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Ati and Leras


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I'm working on a new theory and realized it hinged on one important question that I thought I should check first.


Do we have any confirmation that Ati and Leras were the original Shardholders for Preservation and Ruin? Is it possible that there were previous holders before them, notably that they might not have been the Shardholders who used Preservation and Ruin to create life on Scadrial, but subsequent inheritors to the Shards, natives of Scadrial itself?

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There is no confirmation to my knowledge. However, the chances of Ruin and Preservation not being the original Shardholders post-Adonalsium are basically nonexistent, and we have no hints there were people before them. Sazed would have brought it up during the epigraphs if they were not the original holders, I think...

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We do have confirmation from the letter that Hoid wrote in TWoK.


The letter is a conversation between Hoid and the leader of the 17th Shard, who are "hunting" Hoid. Hoid is asking for help in defeating Rayse, and mentions Ati directly as a person that was kind and nice, and eventually fell to the intent of his shard, Ruin.


Because Hoid was at the shattering of Adonalsium, we are able to ascertain that it is very likely that all named Shardholders, Ati, Leras, Aona, Tanavast, Rayse, Bavadin are first generation Shardholders - the shards themselves being the shards of Adonalsium.


**Yes, I forgot a couple of Shardholders...**

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Well we know they're from Yolen so the odds of them not being the original holders are almost insignificant but there is a slight possibility. This quote confirms they're from Dragonsteel and Brandon at least implicitly accepts that they're the original Shardholders.



Will you ever go into more detail about the dead original shardholders? I'd love to know what kind of people Tanavast, Ati, and Leras were.
They will all be characters in the Dragonsteel series.
Edited by Voidus
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 So Hoid is very involved in the third Mistborn trilogy, he’s also very involved in Dragonsteel, which is actually the first book in the sequence, long before Elantris happened.


This is from pretty early on I think but I think it's safe to say that Dragondsteel is set before all the other cosmere books.

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