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Pattern Neurodivergent?


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27 minutes ago, theSurgeOfPhysics said:

Is Pattern a character on the autism spectrum? He has difficulty understanding social cues and communicating with others (iirc). I’m forgetting a lot from WoR with his character development, but please confirm with quotes, WoB. 

Have you read all of the Stormlight Archive? Specifically RoW?


Pattern may be considered Neurodivergent if he were mortal - but other Cryptics do act similarly so much of what you are seeing is part of the nature of Cryptics.

I cannot find any WoBs addressing this, however.

Edited by Treamayne
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10 hours ago, theSurgeOfPhysics said:

Is Pattern a character on the autism spectrum? He has difficulty understanding social cues and communicating with others (iirc). I’m forgetting a lot from WoR with his character development, but please confirm with quotes, WoB. 

No, this is the nature of Cryptics, they communicate with each other in a different way, with numbers, equations etc. It's hard for them to communicate with people because they don't understand human concepts like sarcasm, humor or lies - this fascinates them. 

Moreover at the early stages of the Bond their cognitive abilities in Physical Realm are reduced. As the Bond progresses, their mind expands and is brought back to the state they used to have in CR. 

Calling Cryptics autistic would be like calling humans that because they don't understand Cryptics and have troubles communicating with them. They are completely different species, with completely different ways of communicating and completely different cultures and natures.



Nonetheless, many other spren find Cryptics weird and discomforting due to their fascination with lies and their mathematical approach to everything.[1][3] They are also known for their fondness for planning, as well as being largely passive and inactive. Once they put their mind to something, however, they commit to it.[38] They seem to have a significant influence on the Shadesmar politics, as when they began to bond humans again, others, like cultivationspren, swiftly followed suit.[40]

They are known for enjoying lies and irony, gathering around and humming among themselves wherever a falsehood is uttered, although they don't like being called "liespren".[1][2][41] Despite this fascination with falsehoods, Cryptics themselves are bad at lying in general.[14] They are exceedingly honest, and it seems as though only through bonding with a human can they learn to use less straightforward ways of communication, such as sarcasm and humor.[33] They seem to prefer keeping together in groups rather than going off on their own.[12]

Cryptics have their own language, which consists of fast clicking sounds.[14] They can also speak equations in intonations, though their individual names translate to the same word in human languages, namely Pattern.



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Cryptics are essentially, Calculus personified. There is math for every single physical interaction in the universe. It's always been a mind-blowing concept to me that there is a language that describes the function of everything, and it's independent of us. It simply is. And that's what Cryptics are..they can tell you the math for a comet being hit by a rouge asteroid at .1 the speed of light with the greatest of ease. But, emotions? Social queues? These things only have, at best, a tangential relationship to the math of what's going on (as far as we currently know, and that limits what Brandon is writing I would imagine). There are electrical impulses in our brain that trigger all manner of chemical reactions, and I would assume any Cryptic could give you the math for those reactions at an extremely precise level. But in math, unlike any other scientific field, things are either true or false. Not so with humanity (or any other of the sapient races in the Cosmere). Cryptics know humans are weird, and they are scientifically curious, so they want to know about all these states of partial truth and partial falseness. They love them. They love lies that are mostly true. It honestly seems a bit kinky to me, though in a Cryptic-y non-sexual way. Perhaps more akin to the feeling one gets by scratching an itch in just the right spot, sort of way? It seems to excite and sooth them at the same time.

All of that is to say that I think the answer to your question is both true and false. And I have always thought that Brandon writes them that way on purpose. 

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