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Best Cosmere Roommate

Lighteyed Lieutenant

Best Roommate?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Cosmere main character would make the best roommate? Feel free to elaborate below!

    • Vin
    • Kelsier
    • Elend
    • Sazed
    • Wax
    • Wayne
    • Kaladin
    • Shallan
    • Dalinar
    • Adolin
    • Szeth
    • Jasnah
    • Navani
    • Venli
    • Siri
    • Vivenna
    • Vasher
    • Lightsong
    • Nightblood
    • Raoden
    • Sarene
    • Hrathen
    • Lift
    • Rsyn
    • Allomancer Jak
    • Other (if so, specify below)

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In my opinion, I'd want Adolin. He's pretty chill, and would be fun to hang out with. He is a prince, so lots of girls would be at your place all the time, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. He knows how to mend clothes, too, so that's a plus.

Edited by Lighteyed Lieutenant
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I'd go with Raoden. He's an Elantrian, so he's also able to do cool magic things. Also, he was regarded as the best member of the Arelene Nobility, being kind and helpful to everyone. Being with someone who uplifts you and is a great person would be great, I think. Also, magic powers. 

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My vote goes to Raoden. He’s nice, caring, and just an overall cool dude. Plus he’s like immortal so that’s definitely a bonus, he’s popular, and he has a lot of money. He really does care for everyone he meets, and tries to help people in every way he could, I feel like he’d be a super cool guy to bunk with.

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Okay, I don't know how many of you have actually had non-family "roommates;" of those that have, I don't know how many have had multiple different roommates of varying personalities. So, with the voice of experience*, I will say this:

Top roommate criteria

  • Clean
  • Courteous
  • Compromising

A distant fourth might be non-competing interests. Also, while you can become great friends with a good roommate - rooming with a friend is one of the best ways to destroy a friendship (no matter how much you think you get along - living together is different). 




I had 9 different roommates my first year of being in the military. A total of 16 roommates from 1997 to 1999. Three of which I roomed with more than once. Two of those because we became friends; one because, at the time, I was the only person who was not homocidal at the thought of living with the person (long story). 

So, for my money it's . . . Steris FTW. 


Renarin if this is after Steris's wedding - but since other married individual were on the list I took it to mean pre-relationship for each person. 


Edited by Treamayne
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2 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Okay, I don't know how many of you have actually had non-family "roommates;" of those that have, I don't know how many have had multiple different roommates of varying personalities. So, with the voice of experience*, I will say this:

Top roommate criteria

  • Clean
  • Courteous
  • Compromising

A distant fourth might be non-competing interests. Also, while you can become great friends with a good roommate - rooming with a friend is one of the best ways to destroy a friendship (no matter how much you think you get along - living together is different). 



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I had 9 different roommates my first year of being in the military. A total of 16 roommates from 1997 to 1999. Three of which I roomed with more than once. Two of those because we became friends; one because, at the time, I was the only person who was not homocidal at the thought of living with the person (long story). 

So, for my money it's . . . Steris FTW. 

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Renarin if this is after Steris's wedding - but since other married individual were on the list I took it to mean pre-relationship for each person. 


*looks at Trey with shining eyes*


you were in the military??? I have so many questions! 


*obsessions, sorry*


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42 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Okay, I don't know how many of you have actually had non-family "roommates;" of those that have, I don't know how many have had multiple different roommates of varying personalities. So, with the voice of experience*, I will say this:

Top roommate criteria

  • Clean
  • Courteous
  • Compromising

A distant fourth might be non-competing interests. Also, while you can become great friends with a good roommate - rooming with a friend is one of the best ways to destroy a friendship (no matter how much you think you get along - living together is different). 



  Reveal hidden contents

I had 9 different roommates my first year of being in the military. A total of 16 roommates from 1997 to 1999. Three of which I roomed with more than once. Two of those because we became friends; one because, at the time, I was the only person who was not homocidal at the thought of living with the person (long story). 

So, for my money it's . . . Steris FTW. 

  Reveal hidden contents

Renarin if this is after Steris's wedding - but since other married individual were on the list I took it to mean pre-relationship for each person. 


