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Long Game 8: Elendel Gang War


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I think I'm gonna take a bit of a break after playing three games in a row and GMing one, so could I please be sent a link to the speculation doc when the game starts?


I don't have time to RP, but I like reading through it when I have the time, so can I second this?

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Only three, Wyrm? ;) Four straight games, one GM, and then another two. That's just the long games. ;)


Not quite right - I did LG4, LG5, MR1, then I skipped LG6, before returning for QF2, then I GMed LG7, and after that, played MR2 (actually meant 'was after three games, GMing one of them'). Also, after being a GM and a Windrunner, I think I need the heat to die down. >>


Noooo! Without Wyrm, who'll head the Inquisitions discussions!?


You will have to go on without me, little panda! I can't be omnipresent during the GMT timezone every game, after all :P. I must say that I do find it weird that I've had a relatively big Role in all of my games so far: Returned, Grandbowman, Sharder, Gunner (not quite as rare as I thought, it turns out :P), GM, Windrunner. I'm almost scared to play another in case I break this streak.


I don't have time to RP, but I like reading through it when I have the time, so can I second this?


Yay, someone else to troll talk to! :)

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Araris Valerian is signing up as himself. Its time to break my 1-0 streak and 100% survival rate. I'm not on vacation this time around, so hopefully I can be that much more involved in searching out family lines or, in this case, gang affiliations.


Araris paused as he gazed over the sprawling city of Elendel. He was curious why the inhabitants of this town carried no swords, or even any weapons that were clearly obvious. Surely whatever means they had of protecting themselves was insignificant when compared to the strength of cold steel of his blades.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Not quite right - I did LG4, LG5, MR1, then I skipped LG6, before returning for QF2, then I GMed LG7, and after that, played MR2 (actually meant 'was after three games, GMing one of them'). Also, after being a GM and a Windrunner, I think I need the heat to die down. >>


I meant that's how many I've done. And that's just my long games.

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Thirding/fourthing the spec doc request. Still don't have the time for a game as intricate as this, even though the kandra looks like tempting trolling...

See what you've done, King? You've led a rebellion. Watch the speculation numbers grow... :P

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Now I almost feel bad....

But as being the Sub-Mod who will be sitting this game out (mostly so I can finish getting my game ready to run after this ends), I will also request Spec Doc privileges.... (>.< Sorry, Bart!)

NOW you should fear for the Spec Doc Length, Ren. ;)


Also, good luck to everybody who will sign up for and play this game! This one should be crazy! And I can't wait to see how this one plays out. :P

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Aww, bart, why am I not in the player list?


It's so tempting to bail out and just join the spec doc, but that little twist on the kandra is too fun to pass up. Besides, Quitty deserves to live longer!


I'd like to participate in this, but I'm an elimination game virgin so be nice. :wub:

You can call me PopEye - not only am I a sailor, but I have a patch over one eye because it "pops" out in a gross way. :blink:


Oh, considering that I was one a few games ago, I can just tell you what they told me then. "We promise not to kill you on the first day."  :lol:


Meh... I'm probably not gonna have time to play this properly.

Scratch Ashette Cett from the list, and may I have a link to the spec doc when the game starts please?


What? We won't have the benefit of your unpredictable playing style this time? 

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Oh, considering that I was one a few games ago, I can just tell you what they told me then. "We promise not to kill you on the first day."  :lol:

Unless of course everyone feels like you are the most suspicious person.  No one is safe! Anyone might be a kandra!  :ph34r:

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Hello everyone! Been lurking (without an account) for the last game, so I decided to come and join the party! I will be playing a woman named Terra. Bare with me as I'm entirely new at this, (and the forums) so let's see how fast I can get myself killed! I'm gonna hold off on any RP till this starts, but this should be fun!

Edited by Pupper
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Let me get this straight, guys.

Gamma Fiend, Kasimir and Renegade should never be in the same doc ever again.

I present, esteemed Forum members, this, for your inspection:

I think I'm gonna take a bit of a break after playing three games in a row and GMing one, so could I please be sent a link to the speculation doc when the game starts?

Thirding/fourthing the spec doc request.

Sign me up for the spec doc as well.

I will also request Spec Doc privileges....

...The Rebellion has begun. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Too long has King waited, disavowing all responsibility. Claiming that he did not contribute to the monstrosity that was the Urbain doc, the Darkeyes doc, and the Dead of Kholinar doc. No more.
Insieme per la vittoria :ph34r:

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...The Rebellion has begun. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Too long has King waited, disavowing all responsibility. Claiming that he did not contribute to the monstrosity that was the Urbain doc, the Darkeyes doc, and the Dead of Kholinar doc. No more.


I'd say I regret nothing, but who would I be kidding? I regret all the things.


Though, when did I claim that I didn't contribute to those last two? I only washed my hands of the Urbain doc :P


This is almost enough on its own to convince me to play rather than spectate. I just pity poor Ashiok and Curiosity, really. They're the true victims here.

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Oh, considering that I was one a few games ago, I can just tell you what they told me then. "We promise not to kill you on the first day."  :lol:

PopEye removes his eye patch for a moment so the true shock on his face can be seen by all.  "Wait, I can be killed? I guess I just have to kill everybody else first."  Everyone is unnerved by his gross eye drooping down the side of his face.  PopEye pops it back in his head and replaces the patch.  "That reminds me of the time the Skipper tried to kill me by keelhauling me, in the Black Lake, for drinking all the rum.  How do you think I got this eye in the first place?  I showed him though - let's just say he won't be drinking anything but Black Lake water ever again."

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...The Rebellion has begun. Be afraid. Be very afraid


Why be afraid? I can just as easily navigate around the 100k+ words you guys are sure to create by simply searching for my name. That'll be much easier. :P


And now that I've said that, you guys are probably going to troll me by not ever referring to me as "Wilson"....

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Who says we care about catching up? :P


Wilson: 200k, now that King's in on it as well and not constrained by being a GM. ;)

Of course, we'll refer to you by several different terms of reference, none of which are intuitively obvious, some of which are mispelled ;)

Edited by Kasimir
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You say that as if we haven't already done so... :P

Ah, but did we break Google Docs or King's browser? Can Google Docs actually be broken? :ph34r:

We go where no Elimination doc has gone before...

And if we keep this up, Bartbug's just gonna go, "Sorry guys, no spec doc." :lol:

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Actually, I wasn't going to do a spec doc in the first place. I was getting close to relenting, but now...


I'll see. I actually took a break from the site, and the spec doc must have been a new innovation, because it wasn't in the first few games I played in. I'll see when we start the game.


Mwahaha. The GM controls all.

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Ah, but did we break Google Docs or King's browser? Can Google Docs actually be broken? :ph34r:

We go where no Elimination doc has gone before...

And if we keep this up, Bartbug's just gonna go, "Sorry guys, no spec doc." :lol:

Google Docs has a 1,024,000 character limit, so yes, it can definitely be broken by a 200,000-word document.


And bart, I'm still not in your player list.

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