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Crazy Romance RP Sign Ups


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1 hour ago, Ookla the Quesadilla said:

I’m a little late to the debate, but lemme jump in rq lol. (Also I haven’t read much of this yet so just a disclaimer.) I think it should be set in a modern time period because it would be easy for everyone all around, and while you’re right about how little time it takes to search something up @Thaidakar the Ghostblood, it can get frustrating very quickly for those who aren’t familiar with the time period. I also believe the external conflict should be something they’re constantly around—some sort of apocalypse situation. It will make the roleplay more fun and add drama while keeping things not overly chaotic like the Hunger Games or something similar like that—maybe we could even work in some traumatic deaths and dramatic betrayals. The fact that our characters could be the last ones on earth not only puts pressure on them to live the rest of their lives but also to try and save humanity. If you catch my drift. But with a war, the focus would be fighting/winning, especially if the characters enlisted, and it would be incredibly chaotic. And many people here aren’t very familiar with the way war works. But yeah, I think a modern time period is just the most solid way to start off, especially due to how complex and sophisticated society was back in the regency era and the fact that most people (or at least nobles) had to and marry very young and make it someone who would keep their status secure. I think it would just be awkward to base a the-world-is-ending-romance rp in a society that kind of tabooed love a little bit (it existed, yes, but rules on it were very strict and I think our characters could grow uncomfortable). Idk. A sort of modern apocalypse would also give the characters a good reason to meet if they all ended up in the same bunker/shelter/etc. 

Also, with that being said, I think we could work magic into a modern time period if people wanted that. I think there shouldn’t be magic because it would make the roleplay more unnecessarily complicated when the focus is on love, not the world and saving it (at least for most characters). 

For the technology bit, I think it makes sense to go with the tech in the given time period—modern would give people guns and things, which would make it easier to protect themselves and keep the focus on romance (though of course there should be a little drama with the world ending haha) rather than drawn-out sword fights and things. Also, gun fights are easier to write (yes I’m lazy okay 😭). 

And lastly, I’m kind of a sucker for tragedy, but I think it would be kind of pointless to kill them all off at the end. I think it would be cool to have them never find a cure and have to find somewhere to go and live amongst the zombies. Anyways, that’s just what I think. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Alright. *flexes fingers* 


I'll address each thing as you said them and why it works with Regency or my reasoning why not or saying that I agree (It does happen, I swear). I'll separate certain points from the giant paragraph, though, to make it easier to read.


It could get frustrating, which is why we could have people to explain it if anyone has questions, making it ver clear that questions can be asked at any time and will hopefully be getting answers as soon as possible.

The thing with the external problem is that it's still there in the Regency rp. It's there in the fact that they're in a society that is falling apart with panic slowly over it. It's a tension that's starting to take over them. I envision it in a way sort of like how certain things were in Mistborn (If you've read it, you know what I'm talking about.) everyone would be making more rash decisions, people would be freaking out over the end. Others would see it and try to suddenly take compassion on others, which could cause a ripple effect in their house, making people who were formerly their friends into their enemies for their use of money. A load of other things could happen. We could also introduce like a sort of antagonist in a banking guild that has the Prince Regent's ear, getting him to put more taxes on the people than before so that he can survive the mayhap. However, I do see what you're saying and think that we do need to have something like that in a way. Perhaps from that slow apocalypse that @Ookla the Abstract was saying, if we end up using it, which I hope we do, a shadowy creature forms and slowly multiplies, killing off people, side characters and, yes, main characters. Although, I don't think it should be decided now what that thing is. I think it should be decided by a predetermined group who throw it in at some point to help move things along. (I'm also hoping for a Rogue One style ending to this, which I'll get to in a minute.)

As for what you were saying about the society and taboos on love or sophistication, it's as someone (I thought it was Panda, but idk who it was here-) said, there doesn't need to be consistency too much, as it's an alternate earth. It can be different to make it less awkward in some ways for us (Such as getting rid of getting married at a young age. young age meaning below eighteen or so, I presume.) I do think that, if we do include some of that taboo more, it could start to fall apart since the world is falling apart. Though, I myself am looking forward to rping the sophistication (*dreamily thinking of the dinner scene in Dune*), I can see why someone might not be and, as for that, all I say is this: honestly, I don't know if it really matters. Do your own thing! If you don't want to rp specific things, maybe it's a part of your character? Maybe it's something they themselves do that others don't? It could be really fun and add a nice quirk to them, as all characters need. That complexity, also, would be fun to explore, I think, digging deep into how it all fits together.

