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Era 7: The Revival


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21 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

“Maybe after work! We’ll meet…uh…here in a few hours? Is that okay?”

The Mistwarrens, outside of the ironworks, a few hours later.

A lot can happen in a few hours.

I knew I shouldn’t have trusted those slug racers. Asylum thought indignantly, keeping salt close to the track is never safe.

let us recount the evening’ misfortunes: 

First asylum spilled salt onto the slug they bet on. After being quite a bit lighter of pocket they then sneezed in a public area apparently filled with a group of rude people who couldn’t give a proper bless you! It took them the remaining hours just to their way back to the factory.

Hopefully this Japanese- well I don’t actually know, man can give me something to report back to the boss, so this day isn’t completely useless. They thought as they walked up to the, now almost completely collapsed, factory.

This day can’t get wor-, they started before stopping themself because they knew for a fact it could.

Edited by Ookla of whimsy
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2 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

The Mistwarrens, outside of the ironworks, a few hours later.

A lot can happen in a few hours.

I knew I shouldn’t have trusted those slug racers. Asylum thought indignantly, keeping salt close to the track is never safe.

let us recount the evening’ misfortunes: 

First asylum spilled salt onto the slug they bet on. After being quite a bit lighter of pocket they then sneezed in a public area apparently filled with a group of rude people who couldn’t give a proper bless you! It took them the remaining hours just to their way back to the factory.

Hopefully this Japanese- well I don’t actually know, man can give me something to report back to the boss, so this day isn’t completely useless. They thought as they walked up to the, now almost completely collapsed, factory.

This day can’t get wor-, they started before stopping themself because they knew for a fact it could.

Itsuki arrives, a little late, to the warehouse. “Hello,” he says, “it’s good to see you again. I don’t believe I got your name earlier?” Please become friends with me. Please. I haven’t had a single friend since I left home. Was that too awkward? Was I too awkward?

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13 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

Itsuki arrives, a little late, to the warehouse. “Hello,” he says, “it’s good to see you again. I don’t believe I got your name earlier?” Please become friends with me. Please. I haven’t had a single friend since I left home. Was that too awkward? Was I too awkward?


15 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

The Mistwarrens, outside of the ironworks, a few hours later.

A lot can happen in a few hours.

I knew I shouldn’t have trusted those slug racers. Asylum thought indignantly, keeping salt close to the track is never safe.

let us recount the evening’ misfortunes: 

First asylum spilled salt onto the slug they bet on. After being quite a bit lighter of pocket they then sneezed in a public area apparently filled with a group of rude people who couldn’t give a proper bless you! It took them the remaining hours just to their way back to the factory.

Hopefully this Japanese- well I don’t actually know, man can give me something to report back to the boss, so this day isn’t completely useless. They thought as they walked up to the, now almost completely collapsed, factory.

This day can’t get wor-, they started before stopping themself because they knew for a fact it could.

The Mistwarrens, outside of the ironworks

Lei walked past the Ironworks on the way to the constabulary. He sees two people standing there, investigating. I should go talk to them. He thought. He pulled out a stamp, inked it, and applied it to the inside of his cloak. As soon as he did a dusty, worn out look spread along it. Perfect. That should make me more... trustworthy looking. He approached the two people. "Hey!" He said, "Are you guys here investigating, or... what?" He asks.

@Ookla the Believer


You're with me, right?


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3 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:


The Mistwarrens, outside of the ironworks

Lei walked past the Ironworks on the way to the constabulary. He sees two people standing there, investigating. I should go talk to them. He thought. He pulled out a stamp, inked it, and applied it to the inside of his cloak. As soon as he did a dusty, worn out look spread along it. Perfect. That should make me more... trustworthy looking. He approached the two people. "Hey!" He said, "Are you guys here investigating, or... what?" He asks.

@Ookla the Believer



Yeah, I am.

Ela followed amiably, though she raised an eyebrow when he stamped himself. Some kind of disguise? Should I have a disguise? She looked over at the people. "You sound so angry," she murmured to Lei. "They're probably just doing the same thing we are." She waved to the people, hoping she hadn't sounded rude.

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17 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

Itsuki arrives, a little late, to the warehouse. “Hello,” he says, “it’s good to see you again. I don’t believe I got your name earlier?” Please become friends with me. Please. I haven’t had a single friend since I left home. Was that too awkward? Was I too awkward?