I agree with the list of roommate criteria.  (Not as extensive of a list as yours but I did have 15 other missionaries I lived with over a 2 year mission.)  

There is nothing worse than a roommate looking at you when you ask them if they would do the dishes and their response being "naw I know a full sink will drive you crazy before it drives me crazy."   And he was right. 

Like a House to my Wilson (binging house for the 3rd time with the wife and I just feel for Wilson more and more every episode.) 

That said... I think the perfect roommate on this list is Nightblood. He won't make any mess and I could always build or commission an aluminum safe to put him in if he is too annoying.  Just for a bit of peace of mind.  

He would be immensely helpful if I left him out as well. Anyone who wants to break in would immediately try to unsheath him and end up toast. Best security system out there?  

If I had to choose a person on the list I think I would go with Szeth. I feel like if we laid down some ground rules he would be eager to follow them and easy to get along with. We might be boring roommates but boring can be easier to live with than exciting I think.  

I always told my brother that friends make terrible roommates but roommates can turn into some of your best friends.  I could see myself getting along with Szeth over time for sure and he seems like someone who would have your back so long as you weren't the one screwing up. 

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My circumstance requires that they get along with my wife and toddler which probably rules out anyone corporeal and it's going to be a hard sell regardless. So... Pattern maybe? I'm studying data analytics and machine learning and he would do fantastic with checking my work and would probably have fun playing with my toddler. Personality-wise though, I'd probably get along best with Wyndle which says a lot about me.

As awesome as Steris is, and despite how I think we could be pretty good friends, I'm no where near as tidy and organized as she is and I'd feel guilty if she was constantly tidying after me. One requirement I have is that they wouldn't be driven nuts by living with me.

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Personally, Sazed or Elend. I think I'd have good discussions with them over topics I find interesting, especially Sazed. Both of them seem tidy and kind, and I think we'd get along.

There might be roommates that would be better for my development as a person though, being just enough of a contrast to get me to grow. Adolin would do a good job of getting me out of my shell in many cases.

Raoden might also be good, though it's been a minute since I've read Elantris so I don't remember all the intricacies of his personality.

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Jasnah's my top choice, but Sazed is definitely up there. They're both incredibly organized, well mannered yet refreshingly blunt, and totally epic. The reason I picked Jasnah is because she's just so awesome, and as nice as Sazed is, I think that Jasnah's a bit more interesting. (I'm assuming this is Sazed pre-ascension.)

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I'm caught between Lift, Siri, and Elend. Lift is the one I voted for, though. 

Lift: Super fun, potentially annoying little sister who likes to cause mischief and steal my food. Sounds exciting!

Siri: Fun, adventurous little sister who rides horses. Also, she's willing to stand up for herself, which I appreciate.

Elend: The man loves books. What more can I say? :)

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I voted Lightsong, as he is suuuuper laid back and easy going. He's also fairly conscious of being rude or not. After him, I'd say Adolin, for pretty much the same reasons. If I have a roomate, I need sleep dang it, and most of the people on this list are likely to deprive me of it on a somewhat regular basis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The most important thing I look for in a room mate (and something I aspire to as a room mate) is that I don't know they are there. To this end, I choose Szeth. He seems like the type of person that is clean and quiet. If, however, he comes with Nightblood as a package deal, he's out and I'll take Steris or Renarin. Since they aren't on the list I'll give Sazed as a final choice.

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I chose Elend. I feel like I would get along really well with him. Interestingly, I have a friend in real life whom I sometimes discuss philosophy/politics with who I think matches Elend's character (in WoA) and even his physical description almost exactly.

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I would choose Lift, because, even though she would cause much havoc and mischief, I could never stay mad at her. :P

If I'm being serious though...I think I would pick Rock. He seems very organised (At least when cooking is involved), interesting to talk to, and responsible. Also, cooking meals with him would be quite fun, and I would learn how to make so many new dishes! 

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Sazed pre-ascension. Post-ascension he'd be like "I can't bring myself to act that is why I never do the dishes"

He is very even-keeled, he gives good advice, he's quiet doesn't own a lot of that would take up space.  Only downside is he'd keep trying to tell you about a religion you should follow. 

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