And for it giving them more reason to meet? Plot convenience lol. I don't really have an answer for this besides... well... we just kinda make it happen. 

I can agree with that, though, for some that removes some of the appeal. Personally, I think it could be awesome with or without magic. The magic just can do certain things that I've been thinking about... hmmm... Imagine a sort of emotions influenced magic that starts to come out as everyone starts to get stressed, or seeks to ignore everything, or gets very very angry or hateful. A lot of fun and crazy things could happen with magic, but I do think without magic could help with things. 

There were guns then... Alright. I gotta do it... Imagine something like the last third or so of this. This could be our gun fights. Sword fights could also be insanely epic. Just imagine fencing with regency era dialogue and mmmmmmm... Gun fights, I think, could and would be more often, yet fighting with swords is just so... amazing. I love them to death. 

With all the tension, build up, conflict and more, I think it would be pointless not to kill them all off.


I can see why not killing them all off, yet killing almost all of them off has its appeal. As we continue the debate, I find myself leaning in that direction more. However, I think that a good few people would try to do that. Perhaps, with the committee I've been suggesting, people can ask for their character to survive in the end. After a certain amount of people, it could be capped off. I would write another massive paragraph but I'm kinda tired and need to cut this off.

Speaking of endings-

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Silver said:

Well, you have a precedent now. Now you must do it.

so many directions this could go...

Maybe it's a plague that slowly starts happening, to keep that air of the slow apocalypse, and keeping the elements of political intrigue with the sorts of things we want to have from Pride and Prejudice.

But.. I must say... having a dance sequence where both partners start turning into zombies would be phenomenal..

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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

so many directions this could go...

Maybe it's a plague that slowly starts happening, to keep that air of the slow apocalypse, and keeping the elements of political intrigue with the sorts of things we want to have from Pride and Prejudice.

But.. I must say... having a dance sequence where both partners start turning into zombies would be phenomenal..


God, maybe I do want to join the rp.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Silver said:

What if they keep moving after they die?

I mean, if it ends up being zombies, then that could be really fun. It wouldn't really be them, though.

Aight, I think I'm finally on board for some people surviving, just I don't want a lot of people jumping the gun on trying to make it their own characters who survive. Some, yes, but not all.

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I personally think a more slow, subtle apocalypse is better because it's not really something that can be fought. That gives much more of a sense of general inevitability and dread. Zombies are just kind of... "Ah, scary!" And also would mean that any interesting Regency stuff couldn't reasonably operate very well. A ball where someone turns into a zombie in the middle is not going to be much of a ball for very long.

@Ookla the Quesadilla, I know you were saying that having a different time period could introduce frustration, and I agree that there are problems with it, but it does seem like the vote has gone pretty firmly in that direction. I think that as long as we aren't too firm about making it very historical, it should probably be fine?

All the societal structure will make it hard for the characters to have much freedom... A modern setting would actually allow for bucket-listing and such.

Edited by Ookla the Abstract
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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

I mean, if it ends up being zombies, then that could be really fun. It wouldn't really be them, though.

Aight, I think I'm finally on board for some people surviving, just I don't want a lot of people jumping the gun on trying to make it their own characters who survive. Some, yes, but not all.

The masquerade shall never come to an end, for the dead dance on. 


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30 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Alright. *flexes fingers* 


I'll address each thing as you said them and why it works with Regency or my reasoning why not or saying that I agree (It does happen, I swear). I'll separate certain points from the giant paragraph, though, to make it easier to read.


It could get frustrating, which is why we could have people to explain it if anyone has questions, making it ver clear that questions can be asked at any time and will hopefully be getting answers as soon as possible.

