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I'm reading The Sunlit Man


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It's been a lot of fun doing a thread like this for Stormlight, so here's one for the Sunlit Man.

Chapters 1-5:

For those of you who don't know, I'm currently in the middle of Oathbringer, and from this perspective, I don't know who Nomad is (not sure if I'm supposed to know), nor how he bonded a dead spren (huh?). That being said, Dalinar has bonded the Stormfather, so I guess anything is possible?
I already like this book more than Tress and Yumi, because it has a lot of action instead of romance; action is more my thing. I like Nomad as a character, I like how powerful he is, and I like how he has this Torment that won't let him use weapons or attack. Makes the story very interesting. It's a lot of fun to follow a character from Roshar. When I read Yumi, Design was my favorite character, and it was always fun when she would say "storms" or anything else familiar. So now I get even more of that! I wonder what kind of Surgebinder Nomad is, seeing as he bonded a spren and even has a Blade (even if he can't get it to take the form of a Blade most of the time). We haven't seen him do any sergebinding yet that I've noticed (through chapter 5). Maybe he can't surgebind because Aux is dead? many questions...
The writing so far in this book has been fantastic. Um... that's all I can think of for now. Onto chapter 6!

Edited by Amira
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3 hours ago, Amira said:

It's been a lot of fun doing a thread like this for Stormlight, so here's one for the Sunlit Man.

Chapters 1-5:

For those of you who don't know, I'm currently in the middle of Oathbringer, and from this perspective, I don't know who Nomad is (not sure if I'm supposed to know), nor how he bonded a dead spren (huh?). That being said, Dalinar has bonded the Stormfather, so I guess anything is possible?
I already like this book more than Tress and Yumi, because it has a lot of action instead of romance; action is more my thing. I like Nomad as a character, I like how powerful he is, and I like how he has this Torment that won't let him use weapons or attack. Makes the story very interesting. It's a lot of fun to follow a character from Roshar. When I read Yumi, Design was my favorite character, and it was always fun when she would say "storms" or anything else familiar. So now I get even more of that! I wonder what kind of Surgebinder Nomad is, seeing as he bonded a spren and even has a Blade (even if he can't get it to take the form of a Blade most of the time). We haven't seen him do any surgebinding yet that I've noticed (through chapter 5). Maybe he can't surgebind because Aux is dead? many questions...
The writing so far in this book has been fantastic. Um... that's all I can think of for now. Onto chapter 6!

So much we cannot say, but thanks for this. You are noticing important things and asking good questions.

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14 hours ago, Amira said:

It's been a lot of fun doing a thread like this for Stormlight, so here's one for the Sunlit Man.

Chapters 1-5:

For those of you who don't know, I'm currently in the middle of Oathbringer, and from this perspective, I don't know who Nomad is (not sure if I'm supposed to know), nor how he bonded a dead spren (huh?). That being said, Dalinar has bonded the Stormfather, so I guess anything is possible?
I already like this book more than Tress and Yumi, because it has a lot of action instead of romance; action is more my thing. I like Nomad as a character, I like how powerful he is, and I like how he has this Torment that won't let him use weapons or attack. Makes the story very interesting. It's a lot of fun to follow a character from Roshar. When I read Yumi, Design was my favorite character, and it was always fun when she would say "storms" or anything else familiar. So now I get even more of that! I wonder what kind of Surgebinder Nomad is, seeing as he bonded a spren and even has a Blade (even if he can't get it to take the form of a Blade most of the time). We haven't seen him do any sergebinding yet that I've noticed (through chapter 5). Maybe he can't surgebind because Aux is dead? many questions...
The writing so far in this book has been fantastic. Um... that's all I can think of for now. Onto chapter 6!

I love it! It would be really interesting to see it from the perspective of someone who hasn't finished SA yet. It already is! 

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23 hours ago, Treamayne said:

thanks for this.

You're welcome!

12 hours ago, alder24 said:

I love it! It would be really interesting to see it from the perspective of someone who hasn't finished SA yet. It already is!


Chapter 6: Well, that answers that question (mostly). He was either a windrunner or a skybreaker. Also, I forgot to say, I listened to Brandon reading the sample chapters back when the kidstarter was running, and now that I've read a bunch of Stormlight, everything makes way more sense! Haha

Chapter 7: Ah, finally he can understand their language. Can't wait for him to start speaking to them. Another thing I forgot to say: another reason I like this book more than Tress and Yumi is that Hoid isn't narrating it. I didn't like all his philosophical inserts.

Chapters 8-9: Okay, WTF, is Nomad Sigzil??? Also, this story is really good.

Chapter 10: Goodness, it really is him.

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  • Amira changed the title to I'm reading The Sunlit Man

Chapter 11: Yay, finally he's talking to them! And... he isn't being very nice... 😅

Chapter 12: People turn into batteries? And here I thought Yumi was the book that was inspired by The Matrix. Although, to be fair, this version reminds me more of Full Metal Alchemist than The Matrix.

Chapter 13: Oh, I forgot to say - So it turns out Nomad used to be a Windrunner as part of Bridge Four, but this still doesn't answer what kind of spren Aux is and what type of surgebinder he is/should be via THAT bond.

Chapters 14-15: Ah, I wondered when someone would confront Nomad about his conversations with Aux in Alethi.

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