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I thought it would be cool to have a thread where we give shoutouts to awesome people here, and who better to recognize first than @Edema Rue, who is one the funnest people on the shard! She has great ideas and always includes everyone. I remember when I was new to the shard she was one of the first people to reach out to me and made me feel like I could be a part of things. We appreciate everything you do Eddie! You are incredible! You bring so much joy to the people around you!

She's very kind and will always joke or mess around with you. She just loves people and will readily adopt you as a sibling. She's always one of the first when someone is sad to offer them hugs and words. And she truly means them. She's always willing to listen and is an amazing friend and adopted sister ❤️- @The Wandering Wizard

Eddie is a fun, kind person who is crazy in the best way possible! -@Ancient Elantrian

Eddie is one of the friendliest people on the Shard, and an amazing writer, too, both in RPs and stories! She has the best, creepiest characters and profile pictures, and is just generally an awesome person. -@Ravenclawjedi42

Eddie is super kind, and just an overall really fun person. She's super funny, and says the silliest things all the time <33 -@shortcake

Eddie is the perfect variety of chaotic. She’s welcoming and kind, and can breathe life into characters! -@Cash67

Eddie is my twin, and if you mess with her, I will punch you in the face. D:< * flexes biceps * Seriously though, Eddie is not only kind and supportive, but she’s also super fun and talented. I’m so glad to know her and be her friend. I LOVE YOU RUEEEE!!! <333 -@Kajsa :)

I love Eddie. I haven't really known her for very long, but I think she was the first person to follow me, and made sure the mods didn't eat me for an accidental double posting XD. She is very kind and has a bunch of great RP characters. She’s a fun and happy individual, and likes good poetry. -@Just-A-Stick

Oh my. You're telling me to describe one of the most incredible writers, supportive friends, and hilarious nerds on the shard. You're telling me to put in one small paragraph everything about a stunning personality who creates among the best characters. Well, I can't do it. ❤️ Eddie, I love you so much and I am so happy that I got to GM with you!! You're such an amazing shardbuddy, and I can't wait for the Cytonic hunger games to start :D -@Lotus Blossom

Eddie is an amazing friend, writer, and just an awesome person. She is always so willing to reach out and help any and everyone and it is honestly quite incredible. -@InfiniteInsanity

Eddie is great. She is so friendly and is always willing to have a good discussion. I feel so lucky I get to meet her in person and I know she is going to be just as amazing in real life! -@Silver Phantom

Eddie is great because she’s him, she’s what I’m talking about, she’s an absolute beast, cuz she’s the man, she’s that guy, she’s just too good, you’re too little, she’s the sound of a perfect dap up. They say Chuck Norris never loses, and that may be true. Eddie is like that, but she does lose one thing. The memory of how she’s gonna cook you. One day she’ll smoke you, the other day she’ll grill you, the next day she’ll roast you, and next week she’ll flambé you. Fear Eddie. -@Labyrinth

Eddie is literally on my favorite human beings list. -@SmilingPanda19

Eddie's sweet and tries to help people. She likes to nerd out about stuff, and then firmly deny that she is one. She's a wonderful writer. Eddie is the guy. - @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

Eddie is a really great person, and is nice overall and is always helpful, supportive, and funny. She also has some of the best writing and interesting characters on the Shard! -@Scars of Hathsin

Eddie is so fun! She loves Les Mis which is always points in anyone's favor to me, but she doesn't need more points in her favor cuz she already has a bunch even without Les Mis!! I don't interact with her or anyone a WHOLE bunch (sorry bout that), but when I do, I always do with a smile on my face. Eddie is a bucketful of fun and I'm so glad she exists! -@S. Stormy

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Oh my—

Y’all’s are going to make me cry, you’re all so amazing. Everything you said reflects back to you guys too!! Aaahhh!! Seriously, thank you all so much. This came at a time when I...really needed that. You're all angels, even if you don't know it.

@[Redacted], what a wonderful idea! You’re so fun to RP with, and you write death scenes so well! You also make a terrifying shardchicken :D 

@The Wandering Wizard, my brother if I had the words to say what a wonderful human being you are I would. But words seem to slip away and fail to be what I need them to be.

@Ancient Elantrian, now that I’ve met you I can confirm that you’re definitely an AI who wants to take over the world (but a fun one).

@Ravenclawjedi42, your characters are also awesome. Especially the ones named Bob.

@shortcake (who is actually not short), you’re funny tooo, you’re so fun to talk with!!

@Cash67 (who is also unfortunately tall), you’re great, and your characters are too! I’m excited to meet you tomorrow!

@Kajsa :) AAAAHHHH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY TWIN!! You’re beautiful and talented and I absolutely love all your writing!! And your singing!!

@Just-A-Stick, you’re so fun!! I love how much you love Hamilton, and your poems are beautiful too!

@Lotus Blossom ❤️❤️❤️ Aaaaahhh I don’t even know how to say thank you in one short paragraph! You write characters beautifully and emotionally and you’re such an amazing person!!

@InfiniteInsanity, you’re so amazing and talented! I love to see your poetry and just see you around wherever you happen to be :)

@Silver Phantom, you’re old and tall and have an EPIC dragonsteel costume! It’ll be fun to meet you tomorrow!

@Labyrinth aaaaahhh haha thanks Alphy…I fear you too :P you’re so fun to hang around with!

