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What happens if someone breaks these rules when they were about to be lynched anyway (an Eliminator suiciding, for instance)? Does the next person with the most votes get lynched instead? Because I kind of like that idea >>.


Heh, good try. If you were up for a lynch, you'd just still die regardless. (Your death just may or may not be more gruesome.....)

Silver Wards will NOT save somebody who broke the Rules, though, even if they were still up for a lynch. ;)

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Well, uh, you know, Raze is just a regular-old, Rules-following Citizen.  Obviously.


Raze watched Snipe, the lonely scholar, from a nearby table. “Books, huh?” he asked, pointing to the stack of rectangular objects on his table. “Oi’ve heard of them b’fore. Once or twice, at least.” Raze nodded to himself, as if pleased at identifying those objects. “Good fuel fer burnin’, Oi hear.” Raze chuckled to himself, then stood up. “Well, Oi’d better be off.”

What a strange person, Raze thought to himself, heading up to the bar area and hopping atop a stool. Must live a sad life, all alone, with no friends or anything… or FIRE! the voice added. Fire’s always good! Fire’s great! Raze gritted his teeth, trying to block out the voice, but to no avail. Burn that snob’s books! You said it yourself; books are good for fires! He deserves it, anyway.

“Innkeeper, pass me a drink!” Raze screamed, trying to deafen the voice in his head. Several of the waystop’s newer patrons shot Raze odd glances, but most paid him no heed. Probably because they knew of his… affliction. Many of the patrons hated him for it, as his antics tended to bring more Shades to the area. But what was Raze to do about it? He was a slave to his own mind.

Burn, burn, burn! the voice chanted. Burn it all… to the ground… dance on the ashes… round and round… Raze groaned. The voice was growing increasingly enthusiastic. He began to wonder if the voice was one of those “spren” that the innkeeper had mentioned in one of his fantastic tales. Strange spirits that would manifest themselves around people with strong emotions. Maybe there were flamespren? Could they get into people’s minds? That would explain a lot.

The innkeeper set a mug of a thick, foaming ale down in front of Raze, and quickly stepped back, as if Raze would choose that moment to start a fire. Doubtful.

BURN SOMETHING! the voice shouted as Raze sipped the ale. Raze nearly dropped it, taken aback by the voice’s vehemence. Yes, the voice would get to him. Very soon… Luckily, Raze knew what to do. He’d need some silver. That would let him survive… hopefully. But where was he going to find silver, in the middle of this burn-forsaken inn? That Kasir fellow seemed pretty trustworthy…

Edited by Renegade
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The RP below contains spoilers to the story if you haven't read it.


"Burn my books!?" Snipe said to himself.  Is he crazy?  Doesn't he know that would be the death of us all?  Silver might repel the shades when they're a little bit agitated - if their eyes have turned green.  But, lighting a fire is like drawing blood.  It will draw dozens of them with their eyes red with fury.  The silver will not be enough in that case.  Every use of it uses the silver up.  We might be able to fight off a few with enough silver weapons and dust to heal our wounds, but we could never fight off dozens or even hundreds.  Our only hope would be to give them Raze and hope they were sated - unlikely as that would be.

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Question Gamma,  Do you have a fire burning in your hearth?  As then we can light our pipe without breaking a rule.  Also are we allowed to run in our rp if we say that we are doing it during the day? as the Shades aren't enraged by this, only at night do they hate runners.

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Question Gamma,  Do you have a fire burning in your hearth?  As then we can light our pipe without breaking a rule.  Also are we allowed to run in our rp if we say that we are doing it during the day? as the Shades aren't enraged by this, only at night do they hate runners.


Yes, there is a fire burning in the hearth! At much great danger did your faithful Innkeeper put himself in to be able to provide this amenity! So, yes, people can request the Innkeeper for a burning twig to be able to light their pipes with as a way to circumvent the rules of kindling a flame. :P

And yes, while technically you can run in your RP during the daytime without fear of repercussion, but it should be noted that most people still don't move very quickly during the day time, just to be on the safe side.

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I’m signing up as Luce. She lived on a homestead until an accident caused the Shades to kill everyone else on it. Now she stays alive however she can. Lately, she’s been working at a nearby homestead. The familiar work is comforting, although spending too much time away from good silver protection makes her uneasy.

I was going to sign up sooner, but I wanted to read Shadows for Silence first.

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Oops, let the sign-ups go for a few hours longer than they were supposed to. But they are now closed, and the game will begin as soon as the write-up is posted and PMs are sent out! The Cycles will last 24 hours from when the write-ups are posted, so even if I'm not on, you still only have a 24 hour time period to get your votes and actions in. Anything posted or sent in after that will be ignored. I will of course do my best to be as prompt as possible with the write-ups and cycle turnovers.

