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I would like to announce Part 2


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I would like to anounce that perching on two stacked chairs is more stable than one, and I no longer sit normally. Perching is the new sitting as far as I am concerned...

Perching you say?


EDIT: image broke, fixed it.

Edited by Emeralis00
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I would like to announce that I understand math for the first time in my life. Today I was taking a Pre-Clac test on Logarithms and that I was totally expecting to fail, on almost every question I forgot the equations we were supposed to memorize (when I say forgot what I really mean is that I never bothered to learn them in the first place) and so I decided to think about the problem logically using what I could remember about logarithmic properties from class and was able to answer pretty much every single one correctly. I totally see why Chaos likes this stuff now.

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I would like to announce that if I receive passing scores in my exams, I am officially a graduate from UCLA with a Bachelors in Mathematics for Teaching.

This also means an end to my hiatus and hopefully a resurgence of productivity on my book, which was on hold for my last quarter of college.

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I would like to announce the possible existance of a time-warp machine located somewhere in China. This machine warps and distorts time, making the break days hurtle by at an absurd speed as a way to retaliate for their own lack of breaks. Somehow the entire break has passed in under three days. I recommend a strike team to go take it out.

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I would like to announce the possible existance of a time-warp machine located somewhere in China. This machine warps and distorts time, making the break days hurtle by at an absurd speed as a way to retaliate for their own lack of breaks. Somehow the entire break has passed in under three days. I recommend a strike team to go take it out.

Well someone's going to be facing jail time after China banned time travel.

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