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Question 2


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I like those.



How do you guys do the icons? Like do you find them on the internet, or what? 


It's just a matter of finding them on the Internet and occasionally resizing them to a reasonable icon size. Or at least, that's all I do. :)

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My plan for replicating Upgrades abilities were to create a serum or something that essentially turned another Epic into a mini-Upgrade, with reduced enhancing abilities, just his blood wouldn't do it, something needs to power the ability I think.

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He'll have Sandman to back him up! And Fade as well, but in a rather begrudging fashion. Even after such a short time observing Nighthound, Fade has decided he needs to be extinguished.


On another note, what is MEE doing right now? 

Half are sitting in their base coming up with ideas, the other half will be out recruiting, then they'll be attacking at nightfall.

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about to set up tea party, (but then it was pointed out that Funtimes might not have meant right this second). If she did, could I right that Funtimes made a table and two chairs? 


She didn't have a time in mind, but the thought of a tea party right that moment in the middle of the jungle would thrill her to no end. Just so long as she can keep an eye on Aldo, she'll be happy. Go ahead and write that. There's plenty of rocks and soil around for her to use. :)

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Here are some thoughts for epics that I'd like to write for. I don't know if we're too far in to the Oregon RP to introduce them. On the other hand, they might work for Calamityville (with a few tweaks...basically which end of the Calamity corruption spectrum they find themselves on) or for some other Epic RP (maybe the Oregon sequel).



Age: 35


Human Name: Thomas Jonson


Epic Name: Paladin


Weakness: (Not revealed at the present time)


Primary Powers: Paladin's primary powers have a passive mode, which is always functioning, and a passive mode, which requires concentration to enable. Paladin may only use one active power at any given time. His passive powers continue functioning while he uses one of his active powers.


Precognition -

     Passive: foresees any events in the very near future (up to about 6 seconds out) that are potentially lethal to him in the form of shadows of the future events (as Allomantic atium).


     Active: foresees all potential actions of anybody near enough to effect him, covering the same timeframe. When fighting another precog, he experiences the same type of effect as two Mistborn with atium fighting each other. Other precogs experience a similar disorientation appropriate to their precognition power. If no appropriate disorientation effect exists, then the default reaction is that the precogs just can't sense his future actions.


Epic Resistance -

     Passive: Most Epic powers specifically directed at him, as well as any harmful general area effect powers, dissipate harmlessly before they effect him. Exceptions: Projectiles (either energy or ballistic based) affect him normally. Also, non-harmful general area effects that are not specifically targeted at him, such as many types of illusions, affect him normally.


     Active: He can nullify any one Epic power active within about 100 feet. He must be aware of the power to target it for nullification. Does not affect invulnerability directly, but can weaken the effect enough to let a strike from his summoned sword cause minor (but not fatal) damage.


Secondary Powers:


Armory - Active ability: He may summon a suit of armor and a sword, both of which are more powerful than their ordinary counterparts. The armor requires 6 seconds to summon, the sword takes 2. Their properties are detailed below:


     Armor - When summoning, his armor starts as a silvery plate that appears on his chest, and then spreads out from there as a set of flexible scales of the same metal. It is extremely resistant to all forms of damage, including both ballistic and energy projectile weapons, and also offers a degree of protection from extreme heat or cold. It may or may not include a helmet, depending on his mood. While wearing the armor, he gains improved strength and dexterity, for all intents and purposes functioning like Allomantic pewter.


     Sword - When summoning, the hilt of his sword appears in his hand, and the blade extends out from there until it reaches its full extent (36 inches). The sword is a katana apparently constructed of gold and clear crystal, and cannot be broken by any conventional means. He may dismiss it at will, and it automatically disappears (as if it were dissolving) if it is taken more than 100 feet away from him against his will. When fighting Epics, each strike that hits discharges a burst of white and yellow energy that causes severe burns in addition to any other damage caused by the blade. The sword is able to damage metal and stone (not effortlessly, but repeated strikes will cut steel or granite), among other materials, without sustaining apparent damage.


Reincarnation - Passive ability: After dying, he reincarnates 12 hours later in the last location where he slept for more than half an hour straight (dozing doesn't count). This has the effect of almost completely resetting Calamity's effect on his personality, although his memories are a little jumbled, and any atrocities he has committed either retain justification in his mind or are projected as someone else's fault. Therefore, he is incapable of coming to the realization that using his powers is causing him to become increasingly sociopathic.


Limitations: He may only use one active ability at a time. For example, while summoning his weapon or armor (he can't summon them both at the same time), he can't use his active precognition or his active Epic resistance.


Other Weapons: He carries a 9mm pistol with an extended magazine (and generally holding armor-piercing rounds), as well as a heavy crossbow for times when he needs a silent ranged weapon.


History and Personality: Thomas Jonson was a member of a SWAT team in the small southern Idaho community of Homedale that had somehow escaped the notice of the Epics until a year and a half ago. A new religion, one that worshipped the Epics and performed rituals attempting to gain Epic powers, arrived in his area about that time. After investigating reports of attempted human sacrifice (in the name of getting Epic powers), Tom led a raid on the cult center on the outskirts of his town. Only 4 members of the team survived, and they returned back to find that half of the town had been destroyed by a new Epic who had been passing through, Firelord. He and 2 others of the surviving team members became Epics.


     As part of his transformation, he was accidentally responsible for the death of his fiance, and attempted suicide. He reincarnated the next day, with enough haziness in the memory that he attributed his fiance's death and much of the devastation in the town to the cultists. He has died twice more since then, and by now is convinced that the cultists are far more widespread than he originally realized, and that they are working alongside the Epics to further the nefarious goals of the "Dark Gods," of which he believes Calamity is the most visible manifestation. [Note: This is a combination of paranoia and truth - the cult is much larger and more widespread than anyone outside of it could guess, but the notion of a conspiracy between Epics and the cult and the whole concept of Dark Gods is entirely a construct of Paladin's paranoid brain. The Epics view the cult, when they take notice of it at all, as more pathetic than normal vanillas.]


