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11 minutes ago, Ookla the Black Sock said:

Hey, all.

I and others were wondering about something (though it was mostly me.)

What if someone rped as the Prince Regent, King George IV? He would have to be younger, for the purposes of this rp. We were having a discussion about how to have him in it in our PM and thought to ask the thread. the main option is that we have it where people nominate themselves and then people vote on which one. that one, all in all, seems the most logical solution.

Any opinions on that?

My cynical thoughts are going haywire at this

How about no prince?

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

My cynical thoughts are going haywire at this

How about no prince?

How about... no?

Think about what that would add? What drama it would bring... imagine the flavor of an impetuous, ridiculous king who wants to keep the aristocracy in the ruling position, yet has a soft spot when it comes to the ladies. Yes, he would order people around, but that's in the rp! He would add someone to fight against as the world is falling apart, someone to blame for all the distress that's happening in the world, someone to point at and say "It's his fault" when it really isn't in any way. Think about it for a minute what kind of interactions he could have with everyone, providing another layer to the political side of the rp... And, besides, think about what sort of romance he would have, as that is part of the main point? Think about all the fun that could come...

And... I'm rambling XD

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Just now, Ookla the Black Sock said:

How about... no?

Think about what that would add? What drama it would bring... imagine the flavor of an impetuous, ridiculous king who wants to keep the aristocracy in the ruling position, yet has a soft spot when it comes to the ladies. Yes, he would order people around, but that's in the rp! He would add someone to fight against as the world is falling apart, someone to blame for all the distress that's happening in the world, someone to point at and say "It's his fault" when it really isn't in any way. Think about it for a minute what kind of interactions he could have with everyone, providing another layer to the political side of the rp... And, besides, think about what sort of romance he would have, as that is part of the main point? Think about all the fun that could come...

And... I'm rambling XD

If you wouldn't RP as the king it is seemingly unfair to assume others will for you just saying

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

If you wouldn't RP as the king it is seemingly unfair to assume others will for you just saying

My understanding is that he wants to, but didn't want to seize the role without considering other people who might want it.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

If you wouldn't RP as the king it is seemingly unfair to assume others will for you just saying

Ahhh, what a wonderful idea, my friend!

That is unfair to ask of everyone...

Why don't I just do it so that I can spare everyone else from having to do it...

definitely never wanted it in the first place.


But, yes, I would be open to doing it myself. I just thought that asking the main thread first to see if someone else was wanting to do it would show common courtesy.

(frick, do I sound hostile here? I'm not trying to sound hostile, I promise!)

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Black Sock said:

Ahhh, what a wonderful idea, my friend!

That is unfair to ask of everyone...

Why don't I just do it so that I can spare everyone else from having to do it...

definitely never wanted it in the first place.


But, yes, I would be open to doing it myself. I just thought that asking the main thread first to see if someone else was wanting to do it would show common courtesy.

(frick, do I sound hostile here? I'm not trying to sound hostile, I promise!)

I think that most people just want the first post out already but you know that doesn't matter and I don't want to speak on behalf of others

If we- you really want, it can be olden style where you had to submit a character sheet first, and it was included in the writeup/first post once approved and yeah

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11 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

I think that most people just want the first post out already but you know that doesn't matter and I don't want to speak on behalf of others

If we- you really want, it can be olden style where you had to submit a character sheet first, and it was included in the writeup/first post once approved and yeah

Wanting is fine and all, but we're still working on it. Believe it or not, these things take time to build up so that it works well.

*shrug* I mean, it can be that way, though, I would prefer it not to be.

This just is a more important role that would impact the rp, it seems like a good thing to ask people about before marching on ahead and taking it with no consideration for the others participating.

Edit: I realized, I've been being a bit hostile. Ima step away from the shard for a bit before coming back.

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9 minutes ago, Ookla the Black Sock said:

Wanting is fine and all, but we're still working on it. Believe it or not, these things take time to build up so that it works well.

*shrug* I mean, it can be that way, though, I would prefer it not to be.

