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Long Game 8: Elendel Gang War


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I'm sorry I haven't been too active, have had a lot on my mind (Rather not go into it), but I can understand why I seem suspicious.  I have no powers, so know that if I do get Lynched, you won't be losing anyone with a power. And I would have responded sooner, but I was busy all day yesterday and most of today. Next game I join I'll try to be more active.

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Sorry, but there's going to be a serious decline in write up quality for the next two cycles, I think. I'm going to go somewhere with limited computer access, so I should be able to report most night actions and votes, but that will be it.

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In fact, I'm pretty sure I told you that in our PM. :wacko: Anyways, I'm bored, so let's make a vote count.

Morgan Hanks (2): Satrams, Bunnt

Terra (2): Araris, Morgan Hanks

Quitania (4): Alim, Koll , Alv, Taliz Duede

Hmm... I'll keep my vote on Morgan for right now, but Quitania is another solid choice. However, we've already had one vanilla player (Aonar), so she might be telling the truth.

Edit: ... Terra and Quitania aren't the same person? :blink: I'll edit the count.

Going back and reading it I see where you tried to tell me that. I just didn't understand what you were saying. Sorry about that. 

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So guys, the night's been over for a while now, but the write up (and the next two, probably) are going to be delayed, so this game will be placed on hiatus until Sunday or Monday. I broke both my arm and my phone, so there is absolutely no chance of me getting write up's done at all at camp.


I'm very sorry about this.

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Where have I been? I've been at a convention. I somehow misthought the date and thought the convention was next week when in fact it was this week. Hence the lack of warning of my absence. It was relatively unexpected...

I don't know how many vanillas would be in the game, but I started as a vanilla as well. If someone's trying to calculate percentages and stuff, that might help (I'd do it, but I really, really don't have the time. I'm still at this convention until tonight, and tomorrow's going to be busy as well). I'll go Quitania as well, since having four vanillas is unlikely for so many power possibilities. Plus, she's a relative inactive, so it won't matter. (That same logic applies to me, as I'm relatively inactive and therefore not much of a help...sorry about that. :/ )

EDIT: Clearly, I need to read the thread thoroughly before posting fast during lunch. I'd assumed someone used a time manipulation metal to extend the day. Obviously that's wrong. I agree with the sentiments on fast healing, Bartbug. That really sucks. And take as much time as you need. Healing is far more important than a game.

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EDIT: Clearly, I need to read the thread thoroughly before posting fast during lunch. I'd assumed someone used a time manipulation metal to extend the day. Obviously that's wrong. I agree with the sentiments on fast healing, Bartbug. That really sucks. And take as much time as you need. Healing is far more important than a game.

I disagree. Bartbug you clearly exist for no other purpose than to serve us by running awesome games for us all. This injury is rather inconvenient on all of us and really a dereliction of duty on your party. I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist that you regenerate the damaged tissue immediately and get back to your primary function ;)


(Just in case sarcasm tone isn't coming across in text, I'm obviously completely joking. Hope you feel better soon but take the time you need to recover).

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Satrams strolled across the street, contemplating his life. Nearly being killed twice would put anyone in a philosophical mood. He liked having the streets deserted in the middle of the day. It gave him room to pace. The kandra were getting out of hand, and he was in a position to stop them. If only he could figure out who they were! They kept jumping bodies before he even began to suspect them. He suspected Morgan, but how could he be sure. The arguments against Quitania were also convincing. How likely was it to not have a power in this type of group? He sighed. He didn't have any answers. He walked back to the bar humming a solemn tune. It went something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLfCnGVeL4
For people who can't remember what happened this day, here's a vote count:
Morgan Hanks (2): Satrams, Bunnt
Terra (2): Araris, Morgan Hanks
Quitania (5): Alim, Koll, Alv, Taliz Duede, Willa

Edited by a smart guy
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“Hello Trell, My name’s Vin! Why Hello Vin.” TrelVin’s hands both bore a jaw in them now, which he was using to talk to each other. “These dumb Humans deserve to Die, Don’t they Trell? Now I wouldn’t say that Vin, some of them are perfectly good people, Like that Jedal Fellow, he was nice. Yeah Right Vin, he was, No Wait, I’m Vin. You’re Trell.”


“What are you doing?” Another kandra squatted down besides him. “Aren’t you going to blow your cover doing that?”