     He views himself tasked with a holy mission to destroy the cultists and Epics alike (he doesn't view himself or his team as Epics, instead believing that they have been granted powers by some force that opposes the Dark Gods in order to combat their minions; however, he is content with letting himself and his team being taken as Epics as a cover story), and ruthlessly hunts down any Epics he comes across. Depending on how long it has been since his last death, he may be more than willing to cause civilian casualties in order to kill an Epic or a perceived cultist. Before his last death, he had come to view anybody outside of his team who crossed him (even if they only caused him to trip on the sidewalk) as an agent of the cultists, and treated them accordingly. When Calamity has him in its grip, he functions as a pitiless Inquisitor, with no mercy, no quarter, and no compunctions. If he has died recently, he is amiable and a kind-hearted soul, though with a tinge of radicalism when his conversation touches on the cults.


Appearance: He is about 6 foot, blond-haired and blue-eyed, and generally wears nondescript clothing in an attempt to blend in. He is muscular but not bulky, weighing about 185 pounds. He generally carries a heavy crossbow on his back, and a 9 mm at his hip, but will often take those off and stow them in a bolt-hole while he does reconnaissance. He carries a locket on a necklace at all times with a painting of his fiance in it, and refers to it often to stoke his hatred for Epics and the cult that worships them.



Age: 28


Human Name: Ashur (Ash) Sharon


Epic Name: Ranger


Weakness: (Not revealed at the present time)


Primary Powers:

Archery - Active power: His shots with a bow always hit his target.


Deflection Field - Passive power: All ranged shots fired at him are just slightly deflected, causing them to miss.


Chameleon - Active power: While the power is active, he blends in perfectly with his surroundings whenever he holds still. When moving, he still blends in, but can be noticed by someone with a sharp eye. Using this power takes enough concentration that he is generally unable to make advanced tactical decisions while in it. He can still pick out targets and gather information, but complex situations require more attention then he can spare while this is active. Due to this fact, while active, his life force appears like a small forest animal to anyone with the ability to sense life.


Secondary Powers:

Enhanced Vision - Passive: Can see in the dark as well as in broad daylight. This has no effect on his daylight vision. Can also sense weak points in armor or other protections such as shields, force fields, and other means. (Cannot sense Epic Weaknesses).


Plant Affinity - Passive: Never causes noise when moving through living plants. Also, if he spends the night outdoors in a wilderness setting, he wakes up recovered from all wounds he has sustained.


Weapons: A replica Welsh longbow, with a draw weight of 110 lbs. Also, a .30 caliber performance sniper rifle, although he uses his longbow whenever possible (related to his Epic ability). Carries a machete for defense against a melee assault. Carries a variety of arrows for use with his bow, including arrows with tips designed to deliver biological or chemical agents and arrows with contact explosives in the tips.


History: Ash Sharon was a member of the U.S Forest Service in southern Idaho when Calamity first appeared. His job disappeared shortly thereafter, but he kept living in the ranger's cabin in the National Forest for years, until he was recruited by Thomas Jonson to the defense force for Homedale. His first action was in a support role during a raid on a religious cult associated with Epic worship and ritual sacrifice. He was one of the 4 survivors, and saw the wanton and casual destruction that Firelord caused on his way through the city. This instilled in him an everlasting hatred of Epics that didn't go away just because he happened to become one.


Of the team, he is the most conscious of Calamity's effect on him, and uses his powers sparingly as a result, relying on natural skill augmented by Epic powers only when he needs them. Although he has been warped to some extent by the use of his powers, he is not wholly sociopathic. He refrains from murder when he can, and consciously attempts to act in opposite ways from his Calamity-influenced tendencies. Because it is not a natural respect, though, it comes off forced, and he is rarely able to maintain relationships with vanillas.


He is fanatically devoted to Paladin, as Paladin died saving his sister's life almost a year ago. This devotion, rather than Calamity's influence (although that doesn't help matters), prevents him from questioning even the most brutal atrocities committed during Paladin's darker periods. He is also developing a new relationship with Ariel.


Appearance: Ash's mother was Sephardic Jewish and his father was full-blooded Native American. He inherited the Native American looks and the Jewish name. Black hair, copper skin, brown eyes verging on black, and a lean, short, muscular build. Generally wears dark greens and browns, even though his powers allow him to blend in perfectly. He prefers to be able to blend in in wilderness environments with or without his powers.



Age: 27


Human Name: Ariel Beck


Epic Name: Guardian


Weakness: (Not revealed at the present time)


Primary Powers:

Protection Bond - Active Power: Can create a bond with up to 5 people by touching them for 5 seconds. (This must be done with intent.) These people are under her direct protection, and her powers are most effective when employed in their defense. She can sense any danger that they experience. When they are in danger, she has a significant boost to her combat skill, strength, and reaction time.


Shield - Active Power: She may create a 360 degree force field around her at will, with a radius of up to 25 feet. This field is strong enough to indefinitely block small-arms fire or the equivalent in Epic powers, but it cannot sustain prolonged bombardment by higher-power weapons/powers. If she desires, her shield may instead manifest as a large heater shield, which is impervious to any direct assault, but is much more limited in how much it can cover.


Teleportation - Active Power: She chooses a "safe house," which functions as an anchor for her teleportation. At any time, she may teleport to the safe house, or to within 40 feet of any person with whom she has a protective bond. Alternatively, if she can touch someone with whom she has a protective bond, she may teleport them to the safe house (with or without herself). If a person with whom she has formed a protective bond is in danger, she may "swap places" with them, essentially teleporting herself to their current position while simultaneously teleporting them to her previous position.