@SmilingPanda19, aaaaahhh Panda you’re one of my absolute besties and that’s all I even know how to say. You’re incredible.

 @Thaidakar the Ghostblood, Thaidybearrrrr I’m not a nerd!!! You are though, and incredibly smart and funny. And you always have the words to say when things get tough❤️

@Scars of Hathsin, thank you so much!! You’re also so fun, it’s too bad we have such different time zones!

@S. Stormy, you’re so fun too!! And you’re still Shallan in my head, and probably always will be. Les Mis is beautiful.

ASHCOWNCJADKOEMDNCIWMDJDISNXB I love you all so much…ah you guys are all so amazing, and the people who aren’t here too. ❤️❤️❤️

Edited by Edema Rue
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2 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

AAAAHHHH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY TWIN!! You’re beautiful and talented and I absolutely love all your writing!! And your singing!!

Awwww stawppittttt this is abt you Eddie :)  BUT I LOVE YOU TOO AND YOURE AN INCREDIBLE WRITER

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23 hours ago, [Redacted] said:

I thought it would be cool to have a thread where we give shoutouts to awesome people here, and who better to recognize first than @Edema Rue, who is one the funnest people on the shard! She has great ideas and always includes everyone. I remember when I was new to the shard she was one of the first people to reach out to me and made me feel like I could be a part of things. We appreciate everything you do Eddie! You are incredible! You bring so much joy to the people around you!

She's very kind and will always joke or mess around with you. She just loves people and will readily adopt you as a sibling. She's always one of the first when someone is sad to offer them hugs and words. And she truly means them. She's always willing to listen and is an amazing friend and adopted sister ❤️- @The Wandering Wizard

Eddie is a fun, kind person who is crazy in the best way possible! -@Ancient Elantrian

Eddie is one of the friendliest people on the Shard, and an amazing writer, too, both in RPs and stories! She has the best, creepiest characters and profile pictures, and is just generally an awesome person. -@Ravenclawjedi42

Eddie is super kind, and just an overall really fun person. She's super funny, and says the silliest things all the time <33 -@shortcake

Eddie is the perfect variety of chaotic. She’s welcoming and kind, and can breathe life into characters! -@Cash67

Eddie is my twin, and if you mess with her, I will punch you in the face. D:< * flexes biceps * Seriously though, Eddie is not only kind and supportive, but she’s also super fun and talented. I’m so glad to know her and be her friend. I LOVE YOU RUEEEE!!! <333 -@Kajsa :)

I love Eddie. I haven't really known her for very long, but I think she was the first person to follow me, and made sure the mods didn't eat me for an accidental double posting XD. She is very kind and has a bunch of great RP characters. She’s a fun and happy individual, and likes good poetry. -@Just-A-Stick

Oh my. You're telling me to describe one of the most incredible writers, supportive friends, and hilarious nerds on the shard. You're telling me to put in one small paragraph everything about a stunning personality who creates among the best characters. Well, I can't do it. ❤️ Eddie, I love you so much and I am so happy that I got to GM with you!! You're such an amazing shardbuddy, and I can't wait for the Cytonic hunger games to start :D -@Lotus Blossom

Eddie is an amazing friend, writer, and just an awesome person. She is always so willing to reach out and help any and everyone and it is honestly quite incredible. -@InfiniteInsanity

Eddie is great. She is so friendly and is always willing to have a good discussion. I feel so lucky I get to meet her in person and I know she is going to be just as amazing in real life! -@Silver Phantom

Eddie is great because she’s him, she’s what I’m talking about, she’s an absolute beast, cuz she’s the man, she’s that guy, she’s just too good, you’re too little, she’s the sound of a perfect dap up. They say Chuck Norris never loses, and that may be true. Eddie is like that, but she does lose one thing. The memory of how she’s gonna cook you. One day she’ll smoke you, the other day she’ll grill you, the next day she’ll roast you, and next week she’ll flambé you. Fear Eddie. -@Labyrinth

Eddie is literally on my favorite human beings list. -@SmilingPanda19

Eddie's sweet and tries to help people. She likes to nerd out about stuff, and then firmly deny that she is one. She's a wonderful writer. Eddie is the guy. - @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

Eddie is a really great person, and is nice overall and is always helpful, supportive, and funny. She also has some of the best writing and interesting characters on the Shard! -@Scars of Hathsin

Eddie is so fun! She loves Les Mis which is always points in anyone's favor to me, but she doesn't need more points in her favor cuz she already has a bunch even without Les Mis!! I don't interact with her or anyone a WHOLE bunch (sorry bout that), but when I do, I always do with a smile on my face. Eddie is a bucketful of fun and I'm so glad she exists! -@S. Stormy


No one asked me to give my opinion.


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8 hours ago, Canada Lover said:


*offers a hug*

You’re awesome Canada, y‘know that? My rp characters all tend to be antisocial jerks so ours never interact as much as they should, but yours are always so fun. You’re a great human ❤️

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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

*offers a hug*

You’re awesome Canada, y‘know that? My rp characters all tend to be antisocial jerks so ours never interact as much as they should, but yours are always so fun. You’re a great human ❤️

*Tears up and accepts the hug*

Oh wait, I just realized we are technically still shardfamily because of the Unfair RP somehow, whatever that means.

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