This just is a more important role that would impact the rp, it seems like a good thing to ask people about before marching on ahead and taking it with no consideration for the others participating.

I would assume that if someone wanted to join as a prince it would work regardless. It's just that some stuff doesn't need to be figured out before, since it could be easy to figure out later.

Also, this is sounding bit like a committee ngl

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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

I would assume that if someone wanted to join as a prince it would work regardless. It's just that some stuff doesn't need to be figured out before, since it could be easy to figure out later.

Also, this is sounding bit like a committee ngl

I definitely think we can work this out later, better to get started soon.

And it's not, it's really not going to do anything after the first post is made. We're just trying to get that made, is all.

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8 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

I would assume that if someone wanted to join as a prince it would work regardless. It's just that some stuff doesn't need to be figured out before, since it could be easy to figure out later.

Also, this is sounding bit like a committee ngl

This wouldn't be prince. This would be the prince of the place and time the rp will be taking place. And, besides, wouldn't you rather less confusion at the beginning? I know I would. We're not going to figure out everything, of course, but figuring out certain things is good. And, I think, asking questions of the main thread is also a good choice so that we can try to as closely tailor it as possible to the people playing it, the background information and the beginning post, that is. Getting the public opinion is what you want, isn't it? Just making everything up on the spot and taking over would not be the best thing to do, from what you've said, my friend. I and others are trying to make the background information work seamlessly together for everyone involved. Pre rp stuff is what we're supposed to do, so we'll storming well do it.

This is for answering questions and making it so that people will have help when they need it.

And what do you mean by that, Aeo?

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Black Sock said:

This wouldn't be prince. This would be the prince of the place and time the rp will be taking place. And, besides, wouldn't you rather less confusion at the beginning? I know I would. We're not going to figure out everything, of course, but figuring out certain things is good. And, I think, asking questions of the main thread is also a good choice so that we can try to as closely tailor it as possible to the people playing it, the background information and the beginning post, that is. Getting the public opinion is what you want, isn't it? Just making everything up on the spot and taking over would not be the best thing to do, from what you've said, my friend. I and others are trying to make the background information work seamlessly together for everyone involved. Pre rp stuff is what we're supposed to do, so we'll storming well do it.

This is for answering questions and making it so that people will have help when they need it.

And what do you mean by that, Aeo?

I think my biggest problem is that I'm confused at what your vision is. 

I understand that you're doing this because you believe it is the best for everyone's sake. I get that too. But I guess I'm struggling to necessarily put my trust into what you are doing, because I am unsure what it is.

Maybe you could share your ideas, or what you envision? I am quite confused.

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8 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

I think my biggest problem is that I'm confused at what your vision is. 

I understand that you're doing this because you believe it is the best for everyone's sake. I get that too. But I guess I'm struggling to necessarily put my trust into what you are doing, because I am unsure what it is.

Maybe you could share your ideas, or what you envision? I am quite confused.

I'm going to step away from doing stuff on this thread after this post because I need to focus on writing the first post.

my vision is a regency rp with a slow apocalypse. The first post will have ground rules, an explanation of the setting and a scene to kick off the rp. Then, the committee will be there to hold continuity and answer questions, nothing else.

Is that clear? Should I make a presentation and a powerpoint?

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Just now, Ookla the Black Sock said:

I'm going to step away from doing stuff on this thread after this post because I need to focus on writing the first post.

my vision is a regency rp with a slow apocalypse. The first post will have ground rules, an explanation of the setting and a scene to kick off the rp. Then, the committee will be there to hold continuity and answer questions, nothing else.

Is that clear? Should I make a presentation and a powerpoint?

I need just a few more details please, specifically what the Regency age entails and what magic available.


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Just now, Ookla the Resolute said:

I need just a few more details please, specifically what the Regency age entails and what magic available.

The Regency Era is easily searchable on google.