Secondary Powers:

Regeneration - Passive Power: Heals from wounds at an exceptionally rapid rate. Deep gashes close together fast enough to watch, and broken bones are healed in under a minute. The more injured one of her protected charges is, the faster she heals. Healing works in a similar manner to Feruchemical gold.


Gifter - Active Power: Any vanillas who have a protection bond with her may be gifted a set of her powers (improved strength and skill when fighting, regeneration, and can make their clothing into armor).


Weapons: In close combat (which she prefers), she uses a Zweihander that is nearly as tall as she is. She also carries an arming sword (a large, one-handed sword intended for use with a shield) as well as a .45 cal pistol as sidearms. When she is forced into ranged combat, she prefers using an assault rifle. She has a well-stocked armory that she likes to bring with her from city to city.


History and Personality: Ariel Beck was a member of the Homedale SWAT team that went with Thomas Jonson to assault a cult center suspected of performing child sacrifices. She survived, and developed Epic powers during the traumatic experience during and after the raid. Her husband was the fourth member of the team to survive, and she created her first protection bond with him. He died in the confrontation with Firelord, leaving her nearly comatose for almost 24 hours and severely traumatized for a great while after. She has recently began a relationship with Ash, and has shared a platonic relationship with Thomas for almost a decade, although at times she secretly wishes that it could be more.


The trauma of losing someone with whom she has bonded has a tendency of shocking her out of Calamity's influence on her thought patterns. This, combined with her abilities as a gifter, means that she is the most protected of the whole team from the corrupting influence of the baleful star. She is consistently kind, often shows mercy to vanillas, and attempts to hold Paladin's more excessive brutality at bay. Still, she uses her powers often enough that her attitude is mercurial, and she generally considers their self-appointed task of destroying Epics to be worthwhile enough to justify even brutal behavior.


Appearance: About 5'10", with long, raven hair and bright green eyes. She has a Mediterranean skin-tone, and generally dresses in simple clothing that does not restrict her movement if she need to suddenly enter combat. When she is prepared for a combat situation, she wears partial plate armor with a Kevlar lining underneath, to protect against small arms fire. She weighs about 155 pounds, and keeps in excellent shape by training with her sword.


So, what do you guys think? Are these too OP for Oregon as it stands now, or might they be good to show up for a cameo or two?

Edited by Seonid
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Welcome!  I feel like Paladin might be a bit too OP for me, but you would have to consult others in that regard.  I like all of them a lot, Ranger is awesome, and I like how Guardian is the ultimate support.

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These Epics are really awesome--I love all of them! :D


My one piece of commentary is that Paladin having two separate prime invincibilities feels a little unnecessary.


They're all badchull enough so that I think they would have been noticed if they'd been living in Portland this whole time. Maybe they could be introduced as living in another part of Oregon, such as Tillamook or The Dalles?


And as Tulir said, welcome!

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Here are some thoughts for epics that I'd like to write for. I don't know if we're too far in to the Oregon RP to introduce them. On the other hand, they might work for Calamityville (with a few tweaks...basically which end of the Calamity corruption spectrum they find themselves on) or for some other Epic RP (maybe the Oregon sequel).



Age: 35


Human Name: Thomas Jonson


Epic Name: Paladin


Weakness: (Not revealed at the present time)


Primary Powers: Paladin's primary powers have a passive mode, which is always functioning, and a passive mode, which requires concentration to enable. Paladin may only use one active power at any given time. His passive powers continue functioning while he uses one of his active powers.


Precognition -

     Passive: foresees any events in the very near future (up to about 6 seconds out) that are potentially lethal to him in the form of shadows of the future events (as Allomantic atium).


     Active: foresees all potential actions of anybody near enough to effect him, covering the same timeframe. When fighting another precog, he experiences the same type of effect as two Mistborn with atium fighting each other. Other precogs experience a similar disorientation appropriate to their precognition power. If no appropriate disorientation effect exists, then the default reaction is that the precogs just can't sense his future actions.


Epic Resistance -

     Passive: Most Epic powers specifically directed at him, as well as any harmful general area effect powers, dissipate harmlessly before they effect him. Exceptions: Projectiles (either energy or ballistic based) affect him normally. Also, non-harmful general area effects that are not specifically targeted at him, such as many types of illusions, affect him normally.


     Active: He can nullify any one Epic power active within about 100 feet. He must be aware of the power to target it for nullification. Does not affect invulnerability directly, but can weaken the effect enough to let a strike from his summoned sword cause minor (but not fatal) damage.


Secondary Powers:


Armory - Active ability: He may summon a suit of armor and a sword, both of which are more powerful than their ordinary counterparts. The armor requires 6 seconds to summon, the sword takes 2. Their properties are detailed below:


     Armor - When summoning, his armor starts as a silvery plate that appears on his chest, and then spreads out from there as a set of flexible scales of the same metal. It is extremely resistant to all forms of damage, including both ballistic and energy projectile weapons, and also offers a degree of protection from extreme heat or cold. It may or may not include a helmet, depending on his mood. While wearing the armor, he gains improved strength and dexterity, for all intents and purposes functioning like Allomantic pewter.


     Sword - When summoning, the hilt of his sword appears in his hand, and the blade extends out from there until it reaches its full extent (36 inches). The sword is a katana apparently constructed of gold and clear crystal, and cannot be broken by any conventional means. He may dismiss it at will, and it automatically disappears (as if it were dissolving) if it is taken more than 100 feet away from him against his will. When fighting Epics, each strike that hits discharges a burst of white and yellow energy that causes severe burns in addition to any other damage caused by the blade. The sword is able to damage metal and stone (not effortlessly, but repeated strikes will cut steel or granite), among other materials, without sustaining apparent damage.


