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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

This is already the largest SE game I've ever played I'm sure mat is struggling already

The first game I played had 31 :D Poor Joe.

16 is great. I've run larger games. My struggle is my own fault :P Actually, most of the two hours was spent prepping docs and formatting how GM PMs will look, so it's not a problem. The rands can be reranded quickly enough. But if you're planning on signing up, sooner rather than later is best :rolleyes: 

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MR67: Cycle One: Let the (Convention) Game Begin!

It was horrible. A crowd of people, circling the body like it was meant for amusement. Nervous gasps and chatters echoed through the large hall, with mingling sobs mixed in. 

Mat pushed his way through. He'd heard vaguely who'd been murdered, and wanted to confirm his fears. Supposedly it had been an exhibitor, an author, and he was worried he knew exactly who. When he made it to the front of the crowd, his heard sank. The dead woman on the floor before him had a piece of paper taped to her chest. A... death note.

A writeup.

It read: Elandera was killed. She was a Reasonable SEr!

Let the game begin.

The people around Mat were confused at the meaning of the note. But he knew. Oh, he knew.

He stole a glance backwards to where the rest of the SErs were gathered, still circled up. This convention was not going to be what he thought it was. Elandera, he thought, sending a prayer up above. Guide us in these times. We're going to need it.

Meanwhile, across the convention, another game was beginning. "See the attached Convention Game rules" the happy, oblivious intercom announced. "and may the best player win!"

*     *     *

Cycle One has begun! It will end in about 48 hours, on Wednesday, December 13th, at 3pm PST.

Things to note:

  • Please read the Convention Game clarifications at the bottom of this post, and feel free to ask any questions in your GM PM, at the risk of being PAFOd.
  • There will be an execution today, with no vote minimum and RNGd ties. When voting, please also vote using a non-Ookla name if possible.
  • Our IM is @Elandera, may she rest in peace (and with ability to assist when necessary). Contact her with any concerns!
  • If you didn't receive your GM PM for whatever reason, contact me ASAP.
  • Remember to submit any actions, if applicable!

Convention Game Clarifications:

  • By completing your task, you earn a point. When you've completed your task, please tell me in your GM PM and cite where if possible.
  • By guessing your opponent, you earn a point and your opponent cannot gain a point by completing their task. You get one GM PM guess.
  • By guessing the two players that make up another group, you earn a point. When guessing groups, you can only name a player once each.
  • "Being the first" to complete your task refers specifically to you versus your opponent. If someone else randomly meets the requirements of your task, it doesn't matter.
  • Your opponent is of the same order as you, and one of you is corrupted. This corruption is flavor only.
  • You have a similar (if not identical) task to your opponent. Other groups may or may not have similar tasks to yours.
  • With 16 players, there are eight groups of two and zero groups of three. No groups are repeated.
  • Balance is not guaranteed. Think of it as a mini meaningless BT :P
  • Hopefully that makes sense. If not, PM me and I'll see what I can explain lol

Player List:

  1. @Ookla of Ravens / TheRavenHasLanded
  2. @Ookla the Raveness / The Wandering Wizard - Wizzy
  3. @Ookla the Bald / The Known Novel - Shane Huge (jock/bully/audiobook listener)
  4. @Ookla the Paradigm / Archer
  5. @Winnie the Pookla / Araris Valerian
  6. @Ookla the Resolute / Aeoryi
  7. @Ookla thePresentParticiple / Ravenclawjedi42
  8.  @WildKarrde  / Kasim  (Shot Araris in the face a long long time ago)  -  (@Kasimir
  9. @JNV
  10. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Lena
  11. @TheOokla929 / Alpha/Labyrinth - that one guy with a 2 year old named Kaladin
  12. @Coffeecat / Silberfarben
  13. @neil the beguiled
  14. @Amanuensis
  15. @Ashbringer
  16. @Ookla the Rich / Cash67


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"Hey guys, someone at this convention taught me a verbal order that causes the voice assistant on your phone to break. I started on the Apple one, but it works on androids and other types too!
"What I'm saying is I've become a Siri et al. killer.
"Seriously. Last time I was in this position I got C2ed because I didn't claim so I'm just cutting to the chase here."

