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Starfall - A Love RP

Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Lotus said:

"What have you made of your observations, I wonder."

She paused for a moment to turn her head towards the large glass windows of one side in the ballroom.

"Isn't this star just exhilarating?"

"That's a new perspective, to my ears."

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26 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

"I see it as something that may change the world, right before it destroys it. I am very interested to see how."

''I know how."

She smiled.

"I've heard many things... Many things that many people have said. And I find this star as a... saving grace, perhaps. It fills our lives with excitement. Despair. Fear. Exhilaration. I advise you to simply accept it before it hits, so you may enjoy your last moments as opposed to regret them. And perhaps, in the moments of wild, of chaos, of fear! In the moments of the storm, perhaps we can all be ourselves. Commit treason, laugh freely, spread a little chaos. Break from our own manacles of grief and self-pity. Perhaps this star will end our mourning for who we were, and begin to unlock who we are."

She looked at the star again.

"And I consider myself blessed to experience such a wonder."


For context... Her power is the ability to have enhanced hearing. She is able to eavesdrop and pick up on all conversations around her. As the star approaches, this power will increase so that instead of simply hearing the conversations in a room, she'll be able to hear past walls into the next room, or hear a whisper in a ballroom, etc.

This power is why she knows a lot of gossip/hearsay about everyone everywhere and stay very socially tuned.


Edited by Ookla the Lotus
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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Lotus said:

''I know how."

She smiled.

"I've heard many things... Many things that many people have said. And I find this star as a... saving grace, perhaps. It fills our lives with excitement. Despair. Fear. Exhilaration. I advise you to simply accept it before it hits, so you may enjoy your last moments as opposed to regret them. And perhaps, in the moments of wild, of chaos, of fear! In the moments of the storm, perhaps we can all be ourselves. Commit treason, laugh freely, spread a little chaos. Break from our own manacles of grief and self-pity. Perhaps this star will end our mourning for who we were, and begin to unlock who we are."

She looked at the star again.

"And I consider myself blessed to experience such a wonder."

"Could it perhaps give you a chance to truly realize why you live, so you do not keep destroying yourselves for empty things?"

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

"Could it perhaps give you a chance to truly realize why you live, so you do not keep destroying yourselves for empty things?"

"Perhaps, for some. The lucky ones, maybe. Yet I believe others have destroyed themselves too much. And others have been empty to begin with," Her face soured as she was clearly referencing Cedric.

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Just now, Ookla the Lotus said:

"Perhaps, for some. The lucky ones, maybe. Yet I believe others have destroyed themselves too much. And others have been empty to begin with," Her face soured as she was clearly referencing Cedric.

"What do you hope for yourself?"

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On 12/9/2023 at 6:19 PM, Ookla the Raveness said:

She shrugs. "I honestly have no opinion on it either way Lord David." 

Well it might free me from the inevitable marriage my relatives seem to be arranging me. And also give me that chance for adventure I've always hoped for...

"well... I don't really know what to talk about sorry".

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12 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

"What do you hope for yourself?"

"I hope for chaos. I hope for past vengeance colliding with future revenge. I hope for childish innocence colliding with the dark slaughter of naive. I hope I see this and smile. I hope I see this and drive myself insane. And everything will hurt less."

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Lotus said:

"I hope for chaos. I hope for past vengeance colliding with future revenge. I hope for childish innocence colliding with the dark slaughter of naive. I hope I see this and smile. I hope I see this and drive myself insane. And everything will hurt less."

"Is there no longer beauty to be found in this world for you?"

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Just now, Ookla the Abstract said:

"Is there no longer beauty to be found in this world for you?"

"My condition is much worse, sir. I find beauty in fallen birds. I find beauty in wilted flowers. I find beauty in shattered mirrors. I find beauty in melting candles. I find beauty in myself. I find beauty in the scars I carve for myself."

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Just now, Ookla the Lotus said:

"My condition is much worse, sir. I find beauty in fallen birds. I find beauty in wilted flowers. I find beauty in shattered mirrors. I find beauty in melting candles. I find beauty in myself. I find beauty in the scars I carve for myself."

"Beauty in chaos, entropy. That is special." He looked out the window. "See the stars? Not the Star itself, but the rest. Each is a ball of flame not unlike our own sun, formed out of a series of events springing from the random chaos of an unfathomably ancient beginning. In their lives, and later deaths, they created everything, every substance that would become a world, that would become a person. What you do, fundamentally, is create order from that chaos. You exist as an imbalance, struggling constantly to maintain itself in a universe that wishes to bring equilibrium. You imagine a tapestry in those stars, you imagine constellations. You find meaning, or you create it. I think that is quite beautiful indeed."

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

"Beauty in chaos, entropy. That is special." He looked out the window. "See the stars? Not the Star itself, but the rest. Each is a ball of flame not unlike our own sun, formed out of a series of events springing from the random chaos of an unfathomably ancient beginning. In their lives, and later deaths, they created everything, every substance that would become a world, that would become a person. What you do, fundamentally, is create order from that chaos. You exist as an imbalance, struggling constantly to maintain itself in a universe that wishes to bring equilibrium. You imagine a tapestry in those stars, you imagine constellations. You find meaning, or you create it. I think that is quite beautiful indeed."

"But is it enough?"

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Just now, Ookla the Lotus said:

"I suppose we can only wait, then."

He looked at her, mask hiding the extent of his expression. How odd that she had seemed to have been able to guess it from across the room only minutes ago. "Or you could seek it out."

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4 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Owen walked, slowly, to Lady Aubrey’s mansion. Dance lessons. We’re just here for dance lessons. He knocked on the door, holding his breath, hoping someone would answer.

@Ookla thePresentParticiple


An old woman who looks somewhat like Aubrey opens the door. “Are you Owen?” she asked in a German accent. “Aubrey!” she calls down the hall. “Dein Freund ist da! Man kann ihn eine Weile sehen, aber ich vertraue ihm nicht. Sein Haar ist zu hell.”


Translation for characters that speak German or for players that are curious:

“Your boyfriend's here! You can see him for a bit, but I don't trust him. His hair is too bright.”


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