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Hey there, I'm Alyssa!

I'm seventeen and live in TX.

So, I've been a Sanderson fan since last summer, read all his books that summer break when my big brother came home from BYU pestering me to read them. Started w/ miistborn, then Warbreaker, Elantris, Alcatraz, then WoK. Convinced my parents to take me four hours away to his Houston signing that November, then started listening to writing excuses.

A bit late to the big Sanderson stuff, just a little loser trying to absorb the cosmere an' all that, but I've been in love with fantasy since before I could read (my older sister is awesome). Found y'all because after I convinced my dad to read TWoK he keeps asking questions, so I googled them. Decided to join in and be a part of it!

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Hey there lyssie, great to have you here :D I must warn you to watch out for the staff though, they enjoy spiking people...and thanks so much for the info on the forgery story :D

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Do you actually talk like that, or are you trying to convince us that you fit the standart Texas stereotype?

I do say y'all, it is efficient and useful.

I also say "an' all that", and things like that, but that is more to make fun of myself ;)

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  • 1 month later...

It is prolly odd to necro my own intro thread, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to put this, and it is cool, so...... *shrug*

So.. this is why my friends call me Brandon Stalkerson. I am in Academic Decathlon, and as a part of that I had to write a 3 and a half to four minute speech... on anything we wanted. My coach recommended we talk about something that we were passionate about, so I chose writing. This is my speech.

On Tuesday November 15, 2011, about four months ago, my life changed! After a few weeks of vehement persuasion, I finally convinced my parents to drive me to Houston to attend a Q/A and signing event for Brandon Sanderson, the author of some of the best books I have ever read and teacher of creative writing at Brigham Young University- my dream college. I was thrilled, ecstatic even! Several rather incriminating facebook posts stand as testament to my total gush-i-ness. The next few days I ran around showing everyone I made eye contact with my freshly signed books, nook, and the coolest picture ever beheld by human eyes: a shot of me, standing next to Brandon Sanderson while he is holding a sharpie to MY BOOK! As of 1:30 a.m. that evening after a five hour drive home, this picture is my profile picture, nook screensaver and phone background.

While I do realize my reaction may seem a tad extreme, everyone I showed my treasure to saw it, said, “Oh, cool” and moved on. No one understood how truly giddy my experience made me. One of my oldest friends saw my nook, gave me an odd glance, and said, “Well, I could see maybe if he was hot”, before changing the subject.

I don’t quite have the time to give you a book report, but what Brandon Sanderson is known for best are his incredibly logical magic systems. For example, in his Mistborn series there is a system wherein some people, determined largely by lineage, are able to metabolize or “burn” ingested metals, enhancing or enabling abilities. Burning iron, for instance, allows you to “pull” against anything metallic, pulling it to you if it is lighter than you are, and pulling you to it if it is heavier. Its alloy and companion metal, steel, does the opposite and “pushes” against metal. The science of the magic system, odd as that phrase sounds, is intriguing and allows for laws that limit it, keeping the story interesting and letting you understand how it works.

Since 2006, Brandon Sanderson has written 11 books. Since the end of summer, I have read those 5,116 pages in addition to 13 other books. I read between 80-100 books a year. I love reading; some of my most cherished memories are from when I was four years old and I crawled up on my big sisters Stacy’s bed, listening as she read me Harry Potter.

I am rabid for all well written books, but fantasy is my home. I love fantasy because I never quite know what I am getting myself into. Every time I crack open a new book, I am thrust into a new world. I let go of everything and immerse myself in the characters head.

Now, I said earlier “my life changed” when I met Brandon Sanderson. I don’t say this because I am just some rabid, insane fangirl; I say it because he is my role model. All my life I have wanted to be able to do what I’ve enjoyed partaking of since I was a kid! I’ve always wanted to be an author, wanted to be able to share with the world the ideas that bounce around in my head - the places I imagine, I just never thought I could possibly be as good as those authors whose books I held dear- until I met Brandon. Our brief conversation went something like this:

“So, I hope to see you around BYU in a couple years.”

“Oh really, you’re going to the Y?”


“Well you should take my class!” he smiled

“Definitely!” I reluctantly shuffled out of line cradling my newfound validation. You are probably wondering if I am all just talk, if this is some unrealizable dream. It isn’t. Since that day, I have compiled the random plot ideas that pop into my head in my journal. I have written four short stories… I am a writer. I’m not a professional yet, but I’m working on it. So, about 10 years from now, go to the bestselling fantasy section of your local bookstore, look up Weatherston, Alyssa and buy my book. I’ll even sign it for you.

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One of my oldest friends saw my nook, gave me an odd glance, and said, “Well, I could see maybe if he was hot”, before changing the subject.

You're friend's obviously never seen a REAL man :lol::P

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Pretty awesome, although I'm not sure if I would choose a college solely because your favorite author teaches there. Then again, if your goal is to become a professional writer, perhaps that isn't a completely terrible idea. For now, you can watch some of his lectures online. There's a thread in the "Brandon News and Discussion" section about it.

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Oh yeah, I know. I'm not going to BYU solely because Brandon teaches there- I promise :P . I've wanted to go there since I was a kid, when I found out Brandon taught there it just made me all the more excited about it :D. And trust me, I've been watching the lectures...

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Hey, I was at the Houston signing too!

I'm not a Texan, but I'm attending Rice which is walking distance from the bookstore. I was a little late (stupid midterms), but still got my book signed.

Hey, cool cool! Are you gonna be there still in July? Also, do you like Dan Wells? Because I am definitely going to his signing then. *shrug*

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