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Painting Stormlight Miniatures

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After 4 and a half hours, 3 complete resets, 12 different paints, 6 different brushes, 1 can of soda, 6 paper towels, a few choice words I will not repeat here, building an entire lighting set up just so I can get good photos, holding a light in my mouth to get said setup to work right. I have finished one model


Storms… I love this hobby 

Not all the paints I used can be seen because of the resets, so here is the full list of the ones in the final version 

Abaddon Black, Mechaicus standard grey, administratum grey, agrax earth shade, night lords blue, macragge blue, thousand sons blue, temple guard blue

Edited by Silver Phantom
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Halfway done with the next model. I will now go into detail about how I painted syl

I did a base coat of Mechanicus standard grey, I then painted syl completely with nightlords blue. I then did a dry brush of administatum grey over the ground followed by one application of the shade Agrax Earthshade. I then did multiple dry brushes going brighter and brighter in color, one dry brush of each color. Started with Macragge blue, then thousand sons blue, and finally temple guard blue.

Hope other will start posting about there stormlight miniatures. If you have any question let me know

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Here is Teft so far. He isn’t finished because my paint shop is closed so I can’t get what I need for his skin. Warning to everyone getting into painting, skin tones will make you want to die. But ignoring that, I am very happy on how he is going, especially the stormlight smoke.

Spoiler warning for Oathbringer





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17 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

syl looks detaild. i like the drybrushing. i can never get it to work for myself.

I only just manage to get decent at it. I like it better then contrast paints though 

18 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Woah, that looks incredible!! I'm excited to see the finished product!


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4 hours ago, Silver Phantom said:

Here is Teft so far. He isn’t finished because my paint shop is closed so I can’t get what I need for his skin. Warning to everyone getting into painting, skin tones will make you want to die. But ignoring that, I am very happy on how he is going, especially the stormlight smoke.

Spoiler warning for Oathbringer

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Wow teft looks amazing. Can’t wait to see the rest.

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On 1/11/2024 at 11:27 PM, Silver Phantom said:

About to start painting syl. Out of all the miniatures, she is the one I am most worried about. Just trying to get her glowing blue look is going to be tough


On 1/9/2024 at 10:05 PM, Silver Phantom said:

I managed to get a couple of miniatures based coated before a storm hit. I should explain what base coating is. It’s were before you paint a model by hand you use spray paint over it. This helps the paint you put on later stick better and is a smoother finish.


As you can see I base coated the shard bearer, the Lopen, Hoid, Rock, Syl, Taravangian, Patter, and Taln

I used citadel Mechanicus standard gray. I will be starting Patter tonight 

I'm curious, why did you apply a base coat to Syl, you mentioned you wanted that glowing affect, wouldn't covering up her translucence negate that?

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6 hours ago, Lego Mistborn said:


I'm curious, why did you apply a base coat to Syl, you mentioned you wanted that glowing affect, wouldn't covering up her translucence negate that?

I didn’t like how she look when transparent. You couldn’t see any details and it was all just one color. I have actually decided to restart Syl again. In order to go even brighter and get it even more glow like

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15 minutes ago, Silver Phantom said:

I finished Teft 


And @Jprtr  I love your stuff, they both look great

Looks really cool. How did you get into miniature painting? I've wanted to start for a while, but I don't know where to do so.

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34 minutes ago, The cheeseman said:

Looks really cool. How did you get into miniature painting? I've wanted to start for a while, but I don't know where to do so.

I first got into it at tail end of the lock down. Just when some places were opening back up. I was so sick of watching tv/video games I decided to try models. I went to my local Warhammer store and been in love with it ever since. I also hate it every know and then but that a whole other story. My biggest advice for anyone wanting to start is to find a local hobby store and go talk to some people there. I don’t mean like hobby lobby, more like a small private store. If you want more advice and some good beginner models, paints, and tools, pm me

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mostly finished Talenel


I don’t have what I want for yet. And I don’t know what to do with the ground yet, but I think he came out pretty good.

As for how I did it. As always base coat of Mechanicus Standard Grey. The skin is Mournfange brown, shade of Agrax earthshade, drybrush of Gorthor brown. Armor is retributor armour, a single thin layer of guilliman flesh, then drybrush of skullcrusher brass. The tassels are khorne red and a dry brush of skullcrusher brass. The sandals are XV-88, and agrax earthshade. The hair is abaddon black, drybrush of Corvus black, drybrush of mechanicus standard grey.

I will be doing Rock tomorrow

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