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Break Tank 4: Last Night, Rain Mingled With Mist


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10 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Edited the rules in light of recurring questions to make it more clear that the one Villager execution limit is in total rather than in a cycle. That is, for Village, you have to be mindful of two constraints:

  • You can't execute more than one Villager in total (the exact number may be adjusted, but keep in mind each exe is a free flip for the Village)
  • You can't exceed X cycles (of info gathering - again, we'll tell you the exact threshold later) before the Forsaken and any Darkfriends there win by default.

tldr; you can't be too aggressive, but waiting too long won't help you either. That's about as much on the design/balance side as I get to say.

Can we execute the same villager over and over again though

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5 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Can there be duplicate roles other than vanilla villager and darkfriend?


4 hours ago, JNV said:

Can we execute the same villager over and over again though

You can if you want to, but it'll count to the Village's losscon.

Note to everyone that Drake and I are likely to talk to our prospective IM about leaving sign-ups open for longer. While we'd rather not get pity sign-ups, we won't test what we want to with seven players. We're ideally looking to hit a minimum of nine to actually test the mech (which is what the BT is meant for, anyway.)

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Hi everyone, this is your captain speaking, everything is perfectly fine and we'll be arriving in Helgen in three more days.

Oh right this isn't a flight announcement.

Alright, here's the deal: I'm currently juggling some unexpected RL madness including a report, and Drake and I are still hammering out the last of the distro/mech issues. We'd also really like nine players if we can get them. We can make it work with seven, but the test will be less robust.

In light of all these factors together, we'd like to postpone the commencement of the game and closure of sign-ups to Monday, the same time - 1300hrs SGT (=GMT+8) with the game to commence at 1330hrs SGT.

As the maximum value of X is currently 5, this means that one way or another, the full game will be done by Friday, leaving everyone time to fully enjoy A Very Merry SEmas so unlike the Great War, we'll be done by Christmas we swear >>

Thank you for your understanding!

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Coming out of the woodwork to say hello! I’ll be your IM for this lovely game, so if you need to reach out to anyone about anything going on in the game, feel free to PM me here on the Shard or DM me on discord (I’ll respond sooner if you DM me on Discord). I look forward to watching this game, and remember: this is just a game! Let’s keep things civil, friends!

Also just wanted to mention that @Biplet and I only have 30 days left from today until we get married. Which is pretty poggers.

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1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

Coming out of the woodwork to say hello! I’ll be your IM for this lovely game, so if you need to reach out to anyone about anything going on in the game, feel free to PM me here on the Shard or DM me on discord (I’ll respond sooner if you DM me on Discord). I look forward to watching this game, and remember: this is just a game! Let’s keep things civil, friends!

Also just wanted to mention that @Biplet and I only have 30 days left from today until we get married. Which is pretty poggers.


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20 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

Coming out of the woodwork to say hello! I’ll be your IM for this lovely game, so if you need to reach out to anyone about anything going on in the game, feel free to PM me here on the Shard or DM me on discord (I’ll respond sooner if you DM me on Discord). I look forward to watching this game, and remember: this is just a game! Let’s keep things civil, friends!

Also just wanted to mention that @Biplet and I only have 30 days left from today until we get married. Which is pretty poggers.



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22 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Hi everyone, this is your captain speaking, everything is perfectly fine and we'll be arriving in Helgen in three more days.

Oh right this isn't a flight announcement.

Alright, here's the deal: I'm currently juggling some unexpected RL madness including a report, and Drake and I are still hammering out the last of the distro/mech issues. We'd also really like nine players if we can get them. We can make it work with seven, but the test will be less robust.

In light of all these factors together, we'd like to postpone the commencement of the game and closure of sign-ups to Monday, the same time - 1300hrs SGT (=GMT+8) with the game to commence at 1330hrs SGT.

As the maximum value of X is currently 5, this means that one way or another, the full game will be done by Friday, leaving everyone time to fully enjoy A Very Merry SEmas so unlike the Great War, we'll be done by Christmas we swear >>

Thank you for your understanding!

no problem! im excited!

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21 minutes ago, Ookla the Paradigm said:

/ in as Bladdar, a man in need of a bathroom break

If you require an odd number, leave me out. I probably shouldn't be playing anyway with the schedule I have

8 works better than 7 for our testing purposes, tbh. If you really can't, dwai, but not going to turn down an extra sign-up otherwise!

