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Question 2


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I have no idea what Scribblenauts Unlimited is, but that is awesome. :D



So... could Phoenix and Saccharine replicate Upgrade's ability with some sort of portable device? It might be difficult, but Upgrade would probably find it preferable to Lightwards' solution of choice.

Could do, it'd be within their capabilities if they had time to study him, whether or not they actually would is another question :P

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I was sort of planning on letting Funtimes live to the end. Not Quota, though. Quota's a goner.


If Funtimes died, I don't know if medical technology is advanced enough to stem the flow of my tears. :o



I don't currently intend for any of my active Epics to survive till the end. I plan on keeping the vanillas alive though, if I can get away with it.

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If Funtimes died, I don't know if medical technology is advanced enough to stem the flow of my tears. :o

I don't currently intend for any of my active Epics to survive till the end. I plan on keeping the vanillas alive though, if I can get away with it.

I didn't know she was so loved. :D

(Honestly, unless I had her go dark!Funtimes, I don't think I'd have the heart to kill her off. It'd be like shooting a puppy. An immensely powerful puppy that can turn your chair into maple syrup, but still a puppy.)

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I didn't know she was so loved. :D

(Honestly, unless I had her go dark!Funtimes, I don't think I'd have the heart to kill her off. It'd be like shooting a puppy. An immensely powerful puppy that can turn your chair into maple syrup, but still a puppy.)


When she's not giving a sinister smile and threatening horrible deaths to her allies, Funtimes just seems so... innocent. So happy and bubbly and 100% sincere in a world of grim, angry, and deceitful Epics. The idea of someone so constantly joyful and loving getting murdered by another Epic is extremely sobering.


None of my Epics are actually likable. Lightwards is a murderous megalomaniac. His eventual demise will be easy to write. Aldo and Cricket are more amiable, but they leave enough of a kill count behind them to earn their fates. Backtrack doesn't really leave atrocities in his wake, but he has so little empathy towards other human beings that I have a hard time finding mercy in my heart for him. Lightwards is the only Epic I have who has a blueprint for his death drawn up, but the others are all marked for the slaughter as well.

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When she's not giving a sinister smile and threatening horrible deaths to her allies, Funtimes just seems so... innocent. So happy and bubbly and 100% sincere in a world of grim, angry, and deceitful Epics. The idea of someone so constantly joyful and loving getting murdered by another Epic is extremely sobering.


None of my Epics are actually likable. Lightwards is a murderous megalomaniac. His eventual demise will be easy to write. Aldo and Cricket are more amiable, but they leave enough of a kill count behind them to earn their fates. Backtrack doesn't really leave atrocities in his wake, but he has so little empathy towards other human beings that I have a hard time finding mercy in my heart for him. Lightwards is the only Epic I have who has a blueprint for his death drawn up, but the others are all marked for the slaughter as well.


She popped into my head that way, honestly, and then I had to go back and figure out how an Epic in that world could remain the way she is. And now that I've figured it out, I think making her more like Prof than, say, Altermind would fit her character better. And I don't like the idea of her being killed by another Epic—especially one like Nighthound or CorpseMaker—any more than you do. :( So I'm not going to let that happen. (I have a few endings for her character that I've been toying with, and they're all more or less happy ones. Death isn't in the cards.) 


(I know all of those big-shot writers tell you not to get attached to your characters, but am I the only one who noticed that it's mostly Stephen King and George R.R. Martin who give that advice? If it's coming from the master of the macabre and fiction's most notorious serial killer, then I think it's for certain writers only. :P


Every other Epic I've created for this game has had that effect on me. I didn't really like Scorch, and liked the way Joe decided to kill him off. (He PM'd me the scene before he posted it, but I loved it.) Quota and Koschei are a little easier for me to write—but that's just because I already know how they're going to die, so I know I won't be stuck with them forever. Panacea is easier for me to write than Quota, because she's not a horrible human being. Sure, her driving motive for healing people is her rampant perfectionism, but that's far, far better than Lightwards' or even Koschei's motives. 


Funny, isn't it? In most settings with superpowers, we're made to root for the superhumans while the regular Joes are made out to be incompetent, petty, violent, or downright bigoted, but in this setting, it's hard to muster up any sympathy for almost anyone with superpowers. It's the regular Joes who are decent. I love that inversion, and it was a brilliant move on Sanderson's part….but it sure makes writing new superpowered characters difficult. 

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Kobold, aside from the pistol, does Aldo have any other weapons on him?


He's got a dozen rifles, a machete, and a small bazooka safely stowed away in pockets inside of his sleeves. Nothing immediately obvious, however.


(I agree with all your points in that longer post above. Funtimes is lovable, most Epics are slontzes, and Brandon Sanderson is a genius. :D)

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By the way, any character who lives in this part of downtown Portland has a chance of recognizing Sam. Her mother is a local baker that sells various breads and pastries to other vanillas, and Sam's the kind of person who tends to stick out in the memories of frightened Portlanders.

