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My Turn... (an RP)

Edema Rue

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the foolish said:

“Of course I am. I’m always here when you need me, if that involves getting in a war, so be it.”

Dilsha blinked. "All...all right, then." Is he too eager? Doesn't matter. I can beat him in a fight if need be, and I don't...huh. I think I've found a true friend. She started walking towards the stables next to her inn.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Dilsha blinked. "All...all right, then." Is he too eager? Doesn't matter. I can beat him in a fight if need be, and I don't...huh. I think I've found a true friend. She started walking towards the stables next to her inn.

Alex follows her. “So…what are we doing now?”


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4 minutes ago, Ookla the foolish said:

Alex follows her. “So…what are we doing now?”


"I need to get out of here. That man earlier was proof that hiding here until my army arrives won't work. I'd planned to ride home." She starts saddling the stable's single horse with a practiced ease. "This country is going to fall. You don't...you don't have to come, but if you want to live, I'd recommend getting out."

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Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

"I need to get out of here. That man earlier was proof that hiding here until my army arrives won't work. I'd planned to ride home." She starts saddling the stable's single horse with a practiced ease. "This country is going to fall. You don't...you don't have to come, but if you want to live, I'd recommend getting out."

“I’ve already said I’m coming. I’m not going to leave you. And yeah, living would be nice.” Alex pricks himself with a small needle, chanting a couple of words. “Ok, I’m ready.”


Alex does have at least slight romantic feelings for Dilsha.


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1 minute ago, Ookla the foolish said:



Tell your brother to quit drinking! 😆 😭

1 minute ago, Ookla da best said:

Xenk stumbles back to the bar and orders another beer.

Jacin caught him by the arm, practically dragging him out the door and back into the side room. " One more trick like that, and i'll have to sedate you!" Jacin growled.

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9 minutes ago, Ookla the foolish said:

“I’ve already said I’m coming. I’m not going to leave you. And yeah, living would be nice.” Alex pricks himself with a small needle, chanting a couple of words. “Ok, I’m ready.”


"Right, then," Dilsha said. "Ah...I, er, only have one horse..." She swung into the saddle, mentally reassuring herself that he wasn't going to stab her in the back. "Hop on."


Aaaand that's all for me tonight. Goodnight!


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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

"Right, then," Dilsha said. "Ah...I, er, only have one horse..." She swung into the saddle, mentally reassuring herself that he wasn't going to stab her in the back. "Hop on."

“I should be able to keep up on my own for a while, I do have magic of my own.


Good night Eddie! My brother is also off for the night @Ookla-The-Stick


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2 hours ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Dilsha's eyes widened. "Alex, it's me!" She hissed, stumbling back. Stupid, stupid, he's probably a plant by your parents, or the king, or someone, or...or whatever. I should have just left.

I am sorry for you. I have done nothing wrong, and yet am a victim of your success. As are you.

I hope you feel proud of yourself. 

Because I'm going to start a war in your name.

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Loxy didn't get to eat a lot of food. The street urchin got most of her meals from discarded scraps or the occasional mild theft. She spent most of her days hungry, and while she was used to it, that didn't mean she'd turn down a free meal.

The man who offered her the bread was a strange character. He had some sort of fancy cane and formal clothes, but looked ragged. A trickle of blood ran out from between his lips. Had he been in a fight? She eyed him as she chewed the soft loaf. She would have run off with it, but he held a second loaf in his free hand that he didn't seem intent on eating.

"What's your story, child?"

Loxy frowned at the question. Strange thing for a stranger to ask, though she supposed that could be why they were called strangers. "Father left when I was real little, sir. Said he didn't want anything to do with me, and mother was long dead." This was true, though it was a practiced story. Another way she sometimes earned a meal: sympathy.

"You are alone?"

"Sure am. No family, and no one wants to deal with a kid." So many questions. She had better get that second bit of bread.

The man's cane began to glow then. Now that isn't right. Loxy made to back away, but then he said a word.


Loxy felt her muscles go limp, and she fell to the ground, immobile. Fearful tears filled her eyes then. This isn't right. I... really ought to get away... The man approached her, and raised the cane. She closed her eyes, whimpering. She had just hoped for a meal...


Polton winced as he plunged his staff through the child's heart. A brisk energy shot up through it and into his body, casting out his pain and fatigue, revitalizing him. The girl's body was consumed by bright white flame as the last of her essence was absorbed. It left no trace, and he was sure enough that she would not be missed. He almost felt sorrowful as a new scream joined the rest that filled his mind. But no. He was past that. Just fuel. A necessary cost, to bring order.

