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I would like to announce Part 2


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Eric knows what I'm on about...


That is one wacky-REDACTED Coppermind skin, dude.

EDIT: Also, I made that article at James's behest ;)

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Eric knows what I'm on about...


OOoooh yes! Just yes!

I guess that explains the bacon mailed to my house every day....

If you're Charon's Palm, I'm Belacqua (Is that how you spell that?)

Let's party Tactics.

Bring your 'superious hairstylists' while you're at it, as I've yet to figure out how a Shapeform uses a hairstylist in the first place...

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I would like to announce that I have developed a tineye-like sense of taste through an arcane process involving scraping the salty side of a goldfish across my tongue. Needless to say, the hot meal I had the next day was not good for me.

Enhanced taste works out great now though :P

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I would love to announce that today is a fantastic day. I did pretty dang amazingly in my debate tournament last weekend- second place in my very first tournament, already 2/3rds of the way qualified for State competition- My grades are a heck of a lot better than I thought they would be, I beasted my final exam and an essay on The Emperor's Soul in English, I am guaranteed to make the team for Academic Decathlon, and I quit my job and anticipate a lot more free time to fill with the cosmere in future.

TL;DR, today is a good day :D

(The only thing that'd make it better would be if Brandon finished answering the questions today....*whistles innocently*)

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I would like to announce that college applications SUCK and are AWFULness wrapped in LAME. <_</>

That is all.

Truer facts have never been said.

(Grad school applications are even worse)

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Sorry for another double post XD

I would like to announce that I bought the fine art print of the Feruchemical table. Also that Inkthinker has me thoroughly hooked with the collectible set of Radiant pins... Lets just say if they're all going to be free gifts, I'm going to have a lot of t-shirts pretty soon :D

In all seriousness it looks beautiful and everyone I've talked to who has it says it's gorgeous. I can't wait :)

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