I hope everybody has a great game, and good luck! ;)

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Shadowed Secrets Day 1: Salutations

The stranger at the bar hunkered down even further in their seat, trying to obscure their features even more and tentatively taking a sip off of the mug of ale that the Innkeeper slid in front of them moments ago.

“Stories?” They asked skeptically.

“Stories, aye.” The Innkeeper said, taking another swig out of his own glass himself, eying the patron the whole time. “Some men take small tales and spin their yarn, making it all seem like some sort of grand adventure, while others may describe large, significant events, unceremoniously glossing over the small details – the why's and the how's – robbing the wonderful stories of their mirth and wonder.

“Some men aren't me, though,” he added after a moment with a wicked grin.

The stranger looked up, meeting the Innkeeper's eye, uncertain to respond. “I suppose I have time for a story.” They said, pausing for a second. “So what is your name, anyways?”

“Shadows, where are my manners!” Exclaimed the Innkeeper. “Shady's the name, not that that means much," he said, extending a hand, silently laughing at another one of his spectacularly tasteless jokes. False names were common out in the Forests. And Shady was just a horrible play on words about ethereal spectres that held vigil throughout the forests, silently enforcing the Simple Rules.

“So, it was a night like any other night, at a place not much different than this very own fine establishment.....”, the Innkeeper began, wasting no time, losing his raspy voice for a more proper tone for oration, a storyteller's voice. Stories were best when told properly, after all.


Shady stood at the bar, silently wiping down the bar after another long usual night playing Innkeeper for the rambunctious crowd that had filled in throughout the day. Most sensible folk knew better than trying to travel the roads of the Forests of Hell at night.

Nearby the crazy man Raze kept muttering to himself about burning the entire place down to the ground, while several people shot him menacing glances as the timid fellow named Ash tried to soothe and placate the deranged man.

Sighing to himself, Shady served up the next round of drinks. “Seta,” he called out, getting the attention of the part-time help he had recently hired. The lad wasn't the brightest, but he meant well and did good work. “Snipe and his fellow companions, Wilim and Araris, seems like he actually found an eager crowd to listen to his scholarly rants” he told the boy, nodding towards the group of men sitting in the corner, swapping stories from the trail over a game of dice and drinks.

Joesph, an obvious former fortman, judging from his foppish, lace-trimmed coat and ridiculously tall hat and fine tailored suit was sitting nearby the table, easily eavesdropping on the noisy conversation, while Jain was sitting at another table, yelling over the din to Wern about a giant panda – whatever in the name of shadows that was – and how he should try tracking and hunting the creature. Despite nobody but Jain having ever seen the said animal.

Some things never change, a small voice said in the back of his mind. The Forests of Hell had always felt like home to Shady – despite the strange rules and the even stranger company.

Still not sure if I prefer affiliating with this lot, or the Shades outside, he laughed to himself, shaking his head as Luce, an acclaimed survivor, was accosting Alvron of attempting to pickpocket her while Tryel sat in-between them, nervously ducking his head under the hurled insults. At another table, a “merchant”, even shadier than the barkeep, was trying to peddle his wares to whoever would listen, offering up spectacular deals on exclusive and accurate hand drawn maps and special herbs and remedies any medical practitioner needed to continue their craft out in the Forests.

A small bell suddenly rang out, cutting everybody off in the midle of their conversations. “Sound means last call!” The Innkeeper growled. Staying up longer and being cheery to the customers meant more money for him, but shadows, was he tired and ready to lie down and get some rest for the night.

A little while later everybody had made their ways up to their rooms, a full house for the evening, when Shady sent Seta out to the stable to check on and rub down the horses and get everything closed up for the night. Just because it wasn't safe to travel at night didn't mean fools attempted it in hopes of ripping off and stealing from the unprepared.

Settled in and ready for bed, Shady couldn't but shake a nagging voice in the back of his head that something was wrong, but his exhaustion won out in the end and next thing he knew he was woken up abruptly in the morning by a shrill scream that pierced through the silence like a silver-tipped bolt fired from a crossbow.

Rushing down the steps, it was daytime so it was safe to run – but barely – Shady soon saw what the fuss was all about. Outside, about halfway from the stables to the protective rings of silver that were laid into the ground to protect the Waystop Inn from Shades, was lying Seta, facedown in a puddle of his own blood. Shades were swarmed around the inn, their bodies fully formed and corporeal. Their eyes red, and ready for murder.