@Ookla the Believer

Edited by Ookla the Abstract
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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

Loxy didn't get to eat a lot of food. The street urchin got most of her meals from discarded scraps or the occasional mild theft. She spent most of her days hungry, and while she was used to it, that didn't mean she'd turn down a free meal.

The man who offered her the bread was a strange character. He had some sort of fancy cane and formal clothes, but looked ragged. A trickle of blood ran out from between his lips. Had he been in a fight? She eyed him as she chewed the soft loaf. She would have run off with it, but he held a second loaf in his free hand that he didn't seem intent on eating.

"What's your story, child?"

Loxy frowned at the question. Strange thing for a stranger to ask, though she supposed that could be why they were called strangers. "Father left when I was real little, sir. Said he didn't want anything to do with me, and mother was long dead." This was true, though it was a practiced story. Another way she sometimes earned a meal: sympathy.

"You are alone?"

"Sure am. No family, and no one wants to deal with a kid." So many questions. She had better get that second bit of bread.

The man's cane began to glow then. Now that isn't right. Loxy made to back away, but then he said a word.


Loxy felt her muscles go limp, and she fell to the ground, immobile. Fearful tears filled her eyes then. This isn't right. I... really ought to get away... The man approached her, and raised the cane. She closed her eyes, whimpering. She had just hoped for a meal...


Polton winced as he plunged his staff through the child's heart. A brisk energy shot up through it and into his body, casting out his pain and fatigue, revitalizing him. The girl's body was consumed by bright white flame as the last of her essence was absorbed. It left no trace, and he was sure enough that she would not be missed. He almost felt sorrowful as a new scream joined the rest that filled his mind. But no. He was past that. Just fuel. A necessary cost, to bring order.

Sono was covered in blood.

The one thing that no one realized. The bloody truth.

It took a drop of blood to send a single word, and to send many took more.

And yet that was the only way she could speak now. Through blood. 

She wrote down some words:

I hope 

She didn't. The former architect didn't just care anymore: she gave up. It was over.

I cannot help others.

It started to get noisier, so Sono wrote a word to stop the noise.

I am forgotten.

And so she was.

She didn't need to partake in the inn. As she already knew, kindness got no one hurt but yourself.

I am faltering

She started crying, her tears mixed with her blood as she wrote one final word:


The word stared at her from the sheet. Curiously, nothing seemed to happen.

She could hear her heartbeat now, and her blood was spilt all over the table.

She looked at the book, trying to save it from the stream of blood, but noticed something separate. 

သက်ရောက်မှုb Να φερειςme 

She wrote it down, and then immediately felt it's effects take place.

Sono was no longer bleeding.

That was the first thing she noticed. 

The second thing that she noticed was that the sky had suddenly turned to night. Strange, but not untold of. 

The third was that parts of the library that she was in were now missing, replaced by holes that lead to nothing but stars.

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6 hours ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

I am sorry for you. I have done nothing wrong, and yet am a victim of your success. As are you.

I hope you feel proud of yourself. 

Because I'm going to start a war in your name.

Dilsha paused, then smiled. Go right ahead. She turned to Alex. “Right, then. If you need to switch, let me know.” She nudged the horse into a quick walk; a trot would be too conspicuous until they were out of the city.

@Ookla the foolish

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Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

Dilsha paused, then smiled. Go right ahead. She turned to Alex. “Right, then. If you need to switch, let me know.” She nudged the horse into a quick walk; a trot would be too conspicuous until they were out of the city.

@Ookla the foolish

Alex kept pace easily, his natural strength and Enhancements aiding him. “So is there anything I should be doing now? Like scouting or something like that?”

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16 minutes ago, Ookla the foolish said:

Alex kept pace easily, his natural strength and Enhancements aiding him. “So is there anything I should be doing now? Like scouting or something like that?”

Dilsha frowned. Decay. I’m really not used to traveling alone. “Maybe?”

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I'm assuming they aren't too far from the inn yet.

my time to be annoying hehehheeh lets go

Will had, for plot reasons, seen them leaving. He quickly jumped on his horse and moved to catch up with them. He couldn't believe she had just been there. Wasn't she missing 10 minutes ago?

@Canada Lover @Ookla of Ravens you guys coming?

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