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(I agree with all your points in that longer post above. Funtimes is lovable, most Epics are slontzes, and Brandon Sanderson is a genius. :D)


I'm trying to figure out what the twins' reaction should be, on the one hand they're quite new and haven't used their powers on too large a scale so the corruption hasn't fully set in yet, on the other they don't like it when people stand up to them, but they're more likely to say, push your car down a hill and steal some alcohol than straight up murder you.

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He's got a dozen rifles, a machete, and a small bazooka safely stowed away in pockets inside of his sleeves. Nothing immediately obvious, however.

(I agree with all your points in that longer post above. Funtimes is lovable, most Epics are slontzes, and Brandon Sanderson is a genius. :D)

He is also wearing a top hat, correct? Not really a weapon....for him. :P

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I have no idea what Scribblenauts Unlimited is, but that is awesome. :D



So... could Phoenix and Saccharine replicate Upgrade's ability with some sort of portable device? It might be difficult, but Upgrade would probably find it preferable to Lightwards' solution of choice.

Truly a playground for my insanity.


Not to be a meany but I doubt that something so deteched from actual pyhsics could be replicated by science. It´s only a step away from creating artifical Epics and would require something akin to a minature Calamity, which would fall under the relam of "not scientific."

I was sort of planning on letting Funtimes live to the end. Not Quota, though. Quota's a goner.

That sounds nice. Although, speaking only of Nighthound, he will want Funtimes dead the moment Corpsemaker dies. You Have Outlived Your Usefulness and all that.


When she's not giving a sinister smile and threatening horrible deaths to her allies, Funtimes just seems so... innocent. So happy and bubbly and 100% sincere in a world of grim, angry, and deceitful Epics. The idea of someone so constantly joyful and loving getting murdered by another Epic is extremely sobering.


None of my Epics are actually likable. Lightwards is a murderous megalomaniac. His eventual demise will be easy to write. Aldo and Cricket are more amiable, but they leave enough of a kill count behind them to earn their fates. Backtrack doesn't really leave atrocities in his wake, but he has so little empathy towards other human beings that I have a hard time finding mercy in my heart for him. Lightwards is the only Epic I have who has a blueprint for his death drawn up, but the others are all marked for the slaughter as well.

I dunno. I like Funtimes as a character but moraly I think she suffer from a very self-centered worldview, which, when compared to the other Epics is nothing at all but it´s still enough to make her... well... not exactly a good person.


You think that´s bad? Look at my guys. One of them is bad enough to go straight into the Haloween special. But I have Voidgaze, so for now that´s something. :P

(I know all of those big-shot writers tell you not to get attached to your characters, but am I the only one who noticed that it's mostly Stephen King and George R.R. Martin who give that advice? If it's coming from the master of the macabre and fiction's most notorious serial killer, then I think it's for certain writers only. :P)

Well Brandon gives the same advice, just look at



Kobold, we still going with a Nighthound Backtrack meeting?

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Truly a playground for my insanity.


Not to be a meany but I doubt that something so deteched from actual pyhsics could be replicated by science. It´s only a step away from creating artifical Epics and would require something akin to a minature Calamity, which would fall under the relam of "not scientific."

That sounds nice. Although, speaking only of Nighthound, he will want Funtimes dead the moment Corpsemaker dies. You Have Outlived Your Usefulness and all that.


I dunno. I like Funtimes as a character but moraly I think she suffer from a very self-centered worldview, which, when compared to the other Epics is nothing at all but it´s still enough to make her... well... not exactly a good person.


You think that´s bad? Look at my guys. One of them is bad enough to go straight into the Haloween special. But I have Voidgaze, so for now that´s something. :P

Well Brandon gives the same advice, just look at



Kobold, we still going with a Nighthound Backtrack meeting?


Funtimes does suffer from a self-centered worldview, but her actions seem to stem from a needy desire to be loved as opposed to the need to rule over others.


Lightwards is at his happiest when he is surrounded by Warriors, in full control of his surroundings. Nighthound seems to be happiest when he's physically dominating or intimidating everyone around him. Funtimes sits at the opposite end of the spectrum--she wants people to love her and call her "the best Empress ever." Epics treat vanillas like animals, but while Lightwards and Nighthound are like abusive pet owners, Funtimes is like a bubbly little girl who carries a cat around and tries to braid it's fur.



As soon as people stop talking to Lightwards, Backtrack will go to introduce himself and get sent on a special mission. So there's probably not a lot of time for them to have a full conversation. They could still meet briefly, however.

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Funtimes does suffer from a self-centered worldview, but her actions seem to stem from a needy desire to be loved as opposed to the need to rule over others.


Lightwards is at his happiest when he is surrounