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Break Tank 4: Last Night, Rain Mingled With Mist


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17 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Stupid question but would this be considered mayoring to a degree

Devo JNV

Not a Dragon sadness but anyway Veteran needs to hit Forsaken or they die but it doesnt count as an exe but also its one use so like be sparse with it

1 minute ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Is there any RB roles? 

Aeoryi for the love of all things quokka can you read the rules no but poison and drunk kind of function like it

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1 minute ago, JNV said:

Not a Dragon sadness but anyway Veteran needs to hit Forsaken or they die but it doesnt count as an exe but also its one use so like be sparse with it

Aeoryi for the love of all things quokka can you read the rules no but poison and drunk kind of function like it

no, it counts towards losscon. and yes, its only once, sadly.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

i thought it was that if i shot a darkfriend, they would die.

I think you must hit the Forsaken, which is a specific Darkfriend. Even if you hit the other elim, you die instead. Oh you figured that out. Basically it's most useful as a threat to deal with a Dragon claimant who is making us scared to exe them. 

Let's roleclaim now and live with the consequences. It's our best way to make the exe a meaningful process. I specifically want to see what Mat claims because they seem too trusting of me 

Just now, Kasimir said:

I'm gonna need a Read the Rules react by this point aren't I :P

I flagged this in the committee process as a likely issue, you can't say you weren't warned :P. 

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Just now, Ookla of Ravens said:

no, it counts towards losscon. and yes, its only once, sadly.

No, it doesn't count towards losscon, it's not a death by exe.

smhhh xD

Just now, Ookla the Paradigm said:

Let's roleclaim now and live with the consequences. It's our best way to make the exe a meaningful process. I specifically want to see what Mat claims because they seem too trusting of me 

Innkeeper, at your service *bows*

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Paradigm said:

I flagged this in the committee process as a likely issue, you can't say you weren't warned :P. 

Yes, tell me about it 😭 Literally frontloaded it to make it easier, used italics... Dear Christ.

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7 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Their ability is inactive as long as they are drunk/poisoned. All drunk/poisoning abilities occur at Night and last the Night and one Day. Could a player theoretically lock such a Dragon by repeated poisoning/getting them drunk? Yes.

Checking if that counts as an ability. So time loop breaks if the Forsaken is drunk or poisoned.

Archer, Wizard. 

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5 minutes ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

no, it counts towards losscon. and yes, its only once, sadly.

Oh my God no it doesn't!

Did Drake and I put a bunch of drunks/poisoners in this distro 'cause y'all spreading misinfo like the latest TikTok viral trend 😰

1 minute ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Checking if that counts as an ability. So time loop breaks if the Forsaken is drunk or poisoned.


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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Destined said:

No, it doesn't count towards losscon, it's not a death by exe.

smhhh xD

Innkeeper, at your service *bows*

Unfortunately that fits with my e!poisoner theory. Who'd you scan last Night? 

I am Wisdom. The broken role. :D. Who else wants to claim?

And Devo, you mentioned a role that knows what role isn't in the distro. I remember that being a thing but can't find the role. Can you help me nail down who knows that? 

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Paradigm said:

And Devo, you mentioned a role that knows what role isn't in the distro. I remember that being a thing but can't find the role. Can you help me nail down who knows that? 

Forsaken knows one role not in the game according to the approval PM, but I don’t see that in the rules. What question did you ask? I gleeman scanned you as village. 

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Right, because this game is solvable entirely by mass claiming + distro guessing :P. I am a scanner, first and foremost. I hit Wiz and Hael, and both came back v. I don't think I was drunk/poisoned but the great thing about this game is there's really no way to know :D. You probably expected me to say I hit you but I actually just read you as village and you're going to have to live with that gut read existing :P. Plus I KNOW I said no distro guessing but e!Wisdom doesn't really make sense outside of keeping the role out of village hands which I guess is entirely possible

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Aeo because she has a 2/3 chance of being evil :P

Yes this is a watchman claim.

Just now, Ookla the Destined said:

Right, because this game is solvable entirely by mass claiming + distro guessing :P. I am a scanner, first and foremost. I hit Wiz and Hael, and both came back v. I don't think I was drunk/poisoned but the great thing about this game is there's really no way to know :D. You probably expected me to say I hit you but I actually just read you as village and you're going to have to live with that gut read existing :P. Plus I KNOW I said no distro guessing but e!Wisdom doesn't really make sense outside of keeping the role out of village hands which I guess is entirely possible


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Just now, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Forsaken knows one role not in the game according to the approval PM, but I don’t see that in the rules. What question did you ask? I gleeman scanned you as village. 

Wisdom's ability is once a game, during the day.

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Just now, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Clearly, it means she's not a villager, darkfriend, or Forsaken : p


Is that everyone Dragon covered?

Well unless the lies work like LG92 where they were opposites. But that kinda doesn't work as those are the only categories for me :P 

So...theoretically I think...

If she is a villager, she could have taken the forsaken or darkfriend slot instead...I think?


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Ok as it turns out when you ask about every single roles interactions with poison you get told thats not what they meant but I did get told they generally RNG between wrong outcomes for info roles so Id assume for Wizard whatever the category was meant to be instead they got a rando from the other two categories so theyll end up 2 1 0 instead of 1 1 1 for their infoscan role

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2 minutes ago, JNV said:

Ok as it turns out when you ask about every single roles interactions with poison you get told thats not what they meant but I did get told they generally RNG between wrong outcomes for info roles so Id assume for Wizard whatever the category was meant to be instead they got a rando from the other two categories so theyll end up 2 1 0 instead of 1 1 1 for their infoscan role

I can confirm this is what I got, so technically I could get 1 1 1 or a 2 1 0

So if Aeo pops up twice, she could be the Forsaken as they're most likely to pop up twice. Really anyone that pops up twice I'd take the chance to kill, as darkfriend and Forsaken have higher chances of appearing twice than a villager.

