it? As an investiture sink it shouldn’t work but if you can use a perpendicularity what is stopping you?

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14 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

That is a good point, and basically proves that aluminum can be sent into the cognitive realm using perpendicularities, but still begs the question of can you use the surge of transportation on it? As an investiture sink it shouldn’t work but if you can use a perpendicularity what is stopping you?

Perpendicularity isn't the Surge of Transportation. They use more or less the same mechanics. Perpendicularity is a massive well of investiture that pierces all 3 Realms together, bringing them closer, connecting 3 of them into one. It's like a hole in spacetime into another dimension - a wormhole of some kind.

The Surge of Transportation creates a mini-perpendicularity, it brings Realms closer together, allowing people to jump between them. That's why it most likely would be possible to take aluminum with you as you don't use investiture directly on it, you're using investiture to create a hole in between Realms.



In our universe, mass and energy curve space. I was wondering if Investiture does the same or something similar

Brandon Sanderson

It does something similar. It draws the three Realms together. So it's got like-- Imagine a gravitational pull piercing Realms. Right? Of kind of--


And that's how a perpendicularity works?

Brandon Sanderson

That's not the only way a perpendicularity works, but one surefire way to create a perpendicularity is a massive collection of Investiture in the Cognitive or mostly Physical realm. But Cognitive's weird, doesn't always work the right way. But there are ways to do it that way too.

Salt Lake City signing (Dec. 16, 2017)




In the cosmere we've seen Investiture manifest in different ways all across the systems. So I was wondering, when it comes to the powers of Dalinar, is it possible for that power to open a Perpendicularity anywhere, say on Scadrial or any different planet? In a different way, where you could potentially combine all the Realms, open the doors for the Realms.

Brandon Sanderson

Let me say this very carefully. I'm being recorded now... Any time where you gather the right amount of Investiture in the right way, you are going to have kind of a version of a cosmere singularity, right? Which is where you are pulling the different Realms together into a kind of-- you are piercing between them with a large amount of Investiture. So what's happening with Dalinar is both the bug and the feature at the same time. But it is not necessarily the only way. And once things are kind of, once the Spiritual Realm is being involved, time and space don't mean anything anymore on the Spiritual Realm. That's your answer.

Emerald City Comic Con 2018 (March 1, 2018)




Brandon Sanderson

Yes. So you've adopted the term "Shardpool". That was never really my term, but I've started using it. What happens with a perpendicularity is large concentrations of Investiture, particularly purely attuned to one of the Shards, will create an access point. You've seen another one in--


Questioner 2

Kind of related to that, I don't know if this is a RAFO kind of question, but you call them perpendicularities, are we going to see this sort of thing created? Could there be, like--

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, perpendicularities can be created. You'd need a lot of Investiture, right? You'd need a ton of Investiture. But, basically what Jasnah does is create a little mini perpendicularity, right? And slips herself into the Cognitive Realm.

Questioner 2

So it's just a question of skill, not a question of--

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah. It's hard to pull off, but some of the powers are built to do it.

Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing (Dec. 6, 2016)


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