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Question 2


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"One of these days you could just WALK PAST a shiny!"


Victory of the Lightwards




Sam peaked into the room where Lightwards sat in his chair, waving a kitchen whisk and a plunger hysterically as he demanded Funtimes' death.


"Should we try to help him?" she asked softly in spite of herself.


Nathan just sighed. "It's no use. He gets a little worse every time he kicks the bucket." He cracked a rueful smile. "You should have seen him last week. He dressed up in one of Funtimes' rainbow dresses and called himself 'the New Lightwards Paradigm.'"


Lightwards ignored the pair of them, continuing to wave his whisk in the air with wild abandon. "EX-TERM-IN-ATE!"

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And when he asks for Funtimes' help….




Not that she isn't a useful ally, as Lightwards pointed out, but Altermind does not seem like the type of ruler who would want Funtimes as a coworker. :P 


I thought it might be fun, but it didn't fit with Theory's headcanon of Nathan leaving just a few years prior, or my headcanon of Nathan having lived in Newcago since before it was Newcago. So we scrapped the idea.


You're absolutely correct. He realizes her use, but would not be able to work with her. That's why he likes this situation. He doesn't have to directly work with her too often. Lightwards, for now, is at least sane usually.

How do you guys know so many TV Tropes? And is Sightline taking everyone to visit Altermind? or just a few?

He's not taking anyone. He is reporting to Altermind, and he can teleport into the meeting, and is telling them of the planned meeting at the Sadry's house after sunset.

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Victory of the Lightwards




Sam peaked into the room where Lightwards sat in his chair, waving a kitchen whisk and a plunger hysterically as he demanded Funtimes' death.


"Should we try to help him?" she asked softly in spite of herself.


Nathan just sighed. "It's no use. He gets a little worse every time he kicks the bucket." He cracked a rueful smile. "You should have seen him last week. He dressed up in one of Funtimes' rainbow dresses and called himself 'the New Lightwards Paradigm.'"


Lightwards ignored the pair of them, continuing to wave his whisk in the air with wild abandon. "EX-TERM-IN-ATE!"


Utopia, Part Three 


Nathan leveled a glare. "A nuke. How stupid are you? She could make a nuke anytime she wanted!" 


Koschei rested both elbows on the console, regarding Nathan with a cool smile. "Then why didn't she?" 


"Because she had a better idea. She told me to walk. To walk all the way around the world, telling people a story. That at just the right time, when the whole world was watching, they should all say one word. And that word was….pickle fart face!" 


The din of six million voices shouting the words was deafening. Not even Mobius could silence it, not with a thousand pocket universes. 


"Pickle fart face?" From the look on Koschei's face, he was still trying to wrap his mind around it. "First of all, that's three words, and second—that doesn't even make sense!" 


Nathan grinned. "I know. So did she. She also knew that you and Mobius would both be too distracted by the entire world shouting 'pickle fart face' that you wouldn't see her teleport out of that pocket universe and shove ice cubes down your pants."

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The Eleventh Hour, Oregon Style


"Come on, then!" Funtimes called, striding out onto the rooftop. "The Doctor will see you now!"
Mobius let her cold gaze settle upon Funtimes before glaring at the vanillas. Her eyes twitched as the normal humans stared back at her with varying degrees of defiance and indifference. The man in the brown duster. The backwoods hunter. The goth chick and the hippie. "These are not Epics," Mobius said finally, locking eyes with her glittery adversary.
"No, but I've put a lot of work into them," replied Funtimes with a grin. She held up a rainbow-dyed bow tie for the spatial Epic to see. "Hmm, I don't know... what do you think?"
"Are these people important?" Mobius demanded impatiently.
"Important?" Funtimes shot back, sounding scandalized. "Just look at these people! They're amazingly incredibly amazable! Is that important? But, no, here's a better question--are these people a threat to Calamityville?"
Mobius almost looked like she was about to laugh. "No," she replied. "They are not."
"Okay," Funtimes continued, grinning. "Here's another. Are these people guilty of any crimes by the laws of Calamityville?"
At this Mobius raised an eyebrow before telling her illusionist to conjure up a series of images. Blue shapes swirled in the air before coalescing into still pictures of each of the vanillas engaged in various errands.
Finally Mobius set her jaw and faced the Doctor again. "No," she said with a quiet chill in her voice. "They are not."
"Okay," Funtimes went on, her grin growing wider. "One more. Just one. Are the people on this rooftop protected?"
The illusionist brought up a series of more disturbing pictures. Mobius' eyes widened slightly as she got a look at what was being displayed. Fortuity from Newcago, apparently being mauled by his own fedora. Lucentia from Astoria, glowering in a dress of peanut butter sandwiches. Lightwards, whom she'd presumed dead, shaking in impotent rage as he stood trapped in a pool of tar.
"Oh, you're not the first one to have have threatened my friends," Funtimes was continuing, her grin growing less mirthful by the second. "There have been so many. And what you've got to ask yourself is... what happened to them?"
Picture after picture flashed through the air. Pictures of the same Epic with a dye-splattered dress and hair filled with glitter.
Doctor Funtimes stepped through the illusion, casting a dark smile into Mobius' face. "Hello," she said softly. "I'm the Doctor. Basically... run."
Edited by Kobold King
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The Eleventh Hour, Oregon Style