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22 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Forsaken knows one role not in the game according to the approval PM, but I don’t see that in the rules. What question did you ask? I gleeman scanned you as village. 

Nifty. And as Mat said, I'll be asking today or next Day. Trying to decide if I want to intentionally be poisoned to guarantee results accuracy. 

21 minutes ago, Ookla the Destined said:

Right, because this game is solvable entirely by mass claiming + distro guessing :P. I am a scanner, first and foremost. I hit Wiz and Hael, and both came back v. I don't think I was drunk/poisoned but the great thing about this game is there's really no way to know :D. You probably expected me to say I hit you but I actually just read you as village and you're going to have to live with that gut read existing :P. Plus I KNOW I said no distro guessing but e!Wisdom doesn't really make sense outside of keeping the role out of village hands which I guess is entirely possible

I understand it from your POV, although I think I would have hit Raven instead. They don't need their role right now

21 minutes ago, Ookla the Raveness said:

Aeo because she has a 2/3 chance of being evil :P

Yes this is a watchman claim.


This seems villagey

8 minutes ago, JNV said:

Ok as it turns out when you ask about every single roles interactions with poison you get told thats not what they meant but I did get told they generally RNG between wrong outcomes for info roles so Id assume for Wizard whatever the category was meant to be instead they got a rando from the other two categories so theyll end up 2 1 0 instead of 1 1 1 for their infoscan role

Thank you for your service 


Roles, for reference:


Villager: You are an ordinary resident of Helgen, and recent events have given you cause for concern. You are no stranger to fell things occurring in the Blight, but for most of your life, Helgen has been sheltered from such things. No longer, it seems.

(Raveness) Watchman: You are a night watchman in Helgen, and in these times, you have kept a watchful eye on what goes on at night in the village, and just as importantly, who is doing these things. Each Night, you are successively shown one player corresponding to the categories of Villager, Darkfriend, and the Forsaken. You do not know which is which.

(Devo) Gleeman: You are a wandering gleeman, come recently to Helgen. Your skills at cold reading enable you to discern a player’s true allegiances easily. Every Night, you may choose a player to interact with. You will be told their alignment. However, some in Helgen are canny as to your tricks of cold reading. There is one Villager who will always appear Evil to you.

Thief-Taker: You are a Thief-Taker, enjoying your retirement from a far too exciting life in Shienar. You are skilled with tracking down criminals, and sniffing out their trail. Once each cycle, you may discover who a player targeted.

Fool: You are the local fool, and while your shenanigans have some villagers shaking their heads, they ultimately know you’re mostly harmless. Once a game, if you are in the top two trains by the end of the Day, a player with the same alignment as you dies to mob justice that Night.

Aes Sedai: You are an Aes Sedai, just passing through Helgen when you were caught and trapped by the bubble of evil. Though your strength in the One Power will not avail you here, you start the game knowing the alignment of your Warder.

Gossip: You are the notorious local gossip. You regularly stop by the village square to mingle and see what you can learn from everyone. Every Day, you can select a player to receive two GM facts about them. One is true and one is false.

(Mat) Innkeeper: You are the local innkeeper. There isn’t much choice in Helgen, so if people want a drink, they have to stop by your inn. Every Night, you can ply two players with your best brew and discover how many of them are Evil. However, these players are now drunk for that Night and the next Day.

(Raven) Veteran: You are a former soldier, returned to Helgen from battles at the Blightborder. Your military skills have not rusted, however. Once a game, publicly select a player during the Night to name as the Forsaken. If you are correct, they die. If you are wrong, you die.

(Archer) Wisdom: You are the village Wisdom. While you may not equal the apothecary in herbal remedies, you have your own tricks, including listening to the wind. Once a game, during the Day, you may privately ask the GM a yes/no question.

Madman: While your strength in the One Power is not much to boast about, you are a wilder who has nonetheless gone mad from the taint of saidin. You think you belong to the Shadow but you do not. The Forsaken knows who you are.

Elder: You are one of the respected elders of Helgen. Your long years of living in the village have given you a firm grasp of the characters of the villagers. On the first Night, you learn the identities of two players who are not the Forsaken.

Apothecary: You are the apothecary of Helgen, and your knowledge and collection of various herbs and simples is unrivalled in the village. Every Night, you can select one player. They are poisoned for the rest of the Night and the following Day.

Dragon Reborn/False Dragon: You are a male channeller of surpassing strength, enough that you believe yourself to be the Dragon Reborn. If you publicly claim to be the Dragon Reborn when voted on and are executed that Day, your team wins. 

Forsaken: You are one of the surviving remnants of the Age of Legends, one of the Aes Sedai who swore your soul to the Shadow. Your presence in Helgen anchors the bubble of evil to this small mountain village. As long as you are alive, the game continues in a time loop for X cycles. You must be killed for the loop to be terminated. In addition, if more than a single Villager is executed in total, the Shadow wins.

Darkfriend: You have sworn yourself to the Great Lord’s service, and you have been tasked with destroying the village of Helgen and sacrificing your fellow villagers to the Lord of the Evening.


Edited by Ookla the Paradigm
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So that means if you were due a village slot, Aeoryi is Forsaken or Darkfriend. If you were due a Darkfriend, she's Forsaken or villager. If due Forsaken, villager or Darkfriend. I think that still means there's a 2/3 chance she's evil? Unless villager is weighted higher since there's more of us.

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