Asylum was glad the nervous man had returned. They probably couldn’t have found him again with today’s luck.

”good to see you again. I’m really glad you came today hopefully our meeting isn’t cut short agai-“

4 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

He approached the two people. "Hey!" He said, "Are you guys here investigating, or... what?" He asks.

Of course. How could I have expected anything else, Asylum thought, annoyed.

quickly turning to the new crowd, Asylum responded, “hello, didn’t see you there, to answer your question…” Asylum thought for a moment “…yes.” They said slowly, and then more confidently, “yes, we are indeed investigating this” they turned toward the factory, popping a clove of garlic into their mouth for luck, “horrible scene, it really is a tragedy.”

turning back toward the group, they asked “how about you, why are you here?”

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Ela followed amiably, though she raised an eyebrow when he stamped himself. Some kind of disguise? Should I have a disguise? She looked over at the people. "You sound so angry," she murmured to Lei. "They're probably just doing the same thing we are." She waved to the people, hoping she hadn't sounded rude.


2 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

Asylum was glad the nervous man had returned. They probably couldn’t have found him again with today’s luck.

”good to see you again. I’m really glad you came today hopefully our meeting isn’t cut short agai-“

Of course. How could I have expected anything else, Asylum thought, annoyed.

quickly turning to the new crowd, Asylum responded, “hello, didn’t see you there, to answer your question…” Asylum thought for a moment “…yes.” They said slowly, and then more confidently, “yes, we are indeed investigating this” they turned toward the factory, popping a clove of garlic into their mouth for luck, “horrible scene, it really is a tragedy.”

turning back toward the group, they asked “how about you, why are you here?”

"You do realize that in Asia anything white is unlucky, right?" Lei says. "So that garlic clove is quite unlucky. You should really learn more about Chinese taboos before you keep living life. But anyway. We're also here to investigate and help you guys figure out who did this!"

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7 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:


"You do realize that in Asia anything white is unlucky, right?" Lei says. "So that garlic clove is quite unlucky. You should really learn more about Chinese taboos before you keep living life. But anyway. We're also here to investigate and help you guys figure out who did this!"

“Oh, I’m not investigating. Not yet anyway. Unless you want me to investigate? Should I?” Maybe these people could be friends too?

Ha. As if anybody wanted to be friends with him. Except Vinette.

But she was a special case.

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1 minute ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

“Oh, I’m not investigating. Not yet anyway. Unless you want me to investigate? Should I?” Maybe these people could be friends too?

Ha. As if anybody wanted to be friends with him. Except Vinette.

But she was a special case.

Lei looked at the person and narrowed his eyes. Lonely? Yes... those people were dangerous. Not to be trusted. They'd betray you in a heartbeat. "Mhm. Then what are you doing."

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Lei looked at the person and narrowed his eyes. Lonely? Yes... those people were dangerous. Not to be trusted. They'd betray you in a heartbeat. "Mhm. Then what are you doing."

This person didn’t trust Itsuki. He could tell that much about him. Though he was used to it by now, it still hurt as much as it ever did.

Why was Itsuki not worthy of anybody’s trust?

“Just, just meeting up with this person. Whose name I don’t know. Outside of the ruins of a warehouse that was destroyed last night.”

Itsuki could tell that he sounded weird. Very weird. But how could he do anything any better?

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4 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

This person didn’t trust Itsuki. He could tell that much about him. Though he was used to it by now, it still hurt as much as it ever did.

Why was Itsuki not worthy of anybody’s trust?

“Just, just meeting up with this person. Whose name I don’t know. Outside of the ruins of a warehouse that was destroyed last night.”

Itsuki could tell that he sounded weird. Very weird. But how could he do anything any better?

Lei raised an eyebrow. "That seems... safe." He said. "Very safe." Yeah. Definitely not trustworthy. Or smart. Maybe a ruse? He may have done the deed... Lei thought. And that other person... yes, him too.

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Perses, Coppercloud inn, the mistwarrens.


For context, this would likely be an hour or two before you folks convene. I’d say it’s safe to say that the Inn isn’t too far from the ironworks, it just isn’t right next to it.

Perses walked into the inn, wearing his blinder’s glasses. He wore a standard coat, not his mistcoat. He had been told this one was brown.