Reincarnation - Passive ability: After dying, he reincarnates 12 hours later in the last location where he slept for more than half an hour straight (dozing doesn't count). This has the effect of almost completely resetting Calamity's effect on his personality, although his memories are a little jumbled, and any atrocities he has committed either retain justification in his mind or are projected as someone else's fault. Therefore, he is incapable of coming to the realization that using his powers is causing him to become increasingly sociopathic.


Limitations: He may only use one active ability at a time. For example, while summoning his weapon or armor (he can't summon them both at the same time), he can't use his active precognition or his active Epic resistance.


Other Weapons: He carries a 9mm pistol with an extended magazine (and generally holding armor-piercing rounds), as well as a heavy crossbow for times when he needs a silent ranged weapon.


History and Personality: Thomas Jonson was a member of a SWAT team in the small southern Idaho community of Homedale that had somehow escaped the notice of the Epics until a year and a half ago. A new religion, one that worshipped the Epics and performed rituals attempting to gain Epic powers, arrived in his area about that time. After investigating reports of attempted human sacrifice (in the name of getting Epic powers), Tom led a raid on the cult center on the outskirts of his town. Only 4 members of the team survived, and they returned back to find that half of the town had been destroyed by a new Epic who had been passing through, Firelord. He and 2 others of the surviving team members became Epics.


     As part of his transformation, he was accidentally responsible for the death of his fiance, and attempted suicide. He reincarnated the next day, with enough haziness in the memory that he attributed his fiance's death and much of the devastation in the town to the cultists. He has died twice more since then, and by now is convinced that the cultists are far more widespread than he originally realized, and that they are working alongside the Epics to further the nefarious goals of the "Dark Gods," of which he believes Calamity is the most visible manifestation. [Note: This is a combination of paranoia and truth - the cult is much larger and more widespread than anyone outside of it could guess, but the notion of a conspiracy between Epics and the cult and the whole concept of Dark Gods is entirely a construct of Paladin's paranoid brain. The Epics view the cult, when they take notice of it at all, as more pathetic than normal vanillas.]


     He views himself tasked with a holy mission to destroy the cultists and Epics alike (he doesn't view himself or his team as Epics, instead believing that they have been granted powers by some force that opposes the Dark Gods in order to combat their minions; however, he is content with letting himself and his team being taken as Epics as a cover story), and ruthlessly hunts down any Epics he comes across. Depending on how long it has been since his last death, he may be more than willing to cause civilian casualties in order to kill an Epic or a perceived cultist. Before his last death, he had come to view anybody outside of his team who crossed him (even if they only caused him to trip on the sidewalk) as an agent of the cultists, and treated them accordingly. When Calamity has him in its grip, he functions as a pitiless Inquisitor, with no mercy, no quarter, and no compunctions. If he has died recently, he is amiable and a kind-hearted soul, though with a tinge of radicalism when his conversation touches on the cults.


Appearance: He is about 6 foot, blond-haired and blue-eyed, and generally wears nondescript clothing in an attempt to blend in. He is muscular but not bulky, weighing about 185 pounds. He generally carries a heavy crossbow on his back, and a 9 mm at his hip, but will often take those off and stow them in a bolt-hole while he does reconnaissance. He carries a locket on a necklace at all times with a painting of his fiance in it, and refers to it often to stoke his hatred for Epics and the cult that worships them.



Age: 28


Human Name: Ashur (Ash) Sharon


Epic Name: Ranger


Weakness: (Not revealed at the present time)


Primary Powers:

Archery - Active power: His shots with a bow always hit his target.


Deflection Field - Passive power: All ranged shots fired at him are just slightly deflected, causing them to miss.


Chameleon - Active power: While the power is active, he blends in perfectly with his surroundings whenever he holds still. When moving, he still blends in, but can be noticed by someone with a sharp eye. Also, while active, his life force appears like a small forest animal to anyone with the ability to sense life.


Secondary Powers:

Enhanced Vision - Passive: Can see in the dark as well as in broad daylight. This has no effect on his daylight vision. Can also sense weak points in armor or other protections such as shields, force fields, and other means. (Cannot sense Epic Weaknesses).


Plant Affinity - Passive: Never causes noise when moving through living plants. Also, if he spends the night outdoors in a wilderness setting, he wakes up recovered from all wounds he has sustained.


Weapons: A replica Welsh longbow, with a draw weight of 110 lbs. Also, a .30 caliber performance sniper rifle, although he uses his longbow whenever possible (related to his Epic ability). Carries a machete for defense against a melee assault. Carries a variety of arrows for use with his bow, including arrows with tips designed to deliver biological or chemical agents and arrows with contact explosives in the tips.


History: Ash Sharon was a member of the U.S Forest Service in southern Idaho when Calamity first appeared. His job disappeared shortly thereafter, but he kept living in the ranger's cabin in the National Forest for years, until he was recruited by Thomas Jonson to the defense force for Homedale. His first action was in a support role during a raid on a religious cult associated with Epic worship and ritual sacrifice. He was one of the 4 survivors, and saw the wanton and casual destruction that Firelord caused on his way through the city. This instilled in him an everlasting hatred of Epics that didn't go away just because he happened to become one.


Of the team, he is the most conscious of Calamity's effect on him, and uses his powers sparingly as a result, relying on natural skill augmented by Epic powers only when he needs them. Although he has been warped to some extent by the use of his powers, he is not wholly sociopathic. He refrains from murder when he can, and consciously attempts to act in opposite ways from his Calamity-influenced tendencies. Because it is not a natural respect, though, it comes off forced, and he is rarely able to maintain relationships with vanillas.


He is fanatically devoted to Paladin, as Paladin died saving his sister's life almost a year ago. This devotion, rather than Calamity's influence (although that doesn't help matters), prevents him from questioning even the most brutal atrocities committed during Paladin's darker periods. He is also developing a new relationship with Ariel.