“Somebody has spilled blood,” The Innkeeper said weakly. “Shadows preserve us, we're doomed.”



The Innkeeper's tale tapered off, clearly indicating the end of a chapter in his story, as he took a large chug of his beer in front of him, his loud gulping filling in the silence that had fallen over the inn once more.

Some of course speculated that my poor helper must have discovered some shady individuals trying to the rob the inn, or maybe they thought they'd been spotted and were trying to leave at night, but either way, criminals being the type that broker no witnesses, them scum must have cut him down.” He said after emptying his mug and smacking his lips. “Stupid move, if you ask me, because it forced all of them to be trapped inside of the inn with the rest of us. So what we needed to do was figure out whodunnit, and root them out and expose them, sacrificing them to the Shades to appease them so we could all get out of it safely.”

There was a long pause.

“....So what happened next?” Asked the stranger, finally breaking the silence.

Hook, line, and sinker.

See, that depends,” replied the Innkeeper smartly, flashing another grin.

Depends on what?”

Second round or not,” he said, nodding towards the empty mugs sitting in front of them.


Day 1 Begins! The Cycle will last for 24hrs and will end at 5AM EST, Saturday September 20th! Good luck everybody!

Also for the sake of keeping things in neat, easy order, I request for when people send their orders in to highlight it with what Cycle it is. Thank you.

Player List:
1. Raze (Renegade) - Pyromaniac
2. Joseph (The Only Joe) - Former Fort Man
3. Ash (Ashiok) - Anti-pyromaniac
4. Jain (Lightsworn Panda) - Panda Enthusiast
5. Navor the Hand (Alvron) - Pickpocket
6. Tryel (Tulir) - Timid Herbalist
7. Wilim (Mailliw73) - Eager Volunteer
8. Wern (Wyrmhero) - Hunter and Tracker
9. Kasir (Kasimir) - Shady Peddler
10. Araris (Araris Valerian) - Metalcrafter
11. Snipe (Navybrandt) - Scholar
12. Ryfe (Theorymaker) - Mapmaker
13. Aoran (AonarFaileas) - Doctor

14. Luce (Luckat) - Survivor

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Wern grimaced as he was once again forced to endure the ramblings of a madman. He could understand a creature that large living in the forest - there were stranger things than that, to be sure, and he could somewhat imagine it being all black and white, though he thought all black would be better to hide with, but what he didn't get was the idea that this boy had seen one before him. Besides, black and white... That was a bad omen, to be sure.


He downed his pint, and held a hand up to stop the boy continuing even more from the previous day. It was probably a poor idea to drink this early, but after coming downstairs to find someone had been murdered, and all that blood lying around... Wern wasn't squeamish or anything like that. He'd killed his fair share of critters before, for food as well as sport. Even the fact that it was human didn't matter to him, not much. It brought the atmosphere down a little, but it didn't affect him personally.


No, it was the fact that the blood had been spilled so carelessly. Not even an attempt to hide the blood from the Shades. He shivered slightly. Those soulless, godless creatures were out there, weren't they? Without even noticing, his hand went to his bag, to feel the lump where his 'silver' lay within. As long as he had that, he was safe. He hoped.


But if the murderers were locked within, then who could it be? Well... That Navor fellow seemed shifty. Wern could have sworn that he'd seen him take a few coins out of a pocket that didn't belong to him yesterday. The man was a thief, that was for sure. It was probably a failed robbery that killed the hired help anyway. If a man turned to petty theft in this tavern, what else could he do? He didn't accuse the man directly, but he instead started to mutter it to the next person he spoke to instead.


...And I forgot we can't change votes without using up a ration - which we don't have on the first day. Sigh... Well, I'll still take part of discussions etc. Just pretend its not there, unless you also want to vote for Navor - though if you do, remember mine's there. Let this be a warning/reminder to people, at least :P

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No time for RP, unfortunately.  I'll do that later, along with a much more in-depth analysis (hopefully) when I get a chance.  Just wanted to say this when I had the chance.


Today (and every other day, really), we do need to be careful as to who we vote for.  But then, on the other hand, we need to start the discussion as early as possible each cycle.  I think that we should just bold any suspicions that we have, in order to make things easier.  Basically, sometime before the end of the cycle, if the bolded player hasn't said anything, or you still find them suspicious, your vote will go on them.  This should give us a brief overview of how the votes stand throughout the cycle (hopefully).

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Right-o. I, unfortunately, have no time to do anything, at the moment. :P I should have access to a computer again before I die of starvation, but then again, I might die from something else first. 


