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A new RP : The cosmere police force!

The Stormfather

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    • set rules, but not too strict, some freedom
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So, yet another of my RP ideas, many of which have failed badly. This one seems like a good idea though, so here's some information :

The ICPF(Inter dimensional cosmere police force) regulates trade between planets and hunts criminal who switch planets. They have many bases across the cosmere. They are currently about to send a batch of new recruits( the players) into training and out on cases. The base the recruits have been brought to is a secure cave underneath the purelake, although not filled with water.

They want non-important people, not wanting to remove people from the government to send cities into chaos.

In timeline thinking, it willl mainly be on roshar, but say right at the end of rhythm of war. The fighting in emul is nearly won, and Urithiru is being freed. The timeline won't matter much, but just for some context. This means that mistborn era 1 has happened, warbreaker and elantris have happened, and I think most of the short stories have happened.

Basic character sheet


Name :

Home planet :

Invested arts :


country of origin on said planet :

experiences with realmatic travel : (Apart from the ICPF bringing you to roshar for training)

Special skills

Special supplies or weapons

Example character sheet : (Kaladin)


Name : Kaladin Stormblessed

Home planet : Roshar

Invested arts : 4th Ideal windrunner

gender/sex :  Male

country of origin on said planet : Alethkar

experiences with realmatic travel : Travelled from Kholinar to Azir in shadesmar

Special skills : Survival, master of fighting, battle strategy

Special supplies or weapons : shardblade/spear, spheres for light, rations

Anyone who wants to join can join, and you can have any powers you want, but, be warned, if people are like : Gold compounder! 5th ideal! 10000000 breaths!

I will amp up the difficulty to match you, making it probably less fun for others who have less powers, so don't go crazy with compounding or number of breaths or anything.

Have fun!

More information will follow if anyone is interested, and please PM me if your character has any hidden secrets that not everyone should know.

There's always another secret..........................(Said in a deep foreboding voice.)

"Welcome to the ICPF!"

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Name: Zari

Home planet: Roshar

Invested arts: 2nd Ideal Edgedancer (Or I could do Truthwatcher, I'm more familiar with those).

gender/sex: Female

country of origin on said planet: Frostlands

experiences with realmatic travel: Little to none (Not quite sure what this means...)

Special skills: Is really good with her silver staff, is good at dual-wielding katannas, very fast, very smart, is like a ninja.

Special supplies or weapons: Provisions, Silver Staff, duel katannas (because why not).

Let me know if this is okay!

Edited by Canada Lover
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Name : Maki

Home planet : Nalthis

Invested arts : Awakening (2nd heightening)

gender/sex : Female

country of origin on said planet : Idris

experiences with realmatic travel : (Apart from the ICPF bringing you to roshar for training) Worked as border control once

Special skills : She's good at seeing invested objects for her heightening and good at stabbing people.

Special supplies or weapons : An awakened bronze dagger named Sightsleeper, who can tell when investiture is being used from far away and see connections to people's home planets and countries.  Its command was "Find that which does not belong". She often speaks to Maki's mind in a stage whisper. It's comparable in power to Vivenna's Blade, not Nightblood.,

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I might not be able to keep up with this RP, I have a long history of joining to many RPs, but I will try.

6 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Name : Zhanat

Home planet : Sel

Invested arts : Bloodsealing

gender/sex : Gender-fluid 

country of origin on said planet : Dzhamar

experiences with realmatic travel : (Apart from the ICPF bringing you to roshar for training): They found some pure Dor underground, and safeguarded it at their house for a few years before they were recruited by the ICPF, and brought it with them to Roshar.

Special skills : Good at taking stuff apart and fixing it.

Special supplies or weapons : Many, many screwdrivers, some of which are sharp. Has some bone for making stamps, and carving supplies. Has three pet skeletals: a normal squirrel named Karchuk, a very big rideable squirrel named At, and a cat named Muchye.


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Name: Korro

Home planet: Scadrial

Invested arts: Coinshot

gender/sex: Male

country of origin on said planet: Elendel (Does this work?)

experiences with realmatic travel (Apart from the ICPF bringing you to roshar for training): Was contacted by the Ghostbloods, but wasn't interested in joining.

Special skills: Especially good at flying through the air

Special supplies or weapons: Always carries around any metal he can find

Tell me if any of this doesn't work.

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Name : Ella 

Home planet : Sel

Invested arts : Forgery

gender/sex : Female

country of origin on said planet : MaiPon

experiences with realmatic travel : (Apart from the ICPF bringing you to roshar for training) Realmatic scholar, spent years at one of the Silverlight universities. 

Special skills : Forgery (Using investiture), Forgery (Using just normal forgery)

Special supplies or weapons : Seven Essence Marks, Multiple uncarved stamps, universal soulstamps.

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Should I join another rp? No. But that's not gonna stop me is it. (I should be doing homework ahhahahahha)


So, yet another of my RP ideas, many of which have failed badly. 

hey! dnd + cows is still going and it's fantastic! Don't sell yourself short!