The thing with the external problem is that it's still there in the Regency rp. It's there in the fact that they're in a society that is falling apart with panic slowly over it. It's a tension that's starting to take over them. I envision it in a way sort of like how certain things were in Mistborn (If you've read it, you know what I'm talking about.) everyone would be making more rash decisions, people would be freaking out over the end. Others would see it and try to suddenly take compassion on others, which could cause a ripple effect in their house, making people who were formerly their friends into their enemies for their use of money. A load of other things could happen. We could also introduce like a sort of antagonist in a banking guild that has the Prince Regent's ear, getting him to put more taxes on the people than before so that he can survive the mayhap. However, I do see what you're saying and think that we do need to have something like that in a way. Perhaps from that slow apocalypse that @Ookla the Abstract was saying, if we end up using it, which I hope we do, a shadowy creature forms and slowly multiplies, killing off people, side characters and, yes, main characters. Although, I don't think it should be decided now what that thing is. I think it should be decided by a predetermined group who throw it in at some point to help move things along. (I'm also hoping for a Rogue One style ending to this, which I'll get to in a minute.)

As for what you were saying about the society and taboos on love or sophistication, it's as someone (I thought it was Panda, but idk who it was here-) said, there doesn't need to be consistency too much, as it's an alternate earth. It can be different to make it less awkward in some ways for us (Such as getting rid of getting married at a young age. young age meaning below eighteen or so, I presume.) I do think that, if we do include some of that taboo more, it could start to fall apart since the world is falling apart. Though, I myself am looking forward to rping the sophistication (*dreamily thinking of the dinner scene in Dune*), I can see why someone might not be and, as for that, all I say is this: honestly, I don't know if it really matters. Do your own thing! If you don't want to rp specific things, maybe it's a part of your character? Maybe it's something they themselves do that others don't? It could be really fun and add a nice quirk to them, as all characters need. That complexity, also, would be fun to explore, I think, digging deep into how it all fits together.

And for it giving them more reason to meet? Plot convenience lol. I don't really have an answer for this besides... well... we just kinda make it happen. 

I can agree with that, though, for some that removes some of the appeal. Personally, I think it could be awesome with or without magic. The magic just can do certain things that I've been thinking about... hmmm... Imagine a sort of emotions influenced magic that starts to come out as everyone starts to get stressed, or seeks to ignore everything, or gets very very angry or hateful. A lot of fun and crazy things could happen with magic, but I do think without magic could help with things. 

There were guns then... Alright. I gotta do it... Imagine something like the last third or so of this. This could be our gun fights. Sword fights could also be insanely epic. Just imagine fencing with regency era dialogue and mmmmmmm... Gun fights, I think, could and would be more often, yet fighting with swords is just so... amazing. I love them to death. 

With all the tension, build up, conflict and more, I think it would be pointless not to kill them all off.


I can see why not killing them all off, yet killing almost all of them off has its appeal. As we continue the debate, I find myself leaning in that direction more. However, I think that a good few people would try to do that. Perhaps, with the committee I've been suggesting, people can ask for their character to survive in the end. After a certain amount of people, it could be capped off. I would write another massive paragraph but I'm kinda tired and need to cut this off.

Speaking of endings-

I need to say this:

Asking questions does not help people if they can never understand the setting.

For instance, in the cytovese hunger games, I didn't have any knowledge of the setting or the characters. I thought it would be fine. It was not. No matter how hard I tried, I always felt behind, or restricted whenever I tried to make a post, even if I asked questions or looked on the wiki. I don't think you quite realize that until you've been thrown into that situation. And that does make others frustrated, and makes the people answering questions frustrated. Just a heads up. I don't even know what Regency era is, but I can already tell it's going to be extremely annoying for me to understand, and probably drive me away from wanting to RP, although I am willing to learn.

As for how they meet, I think that saying "Oh, it's plot convenience" won't work. Just look at Regular Wizards RP, where that was tried and desperately failed. Interaction was difficult to get. That's what I think will happen if we shrug off important aspects of the planning.

I vehemently disagree with the committee idea. I personally don't think it needs to exist. An RP can be successful without a committee, and arguably falters with one. The reason why is because of the composition of the committee. I can go more into detail there, but I will refrain from, as I don't think it is necessary.

Other than that, I can clearly see that you are quite invested into your ideas. But don't be so quick to strike others' suggestions down. Just saying.

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9 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

I mean, if it ends up being zombies, then that could be really fun. It wouldn't really be them, though.

Aight, I think I'm finally on board for some people surviving, just I don't want a lot of people jumping the gun on trying to make it their own characters who survive. Some, yes, but not all.

My character will die. I’ve come up with nothing else for this character, just that they’re going to die.