The inn smelled…cheap. Like something his younger self would have roomed in. It smelled of cigarette smoke, grease, and a faint scent of mold. However, the most obvious scent was that of the desk clerk’s perfume.

The woman seemed nice. She had a friendly disposition, wearing what sounded to be a soft velvety coat. She seemed almost too nice for this place. Something seemed off…

Perses tapped his bronze-sensemind. The woman had a distinct pulse radiating from her. Of course, Perses thought. A soother.

Carefully scanning the area, he searched for other magic at play. Dimming his tapping, the woman stopped pulsing. Turns out the inn lived up to its name. 

One of the things few seekers get to recognize is copper’s pulse. Contrary to what most think, it does exist. Perses felt it gently pulsing over him as he pushed his senses further, searching for its source. The source appeared to be a man, a floor up. There was a real possibility of other Allomancers in this building. Perses needed to be careful.

”Hello, sir. Would you like a room?”

It seemed Perses had zoned off again. Great. Well, it seemed clear that this wasn’t going to be an easy trip if he didn’t want to cause another scene. And given that his visit to the ironworks used up more of his tinminds than he had expected, he wanted this to be a fairly bloodless job. 

“I would love to. Do you have one available?”

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Lei raised an eyebrow. "That seems... safe." He said. "Very safe." Yeah. Definitely not trustworthy. Or smart. Maybe a ruse? He may have done the deed... Lei thought. And that other person... yes, him too.

Itsuki sighed. Why was he so bad at this? “Not really, we just saw each other on the street and I had to leave, so I said that I’d come back here when I finished work.” That still didn’t make much sense, did it? It seemed like it was normal in his mind!

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Sonyr burned bronze to get rid of the sleepiness. gotta move, gotta go, gotta stay one step ahead. he jumps over the window sill and drops into the cushion he laid out. he dusts himself off, then follows backstreets until he gets to the library. he breathes a sigh of relief. at least everything isnt gone. best get to work. and he begins opening up the library.

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13 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

Itsuki sighed. Why was he so bad at this? “Not really, we just saw each other on the street and I had to leave, so I said that I’d come back here when I finished work.” That still didn’t make much sense, did it? It seemed like it was normal in his mind!

“Uh huh…” Lei says. “That makes sense…” Is this dude okay? I don’t think he’s okay. Lei walked towards the wreckage. “So… what happened here…”

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

“Uh huh…” Lei says. “That makes sense…” Is this dude okay? I don’t think he’s okay. Lei walked towards the wreckage. “So… what happened here…”

"I do not know. I just heard that there was wreckage, and I only just got back here from work. I only know what you know." This was curious. Who would do such a thing? Destroying a building...the committer of the the crime had to be stopped.

But who was Itsuki to investigate? The work was best left to somebody else...but if he wanted these people to be his friends and they were investigating....

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19 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

"I do not know. I just heard that there was wreckage, and I only just got back here from work. I only know what you know." This was curious. Who would do such a thing? Destroying a building...the committer of the the crime had to be stopped.

But who was Itsuki to investigate? The work was best left to somebody else...but if he wanted these people to be his friends and they were investigating....

Lei sighed. This was going to be hard. He pulled out a flat soulstone stamp and started carving. "So... someone came in and killed people..." He said. "They could steelpush, the coin marks on the supports show that..." He inked the stamp and pushed it into the floor. A wave of repaired, unburnt floor spread out from the stamp. It continued up the walls, until the factory was rebuilt completely. "That should last..." Lei said, looking at his watch, "About an hour. That gives us some time to study the layout of the ironworks to find out what happened."

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Perses, The Mistwarrens, Coppercloud Inn.

After a few hours at the Inn, Perses had learned a great deal. This was certainly a gang owned territory, with various transactions happening at any given time. There were currently 30 people in the building, with at least ten metalborn present, one of which being a twinborn. There also appeared to be some other magic user, but Perses didn't know of what. They weren't a radiant, but that was all he knew. The safe itself did not seem to be guarded. In fact, Perses suspected that he was the only one in the building that knew about it. He supposed that it wouldn't need to be guarded if nobody knew it was there.

Now all he needed to do was wait. The irritating buzz of the streetlamps had not yet begun, but once they do, he will begin his heist. Though he doesn't care, others tend to find it quite a bit more difficult to find a criminal at night.

