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When the Cosmere movies come...

Hmmm lies

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But really, what we do here is speculate about what terrible mistakes Hollywood will make when/if they make Cosmere movies

Rules: Don't put positive things (Like Inquisitors will look real cool) unless put in conjunction with negative things (Like Inquisitors will look cool, but koloss will look dumb and not at all as described)

Don't put things it would be very implausible it could happen (Like all metals are removed from Mistborn), although given some movie adaptations I've seen, this rule can be stretched pretty far

Don't speculate on acting

I strongly suspect that "Kelsier's Spirit" will randomly show up after he dies for no reason, completely messing up Spooks whole thing in HOA

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They add in a gratuitous love interest for the Adolin - Shallan - Kaladin love triangle, probably one of Adolin's old girlfriends to make Shallan even more angsty. The justification will probably be so that they can get a really hot actress to play one of Adolin's old flames and they need to get more screen time for this actress for the salacious trailers.

They make Syl obnoxiously high pitched. Not sure why they do this, but it happens.

They go about 3 steps too far with the hint that Vin had a crush on Kelsier.

Because... Hollywood.

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They all get the "Harry Potter" treatment:


Generally speaking 100 pages of prose equals 1 hour of script. So, anything over 200 pages will need a ton of trim to be a theatrical release. Sometimes (rarely) this can be done while keeping the plot intact (The Martian) - then you have everything else (exemplified by Potter movies 3-6) where they not alony trim for time, but make . . . unintutive. . . changes. 


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Showing us the effects of the Heightenings/visualizing an amount of Stormlight in a person will be very awkward.

Also there are so many internal monologues, either Szeth will need an awkward voiceover, or we just see him murder everyone in the palace with no narration.

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11 hours ago, The Sibling said:

The visualization of mistborn using metals will be super obvious to the point that it’s insane people don’t notice they’re being soothed/rioted




I'm really curious about how the Allomancy would be represented in a Mistborn adaptation. While you're writing the screenplay, have you already planned something? And is the screenplay still a project? Because your progress bar has been removed, and I got kind of confused.

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, I took the screenplay off of the progress bar because I'm not actively writing it right now because I have the [Dawnshard] novella to do. I thought I might be getting into it in July, but it doesn't look like I will. All the progress on the screenplay so far that you see is me writing the treatment, not the actual screenplay. And the treatment is, like, a big fancy outline for a screenplay. And in the treatment, what I have right now is that we represent Allomancy with: steelpushing and ironpulling, the thing that the Allomancer is pushing on is going to flash blue on the screen and you'll see a little line from them to the thing. You won't see all of the lines, most likely. There might be a scene where we show it all once or twice, but mostly it's like, "Allomancer, line to the blue thing, and then zip, off they go." This is gonna really depend on things like people who actually know how to do effects on film telling me if it's going to work or not, but it sounds good so far.

Burning pewter, I'm using the same sort of blue feeling. With that, I'm sending a ripple of blue lines, almost more like little lightning or veins, up the person's arms or body, wherever they're increasing their strength, so to speak. (I mean, it does it for all of you, but visually, to draw attention like that.)

The one that's still iffy is emotional Allomancy. Which, in the treatment right now, I say: when someone's been affected by emotional Allomancy, we show their eyes flash blue for just a second. The trick is, this can't be diegetic, it can't be something that's actually happening in-world, because it would be too much of a tell that someone is having emotional Allomancy. So I don't know if it is okay to go with something that's just a symbol for the viewer to know that it's happening, or if that is just too confusing and people will be like, "Why didn't he see that her eyes flashed blue?" or things like that.

My plan is still to write the first draft of the screenplay, but to work with an established screenwriter thereafter to make it actually good. And this'll depend on the established screenwriter that I work with and who ends up being the director on the project, right? Like, there's a lot of people that we're talking to that would be interested. And it also depends on if it ends up live action or animated. Animation is not off the table, even though I really would like to do live action just because I think that our chances of doing Stormlight live action are much lower, and our chances of doing something animated are much higher, just because Stormlight's got so many weird things going on with the spren and the storyline being such that it is.

A lot of things are up in the air with all of this. The only thing I've decided right now is that I'm tired of optioning it and then waiting to see what happens and then maybe getting a screenplay that's okay or maybe not getting a screenplay at all. Basically, from now on, whoever I work with has to be working more closely with me. I think that I have achieved prominence enough in my field that I can just say no to people more easily and not have to roll the dice quite so much. So we'll see if that works out or not.

YouTube Livestream 13 (July 23, 2020)

Hero of Ages will just make no sense due to lacking Sazed's epigraphs.

Also just the whole overcoming misogyny subplot in Elantris will be gone. Either the misogyny itself is gone, or everyone just kind of ignores it.  