The magic is going to be more limited. Basically, from what I understand, it's where you can pick to have one power that isn't too op. The power, as I understand it, is entirely up to you to decide upon what it actually is. It'll grow stronger as the Star (which is a whole world building thing) nears. Archie would know more.

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8 hours ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

I need just a few more details please, specifically what the Regency age entails and what magic available.


I can help you with the era, let me know if you have any more questions but I will be gone for a few hours after this post:
The regency era was a period of the history of England in the late 1700s and the early 1800s when the ruler was the Prince Regent King George IV. He spent money on lavish parties and balls and the highest levels of the aristocracy had good times and had pretty great lives.

The poor, though, were going through some of the hardest times ever. The slums had never been bigger and they were mostly ignored by the King. They would work in factories all day—this was during the industrial revolution—but make hardly any money, and be ignored by the Prince Regent.

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4 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

I can help you with the era, let me know if you have any more questions but I will be gone for a few hours after this post:
The regency era was a period of the history of England in the late 1700s and the early 1800s when the ruler was the Prince Regent King George IV. He spent money on lavish parties and balls and the highest levels of the aristocracy had good times and had pretty great lives.

The poor, though, were going through some of the hardest times ever. The slums had never been bigger and they were mostly ignored by the King. They would work in factories all day—this was during the industrial revolution—but make hardly any money, and be ignored by the Prince Regent.

So essentially, something similar to the final empire and the nobility? Okay. 

I think maybe having the prince be a mysterious side character could work well, especially if we want to tone into the frustration at the royalty part. Although the prince being taught a lesson or two could be funny.

12 hours ago, Ookla the Black Sock said:

The Regency Era is easily searchable on google.

The magic is going to be more limited. Basically, from what I understand, it's where you can pick to have one power that isn't too op. The power, as I understand it, is entirely up to you to decide upon what it actually is. It'll grow stronger as the Star (which is a whole world building thing) nears. Archie would know more.

I'm well aware.

Okay, I like the star thing. So I assume, at certain points in the RP, the star gets closer or something like that?

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

So essentially, something similar to the final empire and the nobility? Okay. 

I think maybe having the prince be a mysterious side character could work well, especially if we want to tone into the frustration at the royalty part. Although the prince being taught a lesson or two could be funny.

I'm well aware.

Okay, I like the star thing. So I assume, at certain points in the RP, the star gets closer or something like that?

That would be a yes.

The prince as a side character would work, but if I myself would rp him, then I would most likely want him to have a point of view on the goings on. A sort of contemplative self destruction as the world goes down to pieces around him. It really interests me, how I could spin the historical man into a fictionalized caricature, far different from how he was, but the same as well. It would present me with a new challenge that I would love to have.

Then again... as I think about it more, it could work better if he was in the sidelines more, but sporadically is part of everything before he isn't again. That... hmmm... It might match him more that way, from what I've read about him online. That would ultimately depend on how things work out.

And, if he were a mysterious side character, he would still need someone to play him of which I offer my "humble" services.

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Just now, Ookla the Black Sock said:

That would be a yes.

The prince as a side character would work, but if I myself would rp him, then I would most likely want him to have a point of view on the goings on. A sort of contemplative self destruction as the world goes down to pieces around him. It really interests me, how I could spin the historical man into a fictionalized caricature, far different from how he was, but the same as well. It would present me with a new challenge that I would love to have.

Then again... as I think about it more, it could work better if he was in the sidelines more, but sporadically is part of everything before he isn't again. That... hmmm... It might match him more that way, from what I've read about him online. That would ultimately depend on how things work out.

And, if he were a mysterious side character, he would still need someone to play him of which I offer my "humble" services.

Someone could play the prince and another character, for sure if he's to be a side character. 

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11 minutes ago, Ookla-The-Stick said:

Guys. I'm sorry, but i'm so lost.

I do not compute with talks of magic systems and rules. It's like me trying to understand math!

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And yet, I still am a brandon fan.... 

I want the romance! 

someone tell me what to do


First post should be out later today or tomorrow probably, stuff will be briefly explained there, then you can get to the romance.

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