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Sonyr begins gathering up books for delivery to one Coppercloud Inn. Strange that they checked out these specific books. are they holding a class or something? as he picks up a book on forensics and a recently obtained book about something called "Shards" written by some guy. Didnt really matter too much at that point. He was, after all, the sole owner and origin of HIdden Library.

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4 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Lei sighed. This was going to be hard. He pulled out a flat soulstone stamp and started carving. "So... someone came in and killed people..." He said. "They could steelpush, the coin marks on the supports show that..." He inked the stamp and pushed it into the floor. A wave of repaired, unburnt floor spread out from the stamp. It continued up the walls, until the factory was rebuilt completely. "That should last..." Lei said, looking at his watch, "About an hour. That gives us some time to study the layout of the ironworks to find out what happened."

A forger, Asylum thought, maybe this will be more fun than I thought.

They walked up to the newly built factory. Knocking on the fresh new wood. “Looks good, now how does removing all the evidence help us?”

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5 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Lei sighed. This was going to be hard. He pulled out a flat soulstone stamp and started carving. "So... someone came in and killed people..." He said. "They could steelpush, the coin marks on the supports show that..." He inked the stamp and pushed it into the floor. A wave of repaired, unburnt floor spread out from the stamp. It continued up the walls, until the factory was rebuilt completely. "That should last..." Lei said, looking at his watch, "About an hour. That gives us some time to study the layout of the ironworks to find out what happened."

Itsuki looks around strangely. "That was...that was magic!" Itsuki couldn't believe it. Real magic...not like Shadesmar, which had been called magic by a random guy that Itsuki met there, but was actually just a bunch of beads. But this...rebuilding a destroyed building....

This was wonderful.

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1 hour ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

A forger, Asylum thought, maybe this will be more fun than I thought.

They walked up to the newly built factory. Knocking on the fresh new wood. “Looks good, now how does removing all the evidence help us?”


45 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

Itsuki looks around strangely. "That was...that was magic!" Itsuki couldn't believe it. Real magic...not like Shadesmar, which had been called magic by a random guy that Itsuki met there, but was actually just a bunch of beads. But this...rebuilding a destroyed building....

This was wonderful.

Lei sighed. "It'll go away in an hour. By seeing what it looked like before we can better posit on what happened once it reverts." Seriously. I thought I already explained that. Lei thought.

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2 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

A forger, Asylum thought, maybe this will be more fun than I thought.

They walked up to the newly built factory. Knocking on the fresh new wood. “Looks good, now how does removing all the evidence help us?”


1 hour ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

Itsuki looks around strangely. "That was...that was magic!" Itsuki couldn't believe it. Real magic...not like Shadesmar, which had been called magic by a random guy that Itsuki met there, but was actually just a bunch of beads. But this...rebuilding a destroyed building....

This was wonderful.


42 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:


Lei sighed. "It'll go away in an hour. By seeing what it looked like before we can better posit on what happened once it reverts." Seriously. I thought I already explained that. Lei thought.

Ela watched the conversation quietly at first, unsure whether she could jump in. Was she…was she supposed to just be a part of it? Lei was so much more powerful than she’d thought, and clearly the newcomers might be too…why did she think she could just be here, could just investigate something so dangerous? “Woah,” she said. Then again. “Woah.” 

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:


Lei sighed. "It'll go away in an hour. By seeing what it looked like before we can better posit on what happened once it reverts." Seriously. I thought I already explained that. Lei thought.

“Yeah, that’s great” Asylum said sarcastically, “let’s just look at a forgery for an hour, that should be fun.” They gave the forger a blank stare “or, hear me out, we go get a drink and talk about this. Maybe, I don’t know, introduce ourselves like normal people.”

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25 minutes ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

“Yeah, that’s great” Asylum said sarcastically, “let’s just look at a forgery for an hour, that should be fun.” They gave the forger a blank stare “or, hear me out, we go get a drink and talk about this. Maybe, I don’t know, introduce ourselves like normal people.”

“A drink sounds nice,” Itsuki says. He was all the way into this investigation idea. He liked helping people, but he was hardly the most qualified person for it. Perhaps he should just let these powerful magic people do the work themselves, without Itsuki dragging them down. But that would mean losing his new friends!

No, Itsuki reminds himself. Not friends yet. Probably friends never, considering how I’m me.

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