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My biggest worry for mistborn movie is that the entire cast be made to look like morons so that Vin can look better.  

Its a thing I think Hollywood has done a lot in the past. This character needs to be extra cool so everyone else needs to look like they are inept. 

I can see Vin getting the Rey treatment and the entire cosmere adaptation being murdered movie one. 

Vin is strong. Vin is powerful. She is written to be strong and powerful. Vin still nearly dies over and over. The scary thing is that Vin also happens to be a teenage girl and with that comes a bit of stinky attitude sometimes. Depending on how the writers treat it and the casting I can see myself really not liking the character.  

Also I have fears that they will make my favorite character out to be a joke or a slimeball. I love breeze. And I think sometimes he was a bit slimy. But dang it if they cast him to be a creep I will be bummed. 

I would rather see Wax and Wayne turned into a movie first. I think that cancel culture and agenda pushing have pretty well ruined entertainment. I just want a true to the book rendition if and when they do one. By that I mean I want the screenplay to match what I remember feeling when reading the books.  

I think Wax and Wayne would actually do better as a movie in that not having a teenage female as the main PoV protagonist would be less likely to get ruined by politically driven producers and critics.  

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All of the complex character arcs rely on internal monologues, which are hard to do in movies.

I worry that the representation in the Cosmere (Rlain and Renarin, Renarin struggling with autism, King Relu-na, Ranette and Jaxy, Drehy, The Sibling, most of the Alethi nobles being black, etc.) that isn't incredibly essential to the plot will be cut a la Owl House, making the whole series just... worse.

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35 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

All of the complex character arcs rely on internal monologues, which are hard to do in movies.

I worry that the representation in the Cosmere (Rlain and Renarin, Renarin struggling with autism, King Relu-na, Ranette and Jaxy, Drehy, The Sibling, most of the Alethi nobles being black, etc.) that isn't incredibly essential to the plot will be cut a la Owl House, making the whole series just... worse.

Agree strongly, except I think the Sibling would stay non-binary, being a non-human

They will have torchlight everywhere instead of stormlight to light places, after showing that off once.

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One thing I really really hope doesn't happen but also probably will is that since the setting of mist born is so dark, lots of scenes will be hard to see because it will be night and stuff and they won't make it look good. Something like (Game of thrones)


The dragon battle scene at the wall where they were fighting in a storm and I couldn't make anything out and I was real confused


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34 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

As a result of the adaptations the Cosmere will become popular and a bunch of people will join the fandom without reading the books (some not even knowing that there are books).

I feel like this isn't really a negative though. I would just be happy to have people to share these stories with who maybe wouldn't ever experience them if they stayed as just books. 

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They probably won't make anything for The Eleventh Metal or The Hope of Elantris (admittedly no one would care)

They will mess up some integral part of Sazed, whether it be the way he treats all the religions or they just ignore him being an eunuch, or possibly kind of remove the whole depression after Tindwyl dies.

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They will cut Yeden from Mistborn and just have Kelsier be the former leader of the skaa rebellion who was captured, and, upon his return decided to overthrow the Final Empire once and for all.

Almost all of the Stormlight interludes will be removed, even the ones that have some plot relevance or foreshadowing.

They will "cure" Kaladin's depression by the end of the series, just to make the audience feel better.

Shallan's plural experience will be poorly represented, and they will quite likely demonize Veil and Radiant in some way.

They will pull back heavily on the atrocity of Dalinar's actions at the Rift, for fear that the audience will no longer like him.

Wax, Steris, and Marasi will become a love triangle that is central to the plot of the books.

Moash, Amaram, and Sadeas will become much less nuanced villain caricatures of themselves.

Wow. Looking at all of these mistakes, that could very well happen in a Hollywood adaptation, I am glad that Brandon Sanderson is established enough that he can just say "no" to any preposed adaptations. If any of the companies that optioned his works early in his career had pursued that option successfully...*shudder* He has much more control over the quality of Cosmere adaptations now, which makes me cautiously hopeful that they will be better than most book-to-screen adaptations I have seen.

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Rysn isn't going to get any screen time, which ruins everything involving Chiri-Chiri, the Battle at Theylan Field, and the creation of the Fourth Bridge (the airship).

Szeth will be painted as sympathetic from the start instead of slowly becoming more likable like he does in the books.

The Heralds will come off as jerks instead of people struggling with the aftereffects a millennium of torture.

Taln won't be nearly as awesome.

The whole emphasis on palindromes will go out the window.

They'll make a sequel to the Elantris move before the actual sequel comes out, causing a divergence in cannon and a ton of internet arguments as people who have watched the movies don't realize that there are books.

Every single sanderlanche, which in the books are carefully moderated cascading scenes, will become Marvel-style third act CGI crem.

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