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A new RP : The cosmere police force!

The Stormfather

What is your favorite type of RP?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you prefer?

    • set rules, but not too strict, some freedom
    • As complicated as possible!
    • mostly free form, but with a few rules.

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5 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Wow a lot of people! Was not expecting this!

So, maybe I’ll give some more imformation.

this is Kenwyl talking, terrisman feruchemist, although he hasn’t yet told you which type.

” The next week will hold three challenges. One of intelligence, one of fighting, and one of problem solving and strength. You might fail, although we are believers in second chances. You will be outside of the world you used to know. Keep your wits about you. This will be dangerous.”

he leads you into a dark hallway, into a room with 5(if that’s how many people there was is didn’t stop to count everyone gets one) desks. They each have a name printed on the side.

he points down another hall with a sign that says ‘bedrooms’. Each door on the hall also has a name on it.

Zhanat sneaks off to her bedroom. She opened the door softly, and checked if anybody was inside.

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Anyone can still join. Just use the characters sheet format in the OP.

10 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

Zhanat sneaks off to her bedroom. She opened the door softly, and checked if anybody was inside.

no one is inside. The room has a bed with a blue blanket, a desk with blank paper and pencils, a closet and a bathroom, with no windows.

”So, everyone just come find me when you are ready for a test. You can take as long as you want to prepare yourself and train.”

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1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

Anyone can still join. Just use the characters sheet format in the OP.

ok thanks


Name : nick

Home planet : scadrial

Invested arts : half kandra, royal locks, 5th heightening, subsumer ferring

gender/sex : male

country of origin on said planet : Roughs

experiences with realmatic travel : (Apart from the ICPF bringing you to roshar for training) traveled to nalthis once

Special skills : shapeshifting, in his natural form he is an olympic level runner.

Special supplies or weapons : a gun, lots of disguises


how should I start?

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18 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

He points to a thaylen woman, who is scribbling notes on a notepad.

"This is Klatva. She is a statistical investigator and supervisor of training. She will decide whether you pass or you fail."

He points to a freakishly tall(Even to Alethi!) boy around eighteen or twenty, clearly teoish(Sel) of origin. He holds a Syre(Rapier) in his hands and wears armor.

"This is the captain of our guards, Alan.(Ay-lane, because Selish mispronounce everything.) He is an amazing fighter, and could help train you for weapon combat if you needed help for the combat test. The tests will be slightly different for each person, made to challenge them and bring out their best." Kenwyl says.

"Any questions?"

Nick raises his hand, “is there any food?” he asks

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"You decide when to take the tests, and which order to take them in. Food comes every sox hours or so, whether asleep or awake, since everyone's on a different time zone here." Klatva, the supervisor says.

Uhhh how does half kandra work? for shapeshifting purposes is it just like a regular kandra @.....?

Do they die when shot? I like the idea, but could you just post some general physics about how they work?


"Next meal is in two hours." Klatva points to a clock.

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1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

"You decide when to take the tests, and which order to take them in. Food comes every sox hours or so, whether asleep or awake, since everyone's on a different time zone here." Klatva, the supervisor says.

Uhhh how does half kandra work? for shapeshifting purposes is it just like a regular kandra @.....?

Do they die when shot? I like the idea, but could you just post some general physics about how they work?


"Next meal is in two hours." Klatva points to a clock.

"Can I get some combat training? I'm a bit rusty." 

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Zhanat sits down on the bag and takes a great deal of bones out. She then takes out a carving knife and cuts along a strangely shaped scar on her arm and covers two pre-carved stamps in her blood. She presses the stamps to bones, which turn into skeletons of a squirrel and a cat. “Muchye,” she says, “stay here. I don’t have anything for you to do.” She then turns to the squirrel. “Karchuk, scout. See what you can find out about the others.”

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1 minute ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

Zhanat sits down on the bag and takes a great deal of bones out. She then takes out a carving knife and cuts along a strangely shaped scar on her arm and covers two pre-carved stamps in her blood. She presses the stamps to bones, which turn into skeletons of a squirrel and a cat. “Muchye,” she says, “stay here. I don’t have anything for you to do.” She then turns to the squirrel. “Karchuk, scout. See what you can find out about the others.”

Maki's dagger spins on Maki's belt and points towards Zhanat.

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2 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

"You decide when to take the tests, and which order to take them in. Food comes every sox hours or so, whether asleep or awake, since everyone's on a different time zone here." Klatva, the supervisor says.

Uhhh how does half kandra work? for shapeshifting purposes is it just like a regular kandra @.....?

Do they die when shot? I like the idea, but could you just post some general physics about how they work?


"Next meal is in two hours." Klatva points to a clock.

PoMee nodded, and she relaxed in her seat a little.

1 hour ago, Ookla the Silver said:

"Can I get some combat training? I'm a bit rusty." 

"I'd be happy to join you, I could use a little exercise."

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He leads you int oa circular arena, black tile floors lit by a trio of stormlight lamps on the ceiling.

"What type of fighting do you usually do?" He asks. "I can train for melee weapon fights, but guns are not my specialty. I'm familiar with most allomancy and feruchemy, although twinborn usually goes over my head.

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8 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

He leads you int oa circular arena, black tile floors lit by a trio of stormlight lamps on the ceiling.

"What type of fighting do you usually do?" He asks. "I can train for melee weapon fights, but guns are not my specialty. I'm familiar with most allomancy and feruchemy, although twinborn usually goes over my head.


27 minutes ago, Ookla the Magician said:

PoMee follows, "This is gonna be fun."

As does Maki. 
"I have a couple breaths. Not enough to awaken everything, but I make up for it with this." She pulls out Sighsleeper "He's quite handy in a fight"

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11 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

He leads you int oa circular arena, black tile floors lit by a trio of stormlight lamps on the ceiling.

"What type of fighting do you usually do?" He asks. "I can train for melee weapon fights, but guns are not my specialty. I'm familiar with most allomancy and feruchemy, although twinborn usually goes over my head.

PoMee pulls her twin pistols out of their holsters. "This is my expertise, but I do dueling canes too."

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