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  oh right thats how yall vote here? whats up with the self vote? is it some sort of meme meow?

  edit: im slowly watching my post count go up and its so amusing to me. sorry i love hyperposting :D. this will only end horribly

Edited by neil the beguiled
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6 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

  oh right thats how yall vote here? whats up with the self vote? is it some sort of meme meow?

  edit: im slowly watching my post count go up and its so amusing to me. sorry i love hyperposting :D. this will only end horribly

I did it in QF69- it happened recently, and got D1 hammered (votes were locked in)

It's a thing I do I guess


ere be th link if u wanna read


Edited by Ookla the Resolute
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Just now, neil the beguiled said:

OH lol. here let me help you out then smile :3

Aeoryi (Ookla the Resolute)

Oh yeah forgot to ask u do u have any previous mafia forum experience?

Just now, Amanuensis said:

RIP Elan :( Maybe we can persuade Brandon to finish the Gamer Files in her memory.

They went for the inactives

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4 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

o/ aman


sadge no reaction :[

yeah, ive played on MU and a bit on flight rising, but i mostly play chat mafia ^^ stick invited me to play a game here and i wanted to check it out so here i am!!!!


Okay hi!

Yeah I signed up for 1 MU game so far but haven't done much on MU, more stuff here on SE

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6 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

o/ aman


sadge no reaction :[

yeah, ive played on MU and a bit on flight rising, but i mostly play chat mafia ^^ stick invited me to play a game here and i wanted to check it out so here i am!!!!


Hi Neil 👋 nice to meet you. Hope Stick didn't smack talk us too much.

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i know :curtain: (im one of the game hosts of that mountainous game LOL). nice to see ya o/. im kinda itching to post and poke around but i feel like at this stage its kinda meh to do so and i think id get like. carried away with myself (soemthing something chat player on a forum something something hyperposting).

@ aman

lol no worries, stick mentioned you repped here for champs at one point but thats abt it. also said its a lot quieter here? im kinda expecting it to be more like the FR forums in comparison to anything else ive played :3 but im excited to be here (even if ive never brandoned a sanderson in my life)

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2 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

i know :curtain: (im one of the game hosts of that mountainous game LOL). nice to see ya o/. im kinda itching to post and poke around but i feel like at this stage its kinda meh to do so and i think id get like. carried away with myself (soemthing something chat player on a forum something something hyperposting).

@ aman

lol no worries, stick mentioned you repped here for champs at one point but thats abt it. also said its a lot quieter here? im kinda expecting it to be more like the FR forums in comparison to anything else ive played :3 but im excited to be here (even if ive never brandoned a sanderson in my life)


Apparently (according to Mat, our GM) MU is more aggressive and hardcore than SE in general.

Then again, I had to wait a month for a game to be open to sign up (on MU)

Edited by Ookla the Resolute
On mu
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yeaaaaaah. for sure (btw im just afraid of the quote button dont mind me.) fr is like... a lot more chill than MU as well (10ppp helps lol) and theres a lot less tryharding there as well, which is why i think that experience better correlates. but also i dont know how many dragons are on this site xD

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7 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

yeaaaaaah. for sure (btw im just afraid of the quote button dont mind me.) fr is like... a lot more chill than MU as well (10ppp helps lol) and theres a lot less tryharding there as well, which is why i think that experience better correlates. but also i dont know how many dragons are on this site xD

What's a dragon?

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46 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

  neil the eel

Trying to give yourself a nickname? :P. Hi, I'm Archer, by the way. The Ookla thing is temporary. 


"It's true! I murdered a box of corn flakes today. I am a cereal killer!" 

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Paradigm said:

Trying to give yourself a nickname? :P. Hi, I'm Archer, by the way. The Ookla thing is temporary. 


"It's true! I murdered a box of corn flakes today. I am a serial killer!" 

Bolded mine


I mean...

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57 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

  neil the eel



35 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

RIP Elan. :( Maybe we can persuade Brandon to finish the Gamer Files in her memory.

Here’s to hoping we can be village bros this game. And if not then that we can have an epic showdown.

Gonna start off with a vote on Archer for the murder of cereal.

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10 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Bolded mine


I mean...

I'm sorry was I being too subtle


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Just now, Ookla the Paradigm said:

I'm sorry was I being too subtle


Okay Mr medium man.

Tbh when was the last time a sk won

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