Appearance: Ash's mother was Sephardic Jewish and his father was full-blooded Native American. He inherited the Native American looks and the Jewish name. Black hair, copper skin, brown eyes verging on black, and a lean, short, muscular build. Generally wears dark greens and browns, even though his powers allow him to blend in perfectly. He prefers to be able to blend in in wilderness environments with or without his powers.



Age: 27


Human Name: Ariel Beck


Epic Name: Guardian


Weakness: (Not revealed at the present time)


Primary Powers:

Protection Bond - Active Power: Can create a bond with up to 5 people by touching them for 5 seconds. (This must be done with intent.) These people are under her direct protection, and her powers are most effective when employed in their defense. She can sense any danger that they experience. When they are in danger, she has a significant boost to her combat skill, strength, and reaction time.


Shield - Active Power: She may create a 360 degree force field around her at will, with a radius of up to 25 feet. This field is strong enough to indefinitely block small-arms fire or the equivalent in Epic powers, but it cannot sustain prolonged bombardment by higher-power weapons/powers. If she desires, her shield may instead manifest as a large heater shield, which is impervious to any direct assault, but is much more limited in how much it can cover.


Teleportation - Active Power: She chooses a "safe house," which functions as an anchor for her teleportation. At any time, she may teleport to the safe house, or to within 40 feet of any person with whom she has a protective bond. Alternatively, if she can touch someone with whom she has a protective bond, she may teleport them to the safe house (with or without herself). If a person with whom she has formed a protective bond is in danger, she may "swap places" with them, essentially teleporting herself to their current position while simultaneously teleporting them to her previous position.


Secondary Powers:

Regeneration - Passive Power: Heals from wounds at an exceptionally rapid rate. Deep gashes close together fast enough to watch, and broken bones are healed in under a minute. The more injured one of her protected charges is, the faster she heals. Healing works in a similar manner to Feruchemical gold.


Gifter - Active Power: Any vanillas who have a protection bond with her may be gifted a set of her powers (improved strength and skill when fighting, regeneration, and can make their clothing into armor).


Weapons: In close combat (which she prefers), she uses a Zweihander that is nearly as tall as she is. She also carries an arming sword (a large, one-handed sword intended for use with a shield) as well as a .45 cal pistol as sidearms. When she is forced into ranged combat, she prefers using an assault rifle. She has a well-stocked armory that she likes to bring with her from city to city.


History and Personality: Ariel Beck was a member of the Homedale SWAT team that went with Thomas Jonson to assault a cult center suspected of performing child sacrifices. She survived, and developed Epic powers during the traumatic experience during and after the raid. Her husband was the fourth member of the team to survive, and she created her first protection bond with him. He died in the confrontation with Firelord, leaving her nearly comatose for almost 12 hours and severely traumatized for a great while after. She has recently began a relationship with Ash, and has shared a platonic relationship with Thomas for almost a decade, although at times she secretly wishes that it could be more.


The trauma of losing someone with whom she has bonded has a tendency of shocking her out of Calamity's influence on her thought patterns. This, combined with her abilities as a gifter, means that she is the most protected of the whole team from the corrupting influence of the baleful star. She is consistently kind, often shows mercy to vanillas, and attempts to hold Paladin's more excessive brutality at bay. Still, she uses her powers often enough that her attitude is mercurial, and she generally considers their self-appointed task of destroying Epics to be worthwhile enough to justify even brutal behavior.


Appearance: About 5'10", with long, raven hair and bright green eyes. She has a Mediterranean skin-tone, and generally dresses in simple clothing that does not restrict her movement if she need to suddenly enter combat. When she is prepared for a combat situation, she wears partial plate armor with a Kevlar lining underneath, to protect against small arms fire. She weighs about 155 pounds, and keeps in excellent shape by training with her sword.


So, what do you guys think? Are these too OP for Oregon as it stands now, or might they be good to show up for a cameo or two?


I like them all, although I think Paladin is a bit OP for Portland. I like Kobold's suggestion, though, of bringing them in at The Dalles. I'm pretty sure (though it's hard to say with this game, since we pants almost everything :P) that the action will leave Portland after the CorpseMaker war, so maybe you could introduce them in The Dalles and have one of the less-powerful ones (Ranger or Guardian) scope out Portland, bringing in Paladin once things heat up across the rest of the state? 

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As they are now, Paladin is too OP. They might be better saved for the Sequel. (Which I want to be the campaing agains Corrupted!Funtimes).


If you tone down Ranger just a bit, he could easily come in. Guardian might be a little Over powered, but we can go with it. Still, Upvote for the sheer amount of Work you've put into it.


We could start another 'campaign' in a different City of Oregon in a different Thread, and eventually have the two groups meet Up.


(I just really want our own Sub-Forum)

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We could start another 'campaign' in a different City of Oregon in a different Thread, and eventually have the two groups meet Up.


(I just really want our own Sub-Forum)


A whole sub-forum would be amazing, but I doubt we'd get one.


I like the idea of having a couple of different threads, if the action really did leave Portland. Imagine the sheer amount of posts to wade through if there were characters meeting and fighting not just in Portland, but in Astoria, Tillamook, The Dalles, Pixie's Lantern, etc all in the same thread.  :o

Edited by Kobold King
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I'm assuming that the double prime invincibilities are the atium-like precog and the epic power resistance? I could drop the epic resistance pretty easily. That's not essential to his character.



Age: 35


Human Name: Thomas Jonson


Epic Name: Paladin


Weakness: (Not revealed at the present time)


Primary Powers: Paladin's primary powers have a passive mode, which is always functioning, and a passive mode, which requires concentration to enable. Paladin may only use one active power at any given time. His passive powers continue functioning while he uses one of his active powers.


Precognition -

     Passive: foresees any events in the very near future (up to about 6 seconds out) that are potentially lethal to him in the form of shadows of the future events (as Allomantic atium).


