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Multiple Hoids


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So when Hoid is introducing himself to Kaladin in Way of Kings, he notes that Hoid is "the name of someone I should have loved" and says it is "another thing he stole". This brings up an interesting possibility. Namely, is the Hoid we have seen all along necessarily the same person? Is this Hoid in WoK referring to an event and taking the name that happened before the events in any of the Cosmere stories? Or is it possible that this Hoid was somehow acquainted with the previously seen Hoid and, to use his own words, stole his name?

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So when Hoid is introducing himself to Kaladin in Way of Kings, he notes that Hoid is "the name of someone I should have loved" and says it is "another thing he stole". This brings up an interesting possibility. Namely, is the Hoid we have seen all along necessarily the same person? Is this Hoid in WoK referring to an event and taking the name that happened before the events in any of the Cosmere stories? Or is it possible that this Hoid was somehow acquainted with the previously seen Hoid and, to use his own words, stole his name?

Hoid was the name of his mentor which he stole, the Hoid in the cosmere stories that are printed are all the same.

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While The Liar of Partinel is likely no longer accurate, like a lot of Brandon's early, unpublished works, it can still be used as a very basic guide to how things might have been. Midas is the Hoid we know, and his mentor, Hoid, was the one who taught him lightweaving. His reasons for taking on the name of his mentor are unknown, like basically every other motive he has.

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Hoid was the name of his mentor which he stole, the Hoid in the cosmere stories that are printed are all the same.

Not necessarily. I forget exactly where I would find a WoB on the issue, but he has said in the past that the Hoid we see may be more than one person.

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What I'm wondering with this post is not whether or not he stole his name, or even if it is him, but WHEN all of this happened. We have it in a WoB that he took his mentor's name, and it is a reasonable assumption based on the context of his conversation with Kaladin that they did not part on good terms. However, this information is only gained in WoK, notably near the end of the Cosmere timeline, many hundreds of years after he is seen on Sel and later on Scadrial. As far as I know, we don't have any confirmation that the Hoid talking to Kaladin is the same Hoid that Vin was seeking out in Fadrix in HoA. I'm wondering if they might be multiple people and if one of the previous Hoid sightings might have been this mentor whose name the current Hoid took.


What if Hoid was just a title that could be passed down from teacher to student?? But then the Hoid in the cosmear never finished his training so he "stole" the name?

Perhaps you're on to something. Maybe Sigzil is supposed to be the next Hoid.

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