Character Sheet:

Name : PoMee

Home planet : Scadrial

Invested arts : Being a Kandra . . . I guess

gender/sex : Female

country of origin on said planet: . . .

experiences with realmatic travel : (Apart from the ICPF bringing you to roshar for training) This ain't her first rodeo.

Special skills : Is a Kandra so . . . y'know

Special supplies or weapons : Has guns 👍

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Wow a lot of people! Was not expecting this!

So, maybe I’ll give some more imformation.

this is Kenwyl talking, terrisman feruchemist, although he hasn’t yet told you which type.

” The next week will hold three challenges. One of intelligence, one of fighting, and one of problem solving and strength. You might fail, although we are believers in second chances. You will be outside of the world you used to know. Keep your wits about you. This will be dangerous.”

he leads you into a dark hallway, into a room with 5(if that’s how many people there was is didn’t stop to count everyone gets one) desks. They each have a name printed on the side.

he points down another hall with a sign that says ‘bedrooms’. Each door on the hall also has a name on it.

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28 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

Wow a lot of people! Was not expecting this!

So, maybe I’ll give some more imformation.

this is Kenwyl talking, terrisman feruchemist, although he hasn’t yet told you which type.

” The next week will hold three challenges. One of intelligence, one of fighting, and one of problem solving and strength. You might fail, although we are believers in second chances. You will be outside of the world you used to know. Keep your wits about you. This will be dangerous.”

he leads you into a dark hallway, into a room with 5(if that’s how many people there was is didn’t stop to count everyone gets one) desks. They each have a name printed on the side.

he points down another hall with a sign that says ‘bedrooms’. Each door on the hall also has a name on it.

Zari follows him.

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He points to a thaylen woman, who is scribbling notes on a notepad.

"This is Klatva. She is a statistical investigator and supervisor of training. She will decide whether you pass or you fail."

He points to a freakishly tall(Even to Alethi!) boy around eighteen or twenty, clearly teoish(Sel) of origin. He holds a Syre(Rapier) in his hands and wears armor.

"This is the captain of our guards, Alan.(Ay-lane, because Selish mispronounce everything.) He is an amazing fighter, and could help train you for weapon combat if you needed help for the combat test. The tests will be slightly different for each person, made to challenge them and bring out their best." Kenwyl says.

"Any questions?"


I might make a map of the ICPF base, to post, but it'll take a while.


I guess this is starting. People can still join, though!


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44 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

Wow a lot of people! Was not expecting this!

So, maybe I’ll give some more imformation.

this is Kenwyl talking, terrisman feruchemist, although he hasn’t yet told you which type.

” The next week will hold three challenges. One of intelligence, one of fighting, and one of problem solving and strength. You might fail, although we are believers in second chances. You will be outside of the world you used to know. Keep your wits about you. This will be dangerous.”

he leads you into a dark hallway, into a room with 5(if that’s how many people there was is didn’t stop to count everyone gets one) desks. They each have a name printed on the side.

he points down another hall with a sign that says ‘bedrooms’. Each door on the hall also has a name on it.


Should probably mention everyone who has signed up.

@Canada Lover @Ookla the Silver @Ookla thePresentParticiple @Ookla the Wayfarer @Ookla the Prehistoric @OokIa the Believer @Ookla the Magician

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1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

Wow a lot of people! Was not expecting this!

So, maybe I’ll give some more imformation.

this is Kenwyl talking, terrisman feruchemist, although he hasn’t yet told you which type.

” The next week will hold three challenges. One of intelligence, one of fighting, and one of problem solving and strength. You might fail, although we are believers in second chances. You will be outside of the world you used to know. Keep your wits about you. This will be dangerous.”

he leads you into a dark hallway, into a room with 5(if that’s how many people there was is didn’t stop to count everyone gets one) desks. They each have a name printed on the side.

he points down another hall with a sign that says ‘bedrooms’. Each door on the hall also has a name on it.

Maki follows.


32 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

He points to a thaylen woman, who is scribbling notes on a notepad.

"This is Klatva. She is a statistical investigator and supervisor of training. She will decide whether you pass or you fail."

He points to a freakishly tall(Even to Alethi!) boy around eighteen or twenty, clearly teoish(Sel) of origin. He holds a Syre(Rapier) in his hands and wears armor.

"This is the captain of our guards, Alan.(Ay-lane, because Selish mispronounce everything.) He is an amazing fighter, and could help train you for weapon combat if you needed help for the combat test. The tests will be slightly different for each person, made to challenge them and bring out their best." Kenwyl says.

"Any questions?"


"Do you have invested healing on site?"

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7 minutes ago, Ookla the Silver said:

Maki follows.


"Do you have invested healing on site?"

"We have a Truthwatcher."


Not much has happened, just introducing two characters.

Klatva : Thaylen. Supervisor of training.

Alan : Teoish. Captain of the guard. Offered battle training.


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