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

I personally think a more slow, subtle apocalypse is better because it's not really something that can be fought. That gives much more of a sense of general inevitability and dread. Zombies are just kind of... "Ah, scary!" And also would mean that any interesting Regency stuff couldn't reasonably operate very well. A ball where someone turns into a zombie in the middle is not going to be much of a ball for very long.

@Ookla the Quesadilla, I know you were saying that having a different tone period could introduce frustration, and I agree that there are problems with it, but it does seem like the vote has gone pretty firmly in that direction. I think that as long as we aren't too firm about making it very historical, it should probably be fine?

All the societal structure will make it hard for the characters to have much freedom... A modern setting would actually allow for bucket-listing and such.

Hmm... I get that. The sense of inevitability wouldn't be the same thing... It could work similarly, but it wouldn't be exactly the same, as you say. Honestly, I'm fine with whatever in the world building aspect as long as it is somewhat slow, has a deadline for when the earth is getting (almost, potentially) all destroyed, and it's Regency. And, even then, I'll be fine if it's not any of that. It's merely the ideas I like the best of all of them.

Also, I think you basically summed up my giant list of paragraphs that I sent last ver yell with that  sentence "I think that as long as we aren't too firm about making it very historical, it should probably be fine?" I really do need to try to do thinks simpler, not loads of rambling and large paragraphs with redundant sentences.... aaaafter this post.

1 minute ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

I need to say this:

Asking questions does not help people if they can never understand the setting.

For instance, in the cytovese hunger games, I didn't have any knowledge of the setting or the characters. I thought it would be fine. It was not. No matter how hard I tried, I always felt behind, or restricted whenever I tried to make a post, even if I asked questions or looked on the wiki. I don't think you quite realize that until you've been thrown into that situation. And that does make others frustrated, and makes the people answering questions frustrated. Just a heads up. I don't even know what Regency era is, but I can already tell it's going to be extremely annoying for me to understand, and probably drive me away from wanting to RP, although I am willing to learn.

As for how they meet, I think that saying "Oh, it's plot convenience" won't work. Just look at Regular Wizards RP, where that was tried and desperately failed. Interaction was difficult to get. That's what I think will happen if we shrug off important aspects of the planning.

I vehemently disagree with the committee idea. I personally don't think it needs to exist. An RP can be successful without a committee, and arguably falters with one. The reason why is because of the composition of the committee. I can go more into detail there, but I will refrain from, as I don't think it is necessary.

Other than that, I can clearly see that you are quite invested into your ideas. But don't be so quick to strike others' suggestions down. Just saying.

I'll address it all in reverse because I think I need to do it in that way.

I agree wholeheartedly. I haven't made it clear as much as I should have. Other ideas, other ways of looking at things, is awesome! I want to hear more things! I just got super invested in some interesting thoughts that I had last night and went, perhaps, a little overboard. And, even today, I kinda did the same thing. I will try my best to compromise more. I'll do my best to not shut people down.

I would disagree. However, in things such as this I wind up in the committee in one way or another, so I don't know if I can really say anything beyond this: from what I have seen, having guided rp can be really fun. It's also a learning progress for all of us. But that's not what I'm saying this needs to be beyond the core ideas. For this, the committee would be mainly for answering questions about the setting and throwing in certain events every now and then (such as x house has fallen or y person has done something arrogant). It wouldn't be the same thing as the HG one. It's so that there can be consistency in the way certain setting questions are answered. I'll continue the "questions answered" thing with the last thing that I'll respond to.

Creativity, my friend. We're a creative bunch, we'll find ways. And, if you want me to, I can pull out a bunch of different examples of how characters from different areas of the rp and with different roles can come together. I just didn't have and don't have currently the time  to do so. I can do it, however, once I get back from Church, most likely.

I can see that, and I sort of know the feeling. However, I do think that there will need to be people answering questions and there will inevitably be people asking them in any scenario in any era. Perhaps in a historical one, it will be more so, but there are more resources to find out about it than in a more fictionalized scenario. I know that isn't exactly a full answer. I don't fully understand, but I can try to imagine it and empathize with it. What I'm thinking is that there will always be some sort of confusion, regardless of setting. I've been just trying to think of steps we can take to make it so that it is easier for you and others to know what it is. That's the basis of the committee idea in the first place, to answer questions. Wouldn't it be better to have people to ask things about who can have a consistent answer than a more generalized and improvised way of figuring it out? It's clunky, yes, but it is something. It might be the best we can get, along with googling and the FAQ idea.

