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Cytoverse Hunger Games



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  1. 1. What should Merps full name be?

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9 minutes ago, Ookla the Raveness said:

She kisses him passionately, melting into him. 


I just showed up here and I am wilting with horror.

Although I guess I haven't ever tried writing anything romancy so whatever.

But ahem, respectfully

what am i reading?


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Just now, Ookla the Melancholy said:
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I'm sure there's far worse...



Hmmm well Shark would always be welcomed back in the clinic if you wanted to return with him. Or a different character would also be welcome.

There's the Sacrifice RP which ends up being a lot of romance, there's a romance RP starting during the regency Era in the 1800s. There's the archipelago RP which has a lot of unique magic systems and ideas that you could join. 

There's the next hunger games...though that probably won't be until Christmas or afterwards. 

There's also lots of other RPs that I don't really keep tabs on that would welcome you if you wanted to join. 

Just now, Ookla the Prehistoric said:





Agreed...though you didn't have to make him quite so lover boy with the potion 


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Just now, Ookla the Believer said:



Yeah they were. Hopefully we can pull it a bit back together but life is kicking all of our butts currently. 

So I think we should start planning the next one already with the ending that is going to happen. So that you have like months to plan amazing stories :D


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7 hours ago, Ookla-The-Stick said:


Whiplash fired, red destructor fire blazing from her guns and she hit Hurricane's shield again and again.


Hurricane calmly watched as Whiplash shot him. He’d never really thought that he would die until now. He had believed that the tributes would you unite under Merp. He had hoped that people would realise that there was no reason to fight.  This will help. He reassured himself. The gamemakers are broadcasting this to all of the districts and they will realise that they can defy the capitol. 
He opened up a general line to all of the tributes. His former flightmates and allies. “Please remember that killing is not the only option. When you remember me, remember that the game makers don’t control us.” he said, satisfied that he had made a change. That he had remained defiant. Interesing, that in a world of violence the pacifists are the rebels. he thought as he was blown into pieces.


Well that was my death. I hope you all liked it. If it is possible I’d like some kind of additional minor role in these hunger games. @Ookla the Yellow Sock, @Ookla the Believer @Ookla the Raveness


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2 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

Stitch tries his best to hide, but when Silver is close Stitch starts shooting without mercy, horrible aim made up for the sheer number of shots.

Over the intercom Stitch says, “This is fun!”

Silver dodges the poorly aimed barrage and stops to charge a more powerful sniper shot. “Take that!”

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5 hours ago, Ati16 said:

Hurricane calmly watched as Whiplash shot him. He’d never really thought that he would die until now. He had believed that the tributes would you unite under Merp. He had hoped that people would realise that there was no reason to fight.  This will help. He reassured himself. The gamemakers are broadcasting this to all of the districts and they will realise that they can defy the capitol. 
He opened up a general line to all of the tributes. His former flightmates and allies. “Please remember that killing is not the only option. When you remember me, remember that the game makers don’t control us.” he said, satisfied that he had made a change. That he had remained defiant. Interesing, that in a world of violence the pacifists are the rebels. he thought as he was blown into pieces.


Right before Hurricane died, he felt like Nova was sitting right next to him, looking at him with honor and pride.

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1 hour ago, Lord Ookla the -3rd said:

Silver dodges the poorly aimed barrage and stops to charge a more powerful sniper shot. “Take that!”

It hits the back of Stitch’s ship, but luckily Stitch’s shields stop the bullet from doing anything very bad. “For the record,” he says over the intercom, “I did not come here to fight you.”

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11 hours ago, Ookla the Lotus said:

Junior swerved his poco in and out of piloting altitude.

His communications had glitched out, and his headset sparked, nipping his ear with the spark from the short circuit as it was most likely broken. He was off-communication for now. Red alert signs were flashing on the control board, and alarm began to go off, wailing around his ears with desperate screeches. From his radar Junior could watch as the SOS signals were radiated outwards, reaching any ship within proximity. He frantically tried to handle the situation, though only with half a mind. Aria. I need to get into contact with Aria. I need her to hear me. I need her to... But he cut himself off. He didn't need help. From anyone. He had trained for ten years. Ten years. Of pain. Of torture. Junior's own scars could prove it. Even his hand could. His ship was spiraling and Junior was struggling to get in under control. He just needed to fly it. Fly it away from here. Far, far, far- So far, no one could find him. Everyone could find him. High, high high- So high, no one could see him. Everyone was watching him.

I just want time to end.

I just want the world to pause.

All I want is a moment.

A second.

To myself.

To my writing.

To my mind.

All I want is silence.

Deafening silence.

For a hesitation.

A singular note.

The feeling after breathing in the breath of respite and pausing before the exhale.

The feeling after the heavy rainfall, simply damp as the grass is lightly brushed with water droplets.

The feeling after closing your eyes, tuning the world out, and finding the perfect line for a poem.

The perfect words.

To express yourself.

Knowing no one will hear them.

But your own mind.

This is what I want.

But the face haunted him. The face of his mother. The twisted, cruel face of his mother. So different from the weak, vulnerable screams from his mother all those years ago. His mother, struggling, grasping, gripping, hissing as he raised the weapon. No, that mother was gone. Wasn't she? Then who was this? This creature? This monster? Who, if not his mother? What he would give if only he could confront his mother again. What he would give if only he could pull the trigger.