     Active: foresees all potential actions of anybody near enough to effect him, covering the same timeframe. When fighting another precog, he experiences the same type of effect as two Mistborn with atium fighting each other. Other precogs experience a similar disorientation appropriate to their precognition power. If no appropriate disorientation effect exists, then the default reaction is that the precogs just can't sense his future actions.


Secondary Powers:


Armory - Active ability: He may summon a suit of armor and a sword, both of which are more powerful than their ordinary counterparts. The armor requires 6 seconds to summon, the sword takes 2. Their properties are detailed below:


     Armor - When summoning, his armor starts as a silvery plate that appears on his chest, and then spreads out from there as a set of flexible scales of the same metal. It is extremely resistant to all forms of damage, including both ballistic and energy projectile weapons, and also offers a degree of protection from extreme heat or cold. It may or may not include a helmet, depending on his mood. While wearing the armor, he gains improved strength and dexterity, for all intents and purposes functioning like Allomantic pewter.


     Sword - When summoning, the hilt of his sword appears in his hand, and the blade extends out from there until it reaches its full extent (36 inches). The sword is a katana apparently constructed of gold and clear crystal, and cannot be broken by any conventional means. He may dismiss it at will, and it automatically disappears (as if it were dissolving) if it is taken more than 100 feet away from him against his will. When fighting Epics, each strike that hits discharges a burst of white and yellow energy that causes severe burns in addition to any other damage caused by the blade. The sword is able to damage metal and stone (not effortlessly, but repeated strikes will cut steel or granite), among other materials, without sustaining apparent damage.


Reincarnation - Passive ability: After dying, he reincarnates 12 hours later in the last location where he slept for more than half an hour straight (dozing doesn't count). This has the effect of almost completely resetting Calamity's effect on his personality, although his memories are a little jumbled, and any atrocities he has committed either retain justification in his mind or are projected as someone else's fault. Therefore, he is incapable of coming to the realization that using his powers is causing him to become increasingly sociopathic.


Limitations: He may only use one active ability at a time. For example, while summoning his weapon or armor (he can't summon them both at the same time), he can't use his active precognition or his active Epic resistance.


Other Weapons: He carries a 9mm pistol with an extended magazine (and generally holding armor-piercing rounds), as well as a heavy crossbow for times when he needs a silent ranged weapon.


History and Personality: Thomas Jonson was a member of a SWAT team in the small southern Idaho community of Homedale that had somehow escaped the notice of the Epics until a year and a half ago. A new religion, one that worshipped the Epics and performed rituals attempting to gain Epic powers, arrived in his area about that time. After investigating reports of attempted human sacrifice (in the name of getting Epic powers), Tom led a raid on the cult center on the outskirts of his town. Only 4 members of the team survived, and they returned back to find that half of the town had been destroyed by a new Epic who had been passing through, Firelord. He and 2 others of the surviving team members became Epics.


     As part of his transformation, he was accidentally responsible for the death of his fiance, and attempted suicide. He reincarnated the next day, with enough haziness in the memory that he attributed his fiance's death and much of the devastation in the town to the cultists. He has died twice more since then, and by now is convinced that the cultists are far more widespread than he originally realized, and that they are working alongside the Epics to further the nefarious goals of the "Dark Gods," of which he believes Calamity is the most visible manifestation. [Note: This is a combination of paranoia and truth - the cult is much larger and more widespread than anyone outside of it could guess, but the notion of a conspiracy between Epics and the cult and the whole concept of Dark Gods is entirely a construct of Paladin's paranoid brain. The Epics view the cult, when they take notice of it at all, as more pathetic than normal vanillas.]


     He views himself tasked with a holy mission to destroy the cultists and Epics alike (he doesn't view himself or his team as Epics, instead believing that they have been granted powers by some force that opposes the Dark Gods in order to combat their minions; however, he is content with letting himself and his team being taken as Epics as a cover story), and ruthlessly hunts down any Epics he comes across. Depending on how long it has been since his last death, he may be more than willing to cause civilian casualties in order to kill an Epic or a perceived cultist. Before his last death, he had come to view anybody outside of his team who crossed him (even if they only caused him to trip on the sidewalk) as an agent of the cultists, and treated them accordingly. When Calamity has him in its grip, he functions as a pitiless Inquisitor, with no mercy, no quarter, and no compunctions. If he has died recently, he is amiable and a kind-hearted soul, though with a tinge of radicalism when his conversation touches on the cults.


Appearance: He is about 6 foot, blond-haired and blue-eyed, and generally wears nondescript clothing in an attempt to blend in. He is muscular but not bulky, weighing about 185 pounds. He generally carries a heavy crossbow on his back, and a 9 mm at his hip, but will often take those off and stow them in a bolt-hole while he does reconnaissance. He carries a locket on a necklace at all times with a painting of his fiance in it, and refers to it often to stoke his hatred for Epics and the cult that worships them.


As for introducing him, I was planning on him approaching the Portland area by way of Bend (where they killed Firelord), hunting down Epics as they go. I could easily modify that to approaching The Dalles from Bend.

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As they are now, Paladin is too OP. They might be better saved for the Sequel. (Which I want to be the campaing agains Corrupted!Funtimes).


If you tone down Ranger just a bit, he could easily come in. Guardian might be a little Over powered, but we can go with it. Still, Upvote for the sheer amount of Work you've put into it.


We could start another 'campaign' in a different City of Oregon in a different Thread, and eventually have the two groups meet Up.


(I just really want our own Sub-Forum)


The only way I'll have Corrupted!Funtimes is if it's an alternate universe sort of thing, where Cheerful!Funtimes has to face down what she could have been. (I like writing Cheerful!Funtimes too much to have her go full corruption. :P


​Which might be kind of cool, actually….