“Nah, everyone’s ignoring each other while they wait for Harmony to get back.” Still, the Kandra had a point. He dropped the jaws out of his hands, forming them back around the finger bones he had stolen.


The other kandra paused,”Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you about that. Do you know why Harmony hasn’t let us do anything for a couple of days now?”


“Yeah, he mentioned it Earlier. Apparently he was attacked by another Shard, Brodium I think? Something Dium. Anyway, he can’t be more active in meddling until he finished tapping all the gold he has.”


“All right. That makes sense. And how haven’t they noticed whose body yourin? They’ve been using the Tineye to run messages between them for the last week or so. Did they never actually see their face?”


“Maybe they only met in the dark?” TrelVin carefully attached his hands together, so that he had a Loop of flesh. “You know, I’ve always wondered if I could activate Aons by drawing them in Flesh.”


What are you guys doing?


They both jumped up, looking around guiltily. “Sorry Sazed, uh, Harmony. We were just goofing off.”


I told you already, you’ll be able to get back to killings soon, now separate before people realize what you are.

“Alright! Will do. see you tonight.” The other Kandra nodded, before walking away, resuming their seat at a table. TrelVin simply went upstairs to sleep for a while longer. Hopefully Brodium wouldn’t come back and make their Wait Longer.

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Satrams strolled across the street, contemplating his life. Nearly being killed twice would put anyone in a philosophical mood. He liked having the streets deserted in the middle of the day. It gave him room to pace. The kandra were getting out of hand, and he was in a position to stop them. If only he could figure out who they were! They kept jumping bodies before he even began to suspect them. He suspected Morgan, but how could he be sure. The arguments against Quitania were also convincing. How likely was it to not have a power in this type of group? He sighed. He didn't have any answers. He walked back to the bar humming a solemn tune. It went something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLfCnGVeL4

For people who can't remember what happened this day, here's a vote count:

Morgan Hanks (2): Satrams, Bunnt

Terra (2): Araris, Morgan Hanks

Quitania (5): Alim, Koll, Alv, Taliz Duede, Willa


Kudos for that song. Take an upvote.  :D


It's been so long since I've heard that song...  ^_^



Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Night 4: Not Quite


Quitania did not argue as the others discussed her death. She did not do anything; she was still in shock, aching from her desperate sprint away from the tavern. She did not have any special powers to her name, though her various political machinations had clearly gotten her into this mess.


Oh, Harmony, she thought. I’m sorry. I didn’t think; I didn’t think about what my actions will do to others.


Mist curled down in the day, clearly visible, black against the light. I’m so sorry, child, that I had to delay this. Prolong your pain, I mean. But I will make it up to you. I will make it all right.


Quitania stiffened. “Harmony,” she said. “Will you save me?”

Harmony chuckled, a soft vibration that buzzed through her core. I didn’t say that.


Jain, Alim, Twei, and Willa had all grouped back up together, among others. They were actively scouring the city now, driving around in a squad of cars, picking up whomever they found. Willa was only there because the others had picked her up, and forced her to be apart from the Set. Now, this group of active hunters were going to find each one of the original people to be incarcerated and kill them, making sure that they would get the kandra.


“I think it’s time that we end Quitania,” Malim said. “We need to be good about this; if we don’t keep on at a steady pace, the kandra will overrun us. No longer can we trust the Set to help facilitate this.”

There was some dissent, but on the whole, the group agreed. They wrapped Quitania up in iron chains and tossed her to the ground, breaking her bones. Willa brought out a cauldron of acid. “I took this from the tavern,” she said. “This is what we have for getting rid of the kandra.”


Quitania woke up from her fog, looking at the acidic green goop boiling above her. “No,” she said. “NO!” Terror now burned through her skin. “Shoot me instead, please- I’m not kandra!”


Willa shook her head and, with the help of another, began to pour the vat.


This is how I repay my debt, Harmony said, and just as the acid began to burn on her skin, the god of Scadrial stopped Quitania’s heart. You will be sent to another place.



