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A new RP : The cosmere police force!

The Stormfather

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    • set rules, but not too strict, some freedom
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On 12/10/2023 at 9:35 AM, The Stormfather said:

Darts shoot into the plank.

To clarify, the holes are in a pattern, not just random. Every three feet or so, there is a row of four holes in the wall, that goes up and down. The side of the wall that the holes are on alternates, and there is four sets of them in the hallway.

Zhanat just keeps waving the plank for a long while.

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6 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Darts continue to shoot for a few minutes, then stop. The ground has been peppered with darts, but no more are shot from the holes. That is only the first of three sets of darts, however...

Zhanat brings the plank back to themselves.


How tall is the room? Do the holes go all the way to the ceiling?


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4 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

the room is about ten feet tall, and the holes go up to around your height. @Ookla thePresentParticiple

Zhanat pulls out large bones and a bloodseal from her bag and stamps the bones, causing them to become a five-and-a-half-foot tall squirrel. She climbs on the back until she’s above the darts, and starts moving.

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On 12/6/2023 at 10:42 AM, Ookla the Magician said:

"I'll take the strength test."

You next.  @Ookla thePresentParticiple, you pass.

Who is your character? Sorry, I've got a lot to keep track of.

Also, maybe I'm going to make it that each person only has to pass one test so that this can move a bit faster.

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1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

You next.  @Ookla thePresentParticiple, you pass.

Who is your character? Sorry, I've got a lot to keep track of.

Also, maybe I'm going to make it that each person only has to pass one test so that this can move a bit faster.

(Characte is PoMee the kandra, defining trait is that she uses guns, and has the blessing of potency-- sort of like pewter).

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21 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

So basically there is three scales. one has two heavy weights, too heavy to carry, one has four and four small weights, and another has seven and eight small weights. The smalls are still very heavy, but liftable.

"Balance all three scales."


So the only unbalanced one is the one with 7 and 8? (just clarifying)


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/26/2023 at 1:28 PM, The Stormfather said:

Name : William Driggs

Home planet: Threnody

Invested arts: Single iron spike

gender/sex : Male

country of origin on said planet: A fortress town

experiences with realmatic travel : (Apart from the ICPF bringing you to roshar for training) once to scadrial where he took a hemalurgic spike from a Kolloss. 

Special skills: Hand to hand fighting, tracking, sheer force of will and intimidation

Special supplies or weapons: Non Lethal crossbow, glow paste lantern, and two daggers one silver the other aluminum. 


Is this rp still going?


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8 minutes ago, Brik_head said:



On 12/19/2023 at 1:42 PM, justice magician said:



Justice magician was busy for a while


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On 12/19/2023 at 2:51 PM, The Stormfather said:

Yes, only one is unbalanced.


5 hours ago, Brik_head said:



4 hours ago, Argenti said:




Yeah sorry, I was inactive for a few weeks, and currently the plot is waiting for me to solve this puzzle. I'm am still trying to solve it . . . but I have a lot of stuff to do today. I'll try and figure it out soon though!


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1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

(I can tell you the solution so we can skip all the tests. I didn't realize they would take this long and we could get this going. I have a couple good ideas for cases that'll happen.)

Also, @Brik_head you can join.


I didn't expect it to take me this long, I'm super sorry about that . . . . School is pretty much taking up all of my brain power. I'd be happy to just move on if you like.


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Here's my theory for the solution:


You just take away one of the small ones from the seven and eight little weights scale and then it's balanced I looked at the post for and it doesn't say that you can't do that as a solution I'm pretty sure. 


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2 hours ago, ..... said:

Here's my theory for the solution:

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You just take away one of the small ones from the seven and eight little weights scale and then it's balanced I looked at the post for and it doesn't say that you can't do that as a solution I'm pretty sure. 



I was under the impression you had to put all the weights down somewhere, but if not that'd work . . .


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Yeah, the solution was just taking off all the weights.

On to the first case!

I'm goign to assign all of the players to the same spot just to make this easier for me. 

The captain you have been assigned to introduces himself as Synwyl. She is a scadrian terriswoman, who clearly has metalminds but didn't say anythign about them. She gives this spiel to all of the people independently, but the talks are all about the same. This is one of them,

"So, time for you're first case. This one.... Well, I'll just say that we might not be starting you off too easy. No cases for us are easy. We don't actually get many cases, so you'll probably be able to use a lot of resources and connections to figure out who's been doing this. 

(Context : Interplanetary trade happens. Roshar sends crystals and gems to scadrial, who sends aluminum back, horneaters claim they have a lightweaver who is soulcasting. There. Boom. Context!)

"six days ago, one of the shipments of aluminum and cadmium from scadrial was robbed. It was still inside Shadesmar, which baffles me. There were three guards on the ship, a human and two reachers. They claim that they saw a person... swimming through the ocean. The person popped out, snapped the giant chains holding one of the crates in place, lifted the big crate (Weighed about 1000 pounds) and leapt into the ocean. Noone saw anything of them after. They moved so quickly, and the guards were too shocked to do anything. 

We suspected that they might be a full feruchemist, using a combination of tricks to swim through the ocean. That might explain the fast movement and the super-strength, but they would have had no way to gain momentum in the ocean. We thought about that for a while before realizing it was too far-fetched. Maybe they were a steelrunner, but they clearly had some other powers. We suspect they are scadrian, for obvious reasons.

We're bringing in the three guards to see what it was they saw, but the reachers can't leave shadesmar. You all need to travel to the horneater peaks. be swift, and do not let anyone see you use an invested art. 

You are dismissed."



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Yeah, the solution was just taking off all the weights.


Ah! I guess I was thinking about it way to hard

PoMee listens to the instructions carefully, she's very excited for their first mission.

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