Anyway. It might be fun to have another thread for The Dalles Epics slowly making their way to Portland, and as the action leaves Portland, we'll probably need several different threads just to keep up. :o:P

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Anyway. It might be fun to have another thread for The Dalles Epics slowly making their way to Portland, and as the action leaves Portland, we'll probably need several different threads just to keep up. :o:P


That sounds good. It might be better to do that for my characters, once I can get them balanced. More tinkering to the new Paladin necessary? I could add more vulnerability during the reincarnation phase (like he could remain comatose for 6 hours, during which time he is vulnerable to being permanently killed...in addition to a normal weakness).

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That sounds good. It might be better to do that for my characters, once I can get them balanced. More tinkering to the new Paladin necessary? I could add more vulnerability during the reincarnation phase (like he could remain comatose for 6 hours, during which time he is vulnerable to being permanently killed...in addition to a normal weakness).


I like the new limitations, although I think that one would be a good addition, too. Raise the stakes for him and all that. 

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It shall be done. He'll show up moving towards the Dalles. Should I PM you weaknesses?


Final version (added a slight clarification to the armor section):



Age: 35


Human Name: Thomas Jonson


Epic Name: Paladin


Weakness: (Not revealed at the present time)


Primary Powers: Paladin's primary powers have a passive mode, which is always functioning, and a passive mode, which requires concentration to enable. Paladin may only use one active power at any given time. His passive powers continue functioning while he uses one of his active powers.


Precognition -

     Passive: foresees any events in the very near future (up to about 6 seconds out) that are potentially lethal to him in the form of shadows of the future events (as Allomantic atium).


     Active: foresees all potential actions of anybody near enough to effect him, covering the same timeframe. When fighting another precog, he experiences the same type of effect as two Mistborn with atium fighting each other. Other precogs experience a similar disorientation appropriate to their precognition power. If no appropriate disorientation effect exists, then the default reaction is that the precogs just can't sense his future actions.


Secondary Powers:


Armory - Active ability: He may summon a suit of armor and a sword, both of which are more powerful than their ordinary counterparts. The armor requires 6 seconds to summon, the sword takes 2. Their properties are detailed below:


     Armor - When summoning, his armor starts as a silvery plate that appears on his chest, and then spreads out from there as a set of flexible scales of the same metal. It is extremely resistant to all forms of damage, including both ballistic and energy projectile weapons, and also offers a degree of protection from extreme heat or cold. It may or may not include a helmet, depending on his mood. While wearing the armor, he gains improved strength and dexterity, for all intents and purposes functioning like Allomantic pewter. If the armor is damaged, he can repair it by resummoning it, but cannot use other active powers while doing so.


     Sword - When summoning, the hilt of his sword appears in his hand, and the blade extends out from there until it reaches its full extent (36 inches). The sword is a katana apparently constructed of gold and clear crystal, and cannot be broken by any conventional means. He may dismiss it at will, and it automatically disappears (as if it were dissolving) if it is taken more than 100 feet away from him against his will. When fighting Epics, each strike that hits discharges a burst of white and yellow energy that causes severe burns in addition to any other damage caused by the blade. The sword is able to damage metal and stone (not effortlessly, but repeated strikes will cut steel or granite), among other materials, without sustaining apparent damage.


Reincarnation - Passive ability: After dying, he reincarnates 12 hours later in the last location where he slept for more than half an hour straight (dozing doesn't count). After reincarnating, he remains comatose for 6 hours, and is vulnerable during this time to being killed completely. The trauma of dying and reincarnating has the effect of almost completely resetting Calamity's effect on his personality, although his memories are a little jumbled, and any atrocities he has committed either retain justification in his mind or are projected as someone else's fault. Therefore, he is incapable of coming to the realization that using his powers is causing him to become increasingly sociopathic.


Limitations: He may only use one active ability at a time. For example, while summoning his weapon or armor (he can't summon them both at the same time), he can't use his active precognition or his active Epic resistance.


Other Weapons: He carries a 9mm pistol with an extended magazine (and generally holding armor-piercing rounds), as well as a heavy crossbow for times when he needs a silent ranged weapon.


History and Personality: See original post.


Appearance: See original post.

Edited by Seonid
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It shall be done. He'll show up moving towards the Dalles. Should I PM you weaknesses?


Final version (added a slight clarification to the armor section):



Age: 35


Human Name: Thomas Jonson


Epic Name: Paladin


Weakness: (Not revealed at the present time)


Primary Powers: Paladin's primary powers have a passive mode, which is always functioning, and a passive mode, which requires concentration to enable. Paladin may only use one active power at any given time. His passive powers continue functioning while he uses one of his active powers.


Precognition -

     Passive: foresees any events in the very near future (up to about 6 seconds out) that are potentially lethal to him in the form of shadows of the future events (as Allomantic atium).


     Active: foresees all potential actions of anybody near enough to effect him, covering the same timeframe. When fighting another precog, he experiences the same type of effect as two Mistborn with atium fighting each other. Other precogs experience a similar disorientation appropriate to their precognition power. If no appropriate disorientation effect exists, then the default reaction is that the precogs just can't sense his future actions.


Secondary Powers:


Armory - Active ability: He may summon a suit of armor and a sword, both of which are more powerful than their ordinary counterparts. The armor requires 6 seconds to summon, the sword takes 2. Their properties are detailed below:


     Armor - When summoning, his armor starts as a silvery plate that appears on his chest, and then spreads out from there as a set of flexible scales of the same metal. It is extremely resistant to all forms of damage, including both ballistic and energy projectile weapons, and also offers a degree of protection from extreme heat or cold. It may or may not include a helmet, depending on his mood. While wearing the armor, he gains improved strength and dexterity, for all intents and purposes functioning like Allomantic pewter. If the armor is damaged, he can repair it by resummoning it, but cannot use other active powers while doing so.