Aaaand.. I've gotta run. Cya later, most likely!

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Oh WOW! this is long. *don't feel like reading all this*

*channeling inner Madison* Highlights! (please inform me :D)

I want to do this and have pretty much no opinion on anything except

15 hours ago, Ookla the Yellow Sock said:

I personally like WW1 for several reasons:

1. It has the simplicity of guns and gas so that we don’t have nukes.

2. It allows action to happen.

3. People can drop out on the front lines or join in a new recruit any time. 
4. It’s a commonly know event in history and it’s easy to research if needed.

5. You can be drafted or enlisted.

6. It gives a reason for people to fall in love, impending doom makes people think faster about marking off their bucket lists.

7. We can have a wide variety of people from different countries and such, forbidden romance???

8. Historical romance isn’t often found in rps.

9. It doesn’t need a magic system to be exciting.

10. Trauma!

Those were just off the top of my head.


but, other than that, I don't really have an opinion :P 


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6 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Hmm... I get that. The sense of inevitability wouldn't be the same thing... It could work similarly, but it wouldn't be exactly the same, as you say. Honestly, I'm fine with whatever in the world building aspect as long as it is somewhat slow, has a deadline for when the earth is getting (almost, potentially) all destroyed, and it's Regency. And, even then, I'll be fine if it's not any of that. It's merely the ideas I like the best of all of them.

Also, I think you basically summed up my giant list of paragraphs that I sent last ver yell with that  sentence "I think that as long as we aren't too firm about making it very historical, it should probably be fine?" I really do need to try to do thinks simpler, not loads of rambling and large paragraphs with redundant sentences.... aaaafter this post.

I'll address it all in reverse because I think I need to do it in that way.

I agree wholeheartedly. I haven't made it clear as much as I should have. Other ideas, other ways of looking at things, is awesome! I want to hear more things! I just got super invested in some interesting thoughts that I had last night and went, perhaps, a little overboard. And, even today, I kinda did the same thing. I will try my best to compromise more. I'll do my best to not shut people down.

I would disagree. However, in things such as this I wind up in the committee in one way or another, so I don't know if I can really say anything beyond this: from what I have seen, having guided rp can be really fun. It's also a learning progress for all of us. But that's not what I'm saying this needs to be beyond the core ideas. For this, the committee would be mainly for answering questions about the setting and throwing in certain events every now and then (such as x house has fallen or y person has done something arrogant). It wouldn't be the same thing as the HG one. It's so that there can be consistency in the way certain setting questions are answered. I'll continue the "questions answered" thing with the last thing that I'll respond to.

Creativity, my friend. We're a creative bunch, we'll find ways. And, if you want me to, I can pull out a bunch of different examples of how characters from different areas of the rp and with different roles can come together. I just didn't have and don't have currently the time  to do so. I can do it, however, once I get back from Church, most likely.

I can see that, and I sort of know the feeling. However, I do think that there will need to be people answering questions and there will inevitably be people asking them in any scenario in any era. Perhaps in a historical one, it will be more so, but there are more resources to find out about it than in a more fictionalized scenario. I know that isn't exactly a full answer. I don't fully understand, but I can try to imagine it and empathize with it. What I'm thinking is that there will always be some sort of confusion, regardless of setting. I've been just trying to think of steps we can take to make it so that it is easier for you and others to know what it is. That's the basis of the committee idea in the first place, to answer questions. Wouldn't it be better to have people to ask things about who can have a consistent answer than a more generalized and improvised way of figuring it out? It's clunky, yes, but it is something. It might be the best we can get, along with googling and the FAQ idea.

Aaaand.. I've gotta run. Cya later, most likely!

You know what- this isn't worth arguing anymore. I'll be fine with whatever the end result is. I'm just not going to waste time trying to argue my points. 

Just a quick question: who would be on the Committee?

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14 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

You know what- this isn't worth arguing anymore. I'll be fine with whatever the end result is. I'm just not going to waste time trying to argue my points. 

Just a quick question: who would be on the Committee?

Also, what is the Committee?

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood

Edited by Ookla the Abstract
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