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I would like to announce Part 2


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I would like to announce that the LDS church has lowered the age for male missionaries from 19 to 18 (as long as they've graduated), and lowered it for female missionaries from 21 to 19.

When can you submit your papers? I had to work during both sessions so I only just heard the news but I turn 18 in 2 weeks and graduate in May. Is it going to be based off of your birthday or your graduation date?

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I would like to announce that there is a career in Fine Art Modeling. Just what is Fine Art Modeling, you say? Well, a Fine Art Model poses (predominantly nude) for artists and students of art in gestures (i.e.: poses from 30 seconds to 2 minutes in length); in short poses (i.e.: poses from 5 to 10 minutes in length); and in longer poses (i.e.: poses from 20 minutes and beyond in length). A Fine Art Model has to remain perfectly still while in a pose. However, after every 20 minutes, a model is afforded a 5 minute break. So, within a 3-hour, class-time period, a model will likely pose 6-7 times in 20-min. segments with 5-min. breaks in between.

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I would like to announce that I have returned from the wilderness! (Read: camping)

I would like to announce that I hate camping :/

I'm not outdoorsy, ok?

...I would also like to announce that "outdoorsy" is a word according to spellcheck, whilst "ok" (not capitalized)and "spellcheck" are not.

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I would like to announce that Stormlight 2 first draft is at 10%! Yay! (Just 90% more to go...)

I would like to announce that Chatroom is awesome!

I would like to announce that I must leave for a few minutes. Or hours. :(

I am announcing that I AM NOT A BIRD! No matter what Chaos says--don't believe him.

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I would like to announce that I may have just revolutionized your academic life. And anyone else's who writes academic papers. You're welcome. I know that thing was a lifesaver for me in my lit classes.

Allow me to introduce: Wolfram Alpha.

I would like to announce that my jaw has officially become a sovereign nation, and refuses to pick itself up off the ground. My English papers just got so much easier...

And math? Forever done for.

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I would like to announce that I have, for the second time in my life, managed to injure myself with food. (Not seriously. Minor burn on my arm. Full story to come.)

And also, my internet is out again for about a week. Just until the move is done. Sorry chatroom friends. I miss you!

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I would like to announce that I have, for the second time in my life, managed to injure myself with food. (Not seriously. Minor burn on my arm. Full story to come.)

And also, my internet is out again for about a week. Just until the move is done. Sorry chatroom friends. I miss you!

Oh noes!, we'll miss you too. Did you get your mic fixed?

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I would like to announce that google image search still has some issues. I did a search for a'dam (a thing from WoT; I just was curious how others pictured it) and google gave me pictures of ... a dam.

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I would like to announce that going back to Visual Basic sucks.

Depends on the version. VB.net is a fully capable, modern language with full access to .net libraries, and should be treated as no less. In terms of what it can accomplish, C# and VB.net are basically in the same ballpark. It's probably a bit below the capabilities of, say, java, but that's just because of how popular it is these days, and the huge outpouring of support. Now, if it's a pre .net version, then yeah, it sucks (and has been essentially out of operational life cycle for....15+ years at this point? something like that)

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Depends on the version. VB.net is a fully capable, modern language with full access to .net libraries, and should be treated as no less. In terms of what it can accomplish, C# and VB.net are basically in the same ballpark. It's probably a bit below the capabilities of, say, java, but that's just because of how popular it is these days, and the huge outpouring of support. Now, if it's a pre .net version, then yeah, it sucks (and has been essentially out of operational life cycle for....15+ years at this point? something like that)

VB.NET might be integrated into .NET, but its still VB... and since you can instead write C# (or other things) on .NET, then why would you put yourself through the pain of writing VB?

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VB.NET might be integrated into .NET, but its still VB... and since you can instead write C# (or other things) on .NET, then why would you put yourself through the pain of writing VB?

In the name of teaching of course. I hate sounding so clueless :/

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