Editing some RP stuff in because I had more time than I thought:


"What exactly happened?"


The other man -Aoran hadn't bothered to learn his name- cradled his wrist, wincing as he recounted what happened. "Well, I was running, and-"


"You were what?" Aoran raised an eyebrow.


Over his grimace of pain, the other man managed to look a little annoyed. "Running, and then-"


"You were running. In the Forest. Early in the morning."


"Yes, and-"


"Idiot. You're lucky the Shades didn't kill you. I shouldn't even bother treating you; at this rate you're going to be dead by tomorrow." People who flaunted the Simple Rules didn't live long.


"Look, long story short, I fell, and my wrist seems to be broken. You're a doctor, aren't you morally obligated to help or something?"


"Nope, not in the slightest. I only help people who can pay, and I always charge more for idiots." 


The other man sighed and dug some more coins from his pocket. "That enough?" 


"Works for me." Aoran reached out and prodded the other man's wrist, heedless of the man's obvious pain. "Dislocated, not broken." Giving the man's hand a yank and a twist, his wrist snapped back into place with a wet pop. He went pale and gave a strangled curse.


"There. Right as rain, so long as you don't try to do too much with it, and don't do anything stupid. Given your history, however, that's about as likely as Shades not killing you after breaking a Rule." Aoran snatched the money from the man's good hand and stood turning towards the bar. "Do your best not to harm yourself further. You probably won't be able to pay for my services next time."

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Imagine this with a snob's voice.


"...and that's what it's like having a superior intellect." Snipe said to those few that would listen to him.  Wilim and Araris seemed to be the only ones listening.  "You have no idea how hard it is just to speak at a level that you common people can even understand.  My thoughts are so much higher that things that need to be explained to you just seem so obvious they don't need to be spoken to me."  Snipe noticed his audience starting to turn on him and quickly changed the subject.


"Well, what do you think about the murder that happened last night?" Snipe asked.  "Obviously the fool boy stumbled upon something he shouldn't have, so the real question is what are we going to do about it?"  Then, it dawned on him and Snipe stood up.  Raising his voice so all could hear, Snipe address the inn. "May I have everyone's attention please!  There is a group of murderers in this inn and these convicts pose a threat to us all.  I propose we root them out and kill them before they kill us.  Personally, I think Raze (will be changed to red later if I stick with this vote) should be the first to go as he mentioned something about burning my books.  I open the floor to discussion."

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Raze tended the fire.  It was his new job description, the Keeper of the Hearth.  Ol’ Shady allowed him to tend to the hearth on occasion, as long as he made sure it was confined in the Pit of Fire, a small stone room set in the back of the waystop.  A narrow set of steps led up to the kitchen.  Raze received no actual funds for being the Keeper of the Hearth; it was just a title.  But it was fun.  And as much as Raze wanted to bring the fire upstairs and set everything alight, he adhered to Ol’ Shady’s rule.


“Bwahaha!” Raze cackled, tossing flaming sticks into the air and juggling them with one hand.  Fire didn’t hurt him, really.  He had become used to the heat, over time.  Which one might consider a useful ability if you did not live in the Forests of Hell, where fire was scarce.  One day, though, things would change.  One day, he’d find a way to burn down the whole forsaken forest.  And then the others would praise him, singing songs in his name.


But that would take some time.  First, he’d have to be rid of those mysterious murderers.  Raze didn’t really care for killing convicts; they tended to break laws quite a lot, like him.  But Ol’ Shady told Raze that he’d cut off his rations if he didn’t bring the convicts to justice.  And while Raze was great at igniting fires, he was a terrible hunter.  The smoking creatures always seemed to run away from his fires too quickly.  So, he was confined to the rations that Ol’ Shady distributed.  And they were quite delicious, after all.


As usual, I’m advocating that everyone posts as much as possible, especially considering the fast-paced nature of the game.  I know that all of you will probably post at least once per cycle, but I really don’t think that’s good enough.  Don’t just post and vote for the Rations, put in your own thoughts and plans and stuff.


Don’t put off voting until the very end, either.  If I get killed the exact same way as in Gamma’s other game, I will seriously burn something (probably a candle, nothing too big).  But it’s best to get discussion going early in the cycle, so that it’s easier to vote later on.  That’s my thoughts, anyway.


And as to messages: Don’t spend a whole lot of time setting up codes with other players.  If you have something to tell someone, just send them a message with some simple method of determining authenticity.  It might be the numerical thing in MR 2.  Doesn’t really matter.  Just don’t spend several cycles setting up codes or spamming people, like in my game.  (Though with the price on messages, that shouldn’t be too much of a problem.)  Also, remember that there’s a 1000 character limit, so keep your messages short.