"Come on, then!" Funtimes called, striding out onto the rooftop. "The Doctor will see you now!"

Mobius let her cold gaze settle upon Funtimes before glaring at the vanillas. Her eyes twitched as the normal humans stared back at her with varying degrees of defiance and indifference. The man in the brown duster. The backwoods hunter. The goth chick and the hippie. "These are not Epics," Mobius said finally, locking eyes with her glittery adversary.

"No, but I've put a lot of work into them," replied Funtimes with a grin. She held up a rainbow-dyed bow tie for the spatial Epic to see. "Hmm, I don't know... what do you think?"

"Are these people important?" Mobius demanded impatiently.

"Important?" Funtimes shot back, sounding scandalized. "Just look at these people! They're amazingly incredibly amazable! Is that important? But, no, here's a better question--are these people a threat to Calamityville?"

Mobius almost looked like she was about to laugh. "No," she replied. "They are not."

"Okay," Funtimes continued, grinning. "Here's another. Are these people guilty of any crimes by the laws of Calamityville?"

At this Mobius raised an eyebrow before telling her illusionist to conjure up a series of images. Blue shapes swirled in the air before coalescing into still pictures of each of the vanillas engaged in various errands.

Finally Mobius set her jaw and faced the Doctor again. "No," she said with a quiet chill in her voice. "They are not."

"Okay," Funtimes went on, her grin growing wider. "One more. Just one. Are the people on this rooftop protected?"

The illusionist brought up a series of more disturbing pictures. Mobius' eyes widened slightly as she got a look at what was being displayed. Fortuity from Newcago, apparently being mauled by his own fedora. Lucentia from Astoria, glowering in a dress of peanut butter sandwiches. Lightwards, whom she'd presumed dead, shaking in impotent rage as he stood trapped in a pool of tar.

"Oh, you're not the first one to have have threatened my friends," Funtimes was continuing, her grin growing less mirthful by the second. "There have been so many. And what you've got to ask yourself is... what happened to them?"

Picture after picture flashed through the air. Pictures of the same Epic with a dye-splattered dress and hair filled with glitter.

Doctor Funtimes stepped through the illusion, casting a dark smile into Mobius' face. "Hello," she said softly. "I'm the Doctor. Basically... run."

Wait a second.

Funtimes is the Doctor. This is very clear. Which would make each of her vanillas a companion.

Sam Trattner: Donna Noble. Not quite as ditzy, but definitely snarky and with a big heart.

Revolution Sunburst Jones: Martha Jones, The Girl Who Walked the Earth…well before she met the Doctor.

Remington Springfield: The more sarcastic side of Donna Noble, more than a match for some of Funtimes' darker moods.

Nathan Sperry: Rose Tyler. Unassuming, but caring and kind.

The Unicyclist: You wouldn't think much of him, but he has an awesome side he keeps under wraps. Definitely Rory Pond.

Everything makes sense now. :D

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Wait a second.

Funtimes is the Doctor. This is very clear. Which would make each of her vanillas a companion.

Sam Trattner: Donna Noble. Not quite as ditzy, but definitely snarky and with a big heart.

Revolution Sunburst Jones: Martha Jones, The Girl Who Walked the Earth…well before she met the Doctor.

Remington Springfield: The more sarcastic side of Donna Noble, more than a match for some of Funtimes' darker moods.

Nathan Sperry: Rose Tyler. Unassuming, but caring and kind.

The Unicyclist: You wouldn't think much of him, but he has an awesome side he keeps under wraps. Definitely Rory Pond.

Everything makes sense now. :D


...my life is suddenly so much more clear. :D


I could also see Remington as a male equivalent to Ace or Leela from the classic series.

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He can't die, this is true... but he can be turned into the world's deadliest paperweight with a little something we like to call "Project Amber."


The plan will be laid out in full at the Altermind meeting.