     Sword - When summoning, the hilt of his sword appears in his hand, and the blade extends out from there until it reaches its full extent (36 inches). The sword is a katana apparently constructed of gold and clear crystal, and cannot be broken by any conventional means. He may dismiss it at will, and it automatically disappears (as if it were dissolving) if it is taken more than 100 feet away from him against his will. When fighting Epics, each strike that hits discharges a burst of white and yellow energy that causes severe burns in addition to any other damage caused by the blade. The sword is able to damage metal and stone (not effortlessly, but repeated strikes will cut steel or granite), among other materials, without sustaining apparent damage.


Reincarnation - Passive ability: After dying, he reincarnates 12 hours later in the last location where he slept for more than half an hour straight (dozing doesn't count). After reincarnating, he remains comatose for 6 hours, and is vulnerable during this time to being killed completely. The trauma of dying and reincarnating has the effect of almost completely resetting Calamity's effect on his personality, although his memories are a little jumbled, and any atrocities he has committed either retain justification in his mind or are projected as someone else's fault. Therefore, he is incapable of coming to the realization that using his powers is causing him to become increasingly sociopathic.


Limitations: He may only use one active ability at a time. For example, while summoning his weapon or armor (he can't summon them both at the same time), he can't use his active precognition or his active Epic resistance.


Other Weapons: He carries a 9mm pistol with an extended magazine (and generally holding armor-piercing rounds), as well as a heavy crossbow for times when he needs a silent ranged weapon.


History and Personality: See original post.


Appearance: See original post.


Neat. It will be awesome to see these guys in action. :)


Since we've now got a lot of activity beginning to cluster around The Dalles, a question for Our Illustrious GM: is the splitting of Oregon into region-specific threads actually on the table?

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It shall be done. He'll show up moving towards the Dalles. Should I PM you weaknesses?

Final version (added a slight clarification to the armor section):


Age: 35

Human Name: Thomas Jonson

Epic Name: Paladin

Weakness: (Not revealed at the present time)

Primary Powers: Paladin's primary powers have a passive mode, which is always functioning, and a passive mode, which requires concentration to enable. Paladin may only use one active power at any given time. His passive powers continue functioning while he uses one of his active powers.

Precognition -

Passive: foresees any events in the very near future (up to about 6 seconds out) that are potentially lethal to him in the form of shadows of the future events (as Allomantic atium).

Active: foresees all potential actions of anybody near enough to effect him, covering the same timeframe. When fighting another precog, he experiences the same type of effect as two Mistborn with atium fighting each other. Other precogs experience a similar disorientation appropriate to their precognition power. If no appropriate disorientation effect exists, then the default reaction is that the precogs just can't sense his future actions.

Secondary Powers:

Armory - Active ability: He may summon a suit of armor and a sword, both of which are more powerful than their ordinary counterparts. The armor requires 6 seconds to summon, the sword takes 2. Their properties are detailed below:

Armor - When summoning, his armor starts as a silvery plate that appears on his chest, and then spreads out from there as a set of flexible scales of the same metal. It is extremely resistant to all forms of damage, including both ballistic and energy projectile weapons, and also offers a degree of protection from extreme heat or cold. It may or may not include a helmet, depending on his mood. While wearing the armor, he gains improved strength and dexterity, for all intents and purposes functioning like Allomantic pewter. If the armor is damaged, he can repair it by resummoning it, but cannot use other active powers while doing so.

Sword - When summoning, the hilt of his sword appears in his hand, and the blade extends out from there until it reaches its full extent (36 inches). The sword is a katana apparently constructed of gold and clear crystal, and cannot be broken by any conventional means. He may dismiss it at will, and it automatically disappears (as if it were dissolving) if it is taken more than 100 feet away from him against his will. When fighting Epics, each strike that hits discharges a burst of white and yellow energy that causes severe burns in addition to any other damage caused by the blade. The sword is able to damage metal and stone (not effortlessly, but repeated strikes will cut steel or granite), among other materials, without sustaining apparent damage.

Reincarnation - Passive ability: After dying, he reincarnates 12 hours later in the last location where he slept for more than half an hour straight (dozing doesn't count). After reincarnating, he remains comatose for 6 hours, and is vulnerable during this time to being killed completely. The trauma of dying and reincarnating has the effect of almost completely resetting Calamity's effect on his personality, although his memories are a little jumbled, and any atrocities he has committed either retain justification in his mind or are projected as someone else's fault. Therefore, he is incapable of coming to the realization that using his powers is causing him to become increasingly sociopathic.

Limitations: He may only use one active ability at a time. For example, while summoning his weapon or armor (he can't summon them both at the same time), he can't use his active precognition or his active Epic resistance.

Other Weapons: He carries a 9mm pistol with an extended magazine (and generally holding armor-piercing rounds), as well as a heavy crossbow for times when he needs a silent ranged weapon.

History and Personality: See original post.

Appearance: See original post.

Looks good. (Still impressed by the sheer amount of work that went into those characters.) Yeah, just PM me their weaknesses when you get the chance.

Edit: Splitting the RP up by region is certainly on the table, but it would depend on exactly how many players would want to get involved in The Dalles at this point. Which would depend on whether Seonid wants to have his characters move toward Portland, or stay in The Dalles for now.

So, I suppose the question here is: What do you guys think? Should we plan more action around The Dalles at this point?

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Love the new Epics, particularly Ranger :D
Just a thought but maybe to justify the life-sense thing he could become less capable of too advanced planning while in camo mode? Still enough to pick out targets, remember what happens around him if he's scouting and such but just less able to react to complex situations until he drops his camo.
When they reach Portland any and all of them would be welcome in the MEE (Though they're hardly Minor Epics :P)

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Thanks. PM sent.


Thanks, Voidus. I like that idea. He can do normal self-preservation stuff while in camo, including getting out of the situation, but the camo requires too much concentration to make advanced tactical decisions. Another reason he only uses it when he has to.

Edited by Seonid
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