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Alrightie we will be taking off pretty soon in the meantime please snack on some complimentary CLARIFICATIONS that will elucidate anything and everything about the universe and your place in it:

  • While no role may appear more than once, Dragon Reborn and False Dragon are 2 different roles, and therefore it is possible for both of them to be in the game.

That's all the clarifications I have for you at this moment!

Note that we still haven't actually landed on any particular distribution of roles yet, so uhhh if you assume that a role is in the game because it's been clarified here you do that at your own risk :D

Please enjoy your stay in Helgen :)

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1 minute ago, DrakeMarshall said:

My good sir, the signpost for this town clearly reads "Helgen."

If the paint looks a bit fresh, well... I wouldn't know anything about that you should totally ask Kas about it :ph34r:

Hmmm no I think your answer is quite satisfactory good sir. The lay of the land looks suspiciously like my hometown of Hinderstap, but nothing wrong with that. Just reminds me of home and the horrors that happened there. And we had the most odd dreams...

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2 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Kas would like me to let everyone know that rollover will be slightly delayed. Night Zero should be posted in ~15 minutes. Last minute signups, amirite? :P


(I've never been more disappointed)

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Night Zero: The Mist Creeps In

The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.

The small village of Helgen is sheltered from the Blight by the mountains of Kandor and the swords of the Borderlanders. This is not your war: most of you have grown up in Helgen and will die there as well.

Last night, the rain mingled with the spreading mist.

They hung a Darkfriend in the village square, that morning. You remember it. Old Sargon, no one quite believed he had it in him. But he went to the gibbet, his head held high, screaming the Dark One’s name on his lips.

That was the dawn. Last night, the mountain rain mingled with the soft white mist spreading through Helgen, blanketing it in a strange forgetfulness.

This morning…

Old Sargon walks into the village inn and laughs and orders a mead. Not dead. Not rotting. Still breathing, Light burn him and damn him forever.

You are used to the Blight, to fell things. Sometimes, the Dark One reaches out from his prison and touches the world.

This though? You don’t know what to make of it. Old Sargon claims a Forsaken walks among you, that Helgen is doomed.

And still, the mist creeps in.




The Night has begun! It will end in under twelve hours (sorry for the delay, number crunching took time) on 19th December at 0130hrs SGT [GMT+8]!

GM PMs are currently being dispatched. Please be patient and alert us if you do not receive anything by 1415hrs SGT [=GMT+8.]

We are announcing that the Village loses if they exe more than one Villager! The Darkfriends win if the Forsaken is not exed in three cycles! (i.e. X=3)





  • While we acknowledge it's difficult to enforce in a BT, and hence not spelled out fully in RAW, the spirit of the role requires the Dragon to claim explicitly in response to the first acquired vote for this to count. We'd like the Dragon to make a good faith effort to claim explicitly within two hours where possible, but won't hold it against players who can't manage, due to the BT nature and timezones. We don't anticipate this being gamebreaking either way.
  • X is set to a value of 3.
  • Poisoning/drunkenness precedes the relevant actions.
  • Because we are not Lewis Carroll, we generously accept Nobody as a no exe vote, rather than a vote to exe Nobody rather than Somebody.
  • The execution limit is in total rather than in any particular cycle. Only one player may be exed in a Day. I know it's hard for y'all but please curb your bloodthirst :P
  • The Wisdom does indeed get to ask the GMs a yes/no question to be answered honestly. We reserve the right to reject anything too abusive (please ask us in advance where possible!) and/or Aes Sedai the hell out of a twenty-four subclause question.
  • Anyone can be the Aes Sedai's Warder.
  • The Dragon Reborn getting exed overrides any Village losscon.
  • The Madman will be told they are Darkfriend-aligned but will not be told they are the Forsaken. Any other combination is possible.
  • The Watchman gets three players, one from each category, across three successive Nights (so one player per Night.) They're not told which is which.
  • There are no duplicate roles. However, the Forsaken will know a role that isn't in the game.
  • While no role may appear more than once, Dragon Reborn and False Dragon are 2 different roles, and therefore it is possible for both of them to be in the game.
  • Yes, you bloodthirsty lot, exeing the same Villager twice still counts to your losscon. The Pattern isn't discriminating.



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Edited by StrikerEZ
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