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Shadowed Secrets Aftermath: Sacrifices

“Some stories have happy endings,” the Innkeeper intoned, drawing in the Stranger for one last chapter, “sometimes they have sad endings, and it all of course depends on the point of view, doesn't it? Subjective, is the word, depending on the point of view, ya ken?”

The Stranger perked up, detecting the inevitable end of the story drawing near. Sitting up straight in their seat, their eyes were focused with a clarity that rivaled the amount of alcohol they had consumed.

The Innkeeper wasn't surprised. Strange folk with secrets seem to flock together, he mused.

So there we were, surrounded by Shades on all sides, murderous scum picking us off one by one each night, surviving off of near starvation levels of rations. Stress was at an all time high, as suspicion and mistrust was still heavy in the air, both sides knowing that one mistake would mean certain death. Still, the Shades drew closer and closer each day, withering away the silver rings day by day. Sacrifices needed to be made....”


The sun didn't shine in the morning, as dark clouds and a thick fog shrouded the dense forests. The Shades were visible, their blood red eyes piercing through the mists. Silence lay just as thickly over the inn, as some of the guests woke early, and slowly crept one by one quietly into the common room. As tired as they were, their eyes shone fiercely, their faces determined to end this once and for all.

Thanks for coming, everybody,” Wilim began, addressing the few who had gathered. Tryel sat at a nearby small square table, nervously twiddling his thumbs as he sat next to the grim looking Aoran. Joe sat on the other side of the table, his legs stretched and resting on the last open chair, a relaxed grin only somebody who had once lived in the forts could manage.

Wilim took a deep breath and began to tell everybody his plan.



Raze stood outside behind the wood shed, obscured by the fog, playing with his flint in his hand, a few torches scattered at his feet, arguing with Ash.

“Sparks, we're done for anyways!” He exclaimed, waving the unlit torch around, wishing it was aflame and he could just set the whole place ablaze. “Why not just burn it all down?!”

“And draw even more Shades to this shadow-forsaken place?” Ash replied evenly. “I may be a convict, but I'm not daft.”

So they stood there, arguing back and forth as the fog began to slowly dissipate, and the sun briefly shone overhead. They heard the bang of a door as the rest of the guests strode confidently out of the inn, Shady following behind them, his hand on his silver-sheathed sword.

Sorry boys, but you got to go,” the Innkeeper said, staring them both down. “Shedding blood is forbidden, so we leave you for the Shades. Sacrifices to be made, and all that.”

The two convicts stood together and defiantly glared back. Raze smiled and looked down at his feet, striking his flint and setting the torches at his feet ablaze instantly. He tossed one back towards the inn, it sailing right through one of the windows and catching a curtain as it passed through. Flames began to flick at the windowsill within mere seconds and smoke began to billow forth.

The convicts took advantage of the distraction and ran right for the perimeter of the inn, and to the edge of the silver rings surrounding them. Raze laughed with glee as he combated of the Shades with another torch in his hand, the intense heat of the flames driving them back and allowing him and Ash to cut a path right through them. As they passed bushes and shrubs, Raze set those ablaze as well as Ash followed after him stomping out the flames.

They made it a couple hundred of paces and got into the full density of the Forests when a stiff, cold breeze issued forth and blew the torch out. They were immediately enveloped in absolute darkness. Then blood red eyes appeared one by one from the blackness, surrounding them on all sides and drawing in closer and closer. Two shrill, strangled screams sounded out in the night.

Then were was Silence.



The Stranger sat in silence for a few moments, thinking about the story as a whole and it's conclusion. “So....,” they began slowly, “... what's the point of the story?”

The Innkeeper frowned. “Stories don't need no point or reason or moral. Sometimes a story is just a story.” He said with a wink. “Shall you be staying the night, or settling your tab?”



Quick Fix Game 3 is over! Congratulations to the Civilians for Winning, and great game, everybody!

I had to start rushing at the end here, and will have to do all the post-game stuff later when I get a chance. But good game, everybody, I mean it! It was fun to GM, and I hope everybody had just as much fun.

Edited by Alvron
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Echoing the comments; well-played, and thanks to the Great Lord Gamma for running it despite his busy schedule.


Note to self: everytime King and I are on the same side, Ren is an Eliminator. Just look at what's happened so far :P


And I think Aonar just conceded his long-term Dodo status to me. I've never actually survived a single game so far o.O

Edited by Kasimir
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This is my first completed elimination game, so thanks for a good experience.  Aoran was innocent after all! :lol:


Also, I won't be signing up for any more, but it's not because they aren't fun.  It was great, but I'm starting a doctoral program and won't have time.

Edited by navybrandt
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I'd say Ren. Only one action can be taken--killing or sending a message. Well, assume that no civilian would've been bored enough to do something like that--quite a waste of rations, actually. Luce confirmed she hadn't done that either, and it really didn't sound like her.


Ryfe was the Gang Leader. His uninterceptable messages cost him--why would he play around by sending one to me when he should be contacting his fellow convicts? (Not impossible, but I'd say highly improbable.) We know now that Ash made the kill which means he couldn't have sent the message. So, Ren.


P.S. Well, this breaks the trend of Civilian loss in QFs...


Edit: If I'm referring to a different message, then my bad, Joe.

Edited by Kasimir
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And I think Aonar just conceded his long-term Dodo status to me. I've never actually survived a single game so far o.O


Not quite, Kas. It took me seven games before I survived one. You've still got two games to go if you want to try and take the title from me. :P

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Alright, phew! Sorry it took me so long to gather the rather small amount of info and get it recorded on the Master Sheet. >.>


I do want to say, this game was quite a blast to GM. Was definitely very interesting, with the limited resources and Ration Mechanics. Those will definitely need a little bit of tweaking, and maybe give a few more possibilities for uses for them, but overall I say it worked out rather well. Especially given the quick nature of the QF games! O.o

I would like to say job well done to everybody that played, regardless of alignment and no matter how long you lasted or how quickly you died. These games take everyone one of us to always be fun and successful.

Seriously though, I'm never doing write-ups with that storming curse ever again! So frustrating! Singularly one of the worst ideas I've ever had. >.<


Shadowed Secrets Master Doc
Speculating Spectres


No need to really share the Spec Doc, since it was basically only me and Sart for only a few pages. :P

Great game once again, everybody! I'll leave this thread open for a little while longer so anyone can get any last minute comments or questions upon seeing the Master Sheet. Or if you see any corrections needing to be made, or anything.

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Ah yes, Shady/The Innkeeper was indeed Magam from MR1, so I thought it'd be fun to have him still affected by his Curse. What's a better homeworld than Threnody to go back to if you have to follow a rule? :P  (S)Laughter also made a brief appearance in the write-ups, as well. ;) (If the Convicts won, I was going to have to make Magam fight his way through the Shades to escape.) ;)   (And then I would make the argument that since Shades are Invested, so they would help feed the Awakened Blade )


Apologies about the sloppiness of my Master Sheet, by the way! I'm not always the most organized, and just basically winged this one when collecting Stats and actions. >.<

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