If I think of any more plans, I’ll put them up.  Otherwise, our best defense is lots of discussion, so let’s get talking!

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The first day is always tough with the vote, and not being able to change the vote makes this even more difficult.  The bold idea is a good one, and I will call out Luce to get on and get more discussion going.

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What happens to rations when I die?

Can we send messages this cycle with the rations we get this cycle?

What happens in the event of a tied vote?

Rations get taken by the Innkeeper upon death. So there is no way other people could recover them. (You could send Rations out to somebody else, if you think you're going to die, however, since Rations happen first on The Stack) That would count as your Action, though.

Yes, Messages can be sent the first cycle, from the Rations you will receive. Since Messages go after Ration distribution, when you send those messages at the end of the Cycle, you will have the Rations to send them.


In case of a tied vote, the Innkeeper will flip a coin to see who gets lynched.


Also, a quick heads up for voting procedures. The lack of Rations on the first cycle is to help establish that environment of scarce resources and placing votes with caution. Also, votes can be redacted in Green if you change your mind, and to redact it will not cost any rations. But you would still need more Rations to change it after that, or if you wanted to re-vote for who you originally voted for.


Edit: Any items anybody might have when they die will also go to the Innkeeper. Nothing wrong with profiteering in the middle of a crisis.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Also, votes can be redacted in Green if you change your mind, and to redact it will not cost any rations. But you would still need more Rations to change it after that, or if you wanted to re-vote for who you originally voted for.


Interesting to note. I'm still waiting on Alvron to appear though, so my vote won't be retracted for now. But if he doesn't appear soon, my vote will stick permanently, as its somewhat unlikely I'll be awake before 9 AM on a Saturday.


I guess in the mean time, might as well look at who has posted and who has 'voted' (of course, I'm the only person stupid enough to actually vote already >>).


People who haven't posted: Jain, Navor, Wilem, Araris, Ryfe, Luce

- Of these, only Araris and Ryfe do not have votes on them.


People who haven't 'voted' but have posted: Aoran, Ash, Raze


That's a rather large number of people, but I guess it's only halfway through the day. Nothing much to glean from that, sadly. Just useful to note.

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Standing just inside the stairwell, Navor carefully listened to the various conversations going on in the taproom.  Upon hearing Wern accuse him Navor stiffened slightly.  How did this fool learn my name.  Even the innkeeper only knows me by my alias Alvron.  And somehow he saw me liberate someones purse?  Impossible!  No one has ever seen the great Navor the Hand work.  Why I'm so subtle that I could steal that fools teeth right out of his mouth and he wouldn't notice for a week.


Calmly walking into the taproom Navor passed Wern without making eye contact and slipped a golden bracelet into Werns bag.  Lets see him explain that!  Navor grinned.  Navor had 'acquired' it from the merchant while he was deep into his cups last night.  It was a really inferior bracelet.  Someone had mixed lead into the mix when it was made but then Wern didn't know that and would probably try to sell it back to the merchant.


Will hold off voting for now until more players have spoken.


Edit: colours

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Well, now I will retract my vote for Navor :P. Bah, this makes the first game where I've not had a vote on someone... I'll put a 'vote' on Araris for now. Actually, I can put a 'vote' on multiple people, since it's not real. Haha, I shall 'vote' for Ryfe as well!


In all seriousness though, those of you who are inactive do need to sign in and all. Sadly, I haven't caught anyone hiding in the shadows this game, so can't accuse them. From what I recall though, Araris should have had a long while to look at this thread now (if I remember timezones correctly), so I am more curious about him.


...What should we do about retracted 'votes'? Italics? Because if so, Ryfe.

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Ok Araris, the whole bold thing isn't for votes, it's for suspicion/calling out. The reason we are using that is that we can't change votes cycle 1 because we have no rations. 


As such, at this point in the game, is there any point in calling out people that have already been called out? It will probably just make excess clutter.


I'll also say that more than inactives, we should focus on active players. Inactives will kill themselves shortly, or come on and start talking of their own volition. We should start planing stuff now.

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I get how the bolding is intended to be used, and already I see why colors are used for actual votes. Also, we don't really have anything to work with as far as planning stuff, and I missed that Jain had been called out already. Anywho, somebody needs to make the first "official vote, so I'm gonna go for Navor, mostly because he posted because of being called out. I don't know what other reason we can really give for voting for someone at this point except the timing of their posts.

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