And finally be free.

Junior heard the cockpit rattle. His aerospace realm ratio was depleting. He used all his arm strength to pull his ship into an Ahlstrom loop and back up to safer altitude. He struggled, but finally his poco obeyed. His ship was under his command. Quickly, he adjusted the triggers and levers.

"A malfunction with the Gravitational Capacitors...." Junior muttered.

After clicking and switching the various controls, the shutter went away and a bright orange light came on his main board. He swerved back around to face the sky space. Junior smiled.

"Nothing I haven't already dealt with."

Now he had a better vantage point to see all around him and below him.
He saw...

@Ookla the Yellow Sock @Ookla the Raveness @Ookla the Believer @Ookla the Pastry

He felt his headset crackle back on.

"I'm back on the comms," Junior said through his headset on the main channel.

He watched as his blinking radar reactivated.


does merp do anything?


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13 hours ago, Ookla the Believer said:

“As you command, Mother,” Zira said sulkily. Someday…I will not bow. Not to her and not to anyone. Siylna is still in me, am still in me, and I am above this creature. She will suffer.


AHA!!!!!!!!!!!! RYN WAS RIGHT


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1 hour ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

It hits the back of Stitch’s ship, but luckily Stitch’s shields stop the bullet from doing anything very bad. “For the record,” he says over the intercom, “I did not come here to fight you.”

“It’s considered bad form to fire on someone if you aren’t attacking. But in that case, why are you here?” Silver responds, mildly confused. 

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8 hours ago, Ati16 said:

Hurricane calmly watched as Whiplash shot him. He’d never really thought that he would die until now. He had believed that the tributes would you unite under Merp. He had hoped that people would realise that there was no reason to fight.  This will help. He reassured himself. The gamemakers are broadcasting this to all of the districts and they will realise that they can defy the capitol. 
He opened up a general line to all of the tributes. His former flightmates and allies. “Please remember that killing is not the only option. When you remember me, remember that the game makers don’t control us.” he said, satisfied that he had made a change. That he had remained defiant. Interesing, that in a world of violence the pacifists are the rebels. he thought as he was blown into pieces.



Nice death!

You could always play a delver/space monster thing, try to get the tributes to, y’know, die, or you could play someone in the GMHQ if you’d like.


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11 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:


Elan Jr. looks like that lovestruck emoji. "Baby... you look beautiful today..." Elan Jr says, practically drooling. "Wanna go make out?"



11 hours ago, Ookla the Raveness said:

She snaked her tail around him, "ssure."


10 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Elan Jr. pulls Medea in.



10 hours ago, Ookla the Raveness said:

She kisses him passionately, melting into him. 


10 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

The scene immediately cuts away to somewhere else. But passionate making out is implied.



What in the actual Heather did I miss???

10 hours ago, Ookla the Raveness said:



………yeah we need to get ready for the next games cause this is flopping. They can’t all be great. Life has really been kicking me in the butt lately so…

1 hour ago, Ookla the Lotus said:

Junior heard the cockpit rattle. His aerospace realm ratio was depleting. He used all his arm strength to pull his ship into an Ahlstrom loop and back up to safer altitude. He struggled, but finally his poco obeyed. His ship was under his command. Quickly, he adjusted the triggers and levers.

"A malfunction with the Gravitational Capacitors...." Junior muttered.

After clicking and switching the various controls, the shutter went away and a bright orange light came on his main board. He swerved back around to face the sky space. Junior smiled.

"Nothing I haven't already dealt with."

Now he had a better vantage point to see all around him and below him.
He saw...

@Ookla the Yellow Sock @Ookla the Raveness @Ookla the Believer @Ookla the Pastry

He felt his headset crackle back on.

"I'm back on the comms," Junior said through his headset on the main channel.

He watched as his blinking radar reactivated.



Merp isn’t with anyone at the moment. I would say something but I’ve been absent for a while and im Not a 100% sure what’s going on.


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53 minutes ago, Ookla the Yellow Sock said:

What in the actual Heather did I miss???


We uh got bored and had an idea but it ending up being waaaaaaaaay worse than we thought so :P


The cleaning boy stared at the strangest couple he'd ever met. They were on the couch and the snake Lady had fallen asleep against him. He threw a blue potion on the weird eyed pink man. Maybe it would help him see the light. He shrugged and went on his way

@Ookla the Prehistoric

Edited by Ookla the Raveness
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7 minutes ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

lollies flies over quietly. then she notices a very very small thing, with a guy in the snow. "jock and merp? what?"

Merp was nowhere to be seen and jock is lying on his back in the snow, unconscious. His right leg is now gone. It’s left buried in the snow and the crowbar and knife are bloody beside him. 


I didn’t feel like being gruesome and rping the part where he cuts his leg off.


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Just now, Ookla the Yellow Sock said:

Merp was nowhere to be seen and jock is lying on his back in the snow, unconscious. His right leg is now gone. It’s left buried in the snow and the crowbar and knife are bloody beside him. 

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I didn’t feel like being gruesome and rping the part where he cuts his leg off.




lollies gasps. "what- huh- what happened? JOCK WAKE UP"

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