Morgan Hanks (2): Satrams, Bunnt

Terra (2): Araris, Morgan Hanks

Quitania (5): Alim, Koll, Alv, Taliz Duede, Willa



Corrupt Politician:




Corrupt Politician:

Terra (Pupper)

Corrupt Politician:

Alron (Alvron)

Corrupt Politician:

Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

Corrupt Politician:

Tulir (Tulir)

Corrupt Politician:

Taliz Duede (twelthrootoftwo)

Koloss Riot:

Kamden (dants)

 Koloss Riot:

Morgan Hanks (the Gleeman)

Koloss Riot:

10. Koll (killersquirrel59)

Koloss Riot:

14. Bunnt (Binnut)

The Set:

Alim (Malliw73)

The Set:

Satrams (a smart guy)

 The Set:

Willa (little wilson)


TrelVin (The Only Joe)

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Long Game 8 Day 5: MitthRawn


The Kandra named MitthRawn did not hate the humans with the searing passion that his brother, TrellVin, did. He did not thirst to hear their screams, or relish in their suffering.


MitthRawn thirsted for screams and relished suffering just in general. He figured it didn’t matter who was actually doing the suffering, so long as it was not him.


Guised in the body of Morgan Hanks, he craned his neck and examined the surroundings. The entire former contents of the tavern had permenantly relocated to a constantly roving set of cars, only pausing to sleep in a tight formation at night. The Set leaders among them were treated more like prisoners than equals, but they had all decided that everyone would get an equal vote as to whom they lynched.


The sun set, and this night, the mists did not come out. Pity, but at least there were none of Leras’s taint in the air.


MitthRawn had the unfortunate role of sitting next to Satrams, who barfed another meal into his bucket. If his vomit was any indication, he ate more than a Cadmium ferring!


MitthRawn waited. Soon, the sun would set, and then when they were all on the cusp of sleep, he would take his prey.


Twei stood on a nearby rooftop, watching the others sleep. She did not let the others know that she was a Lurcher, yet she knew that she had to do her best to protect them from the kandra, for she was perhaps the only person who could do so with any degree of accuracy. For whatever reason, she had been blessed with an amazing ability to Lurch, strong enough to Pull on even metal inside of other’s bodies, if the chunk was large enough. She figured if she had to, she could stall or even kill a kandra by pulling on its spikes.


A gunshot boomed through the air, and she instinctively looked for any of the blue metal lines around her target. She sighed; there were none. He was fine.


Pain blossoming within her, she staggered back and put a hand to the sniper wound in her gut. She had been the target.


In a daze, she saw someone familiar rummaging through her wound. Who is he, she thought, unconsciousness fighting her. I know him. What’s he doing?


He twisted his fingers and she gasped. He pulled out the bullet, something Twei realized was a spike. She felt for iron, flaring it in her stomach.


It was not there.


MitthRawn saw the others react to the gunshot; he did not, but not because he had known it was coming, which he hadn’t. Over centuries, he had trained himself to be in complete control of his actions.


Instead, he waited, watching his target exit their sleeping bag. When they got back, they would be in for a nasty surprise.


Once everyone left, MitthRawn forcibly ejected his bones from his body and oozed towards the sleeping bag, leaving behind a massive amount of mass. He left it all in a pile and hid it in a trash can. It was difficult, but TrellVin aided him briefly before joining the rest of the humans at the spectacle.


MitthRawn entered the sleeping bag with the tiny amount of mass that he had left and coated himself thinly to the sides. Inside of him, he had three extra spikes to enact his plan. One of them was the same as a koloss or kandra spike, a cheap thing that he preserved perfectly in his flesh. The others gave him duralumin and soothing.


As soon as his target came back to sleep, MitthRawn would spike and duralumin soothe them instantly. They would be under his control, helpless to do anything but answer as MitthRawn simultaneously tortured and absorbed his new host.

He had never tried this method of coopting a body, but he liked it.


Twei used to be a lurcher, but she still lives! Someone has the Spike (in their flesh or out of it). A new kandra has coopted a new host! Morgan Hanks was a kandra!


Corrupt Politician:




Corrupt Politician:

Terra (Pupper)

Corrupt Politician:

Alron (Alvron)

Corrupt Politician:

Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

Corrupt Politician:

Tulir (Tulir)

Corrupt Politician:

Taliz Duede (twelthrootoftwo)

Koloss Riot:

Kamden (dants)

Koloss Riot:

10. Koll (killersquirrel59)

Koloss Riot:

14. Bunnt (Binnut)

The Set:

Alim (Malliw73)

The Set:

Satrams (a smart guy)

 The Set:

Willa (little wilson)


TrelVin (The Only Joe)

MitthRawn (The Gleeman)

Edit: The title for the post is messed up. It's day 5.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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