...does this mean that Corpsemaker's faction will die? that would be sad...

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CorpseMaker's Faction will be destroyed or Distributed. I know that Lightwards is planning on recruiting a few of the Epics.


EDIT: Have you ever started writing a short post, only to have it lengthen way past the original Set-up?

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CorpseMaker's Faction will be destroyed or Distributed. I know that Lightwards is planning on recruiting a few of the Epics.


Mainly Upgrade. Lightwards would kill to get his hands on Upgrade. Granted there are many causes he'd be happy to kill for, but getting his hands on Upgrade is very high on Lightwards' list of priorities.


Or, they will be once he learns about his existence.

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Mainly Upgrade. Lightwards would kill to get his hands on Upgrade. Granted there are many causes he'd be happy to kill for, but getting his hands on Upgrade is very high on Lightwards' list of priorities.


Or, they will be once he learns about his existence.


And given what Lightwards and Nighthound would hypothetically do to him, I still say he's better off with Doctor Funtimes. Sure, she thinks Calamity is the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but she won't chop off his hand and wear it as a necklace. :o


Has he had any dialogue yet? I'm wondering what his personality is like. Is he going to be our game's Conflux, or is he more of an evil!Conflux? 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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And given what Lightwards and Nighthound would hypothetically do to him, I still say he's better off with Doctor Funtimes. Sure, she thinks Calamity is the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but she won't chop off his hand and wear it as a necklace. :o


Has he had any dialogue yet? I'm wondering what his personality is like. Is he going to be our game's Conflux, or is he more of an evil!Conflux? 


Now, now. There's enough of Upgrade to go around. Provided Nighthound keeps healing him. :ph34r:    :P


I thought he had a few lines that established him as an arrogant little twit, but I may be confusing him with one of the other arrogant little twit characters running around Portland.

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Now, now. There's enough of Upgrade to go around. Provided Nighthound keeps healing him. :ph34r:     :P


I thought he had a few lines that established him as an arrogant little twit, but I may be confusing him with one of the other arrogant little twit characters running around Portland.


I think we've established that the words "provided by Nighthound" are code for "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES AND SANITY BEFORE—DEAR CALAMITY HE'S SEEN ME! SAVE YOURSELVES!!!!" :P


That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. (There are a lot of arrogant little twits in Portland, aren't there? :P) Off to use the search function! 


Edit: Yep, he's an arrogant little twit who is clearly too dumb to join Funtimes' party before it's too late. Just as I thought. :P 

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I thought it might be fun, but it didn't fit with Theory's headcanon of Nathan leaving just a few years prior, or my headcanon of Nathan having lived in Newcago since before it was Newcago. So we scrapped the idea. 

It would probaly still have made more sense than my one off joke that Nathan and Ray are siblings because they have the same hair color.


Victory of the Lightwards




Sam peaked into the room where Lightwards sat in his chair, waving a kitchen whisk and a plunger hysterically as he demanded Funtimes' death.


"Should we try to help him?" she asked softly in spite of herself.


Nathan just sighed. "It's no use. He gets a little worse every time he kicks the bucket." He cracked a rueful smile. "You should have seen him last week. He dressed up in one of Funtimes' rainbow dresses and called himself 'the New Lightwards Paradigm.'"


Lightwards ignored the pair of them, continuing to wave his whisk in the air with wild abandon. "EX-TERM-IN-ATE!"

For some reason I can´t help but imagine Lightwards writing his own version of the Diagram.


How do you guys know so many TV Tropes? And is Sightline taking everyone to visit Altermind? or just a few?

Easy, it ruined or vocabulary.


Alright. Edgedancer, does Voidgaze want to come with Sightline, or stay with Ray?

Personally she would prefer to keep an eye on Ray but she would follow, if Sightline told her it´s time.


But but but but...CorpseMaker can't die!



EDIT: Have you ever started writing a short post, only to have it lengthen way past the original Set-up?

Sometimes. <_<

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That means I'm going to need to rethink Timeport's plan for an alliance :P



Actually, that just means you need tostick with him. You'll be able to prove yourself to the other Factions, as well as have Valuable information on CorpseMaker and his Epics.


Agreed. I think it's better, story-wise, if we have Epics joining CorpseMaker's faction before Project Amber is enacted. It drives home the fact that there's a war coming, that they're going to ally with whoever they think is the most powerful, and that, without a precog among them, not one of our characters can know the future. :P


(Am I the only one who finds it odd that there aren't any precogs currently in this game? Or did Funtimes' sound beating of Fortuity in the opening post make people decide it just ain't worth it? :P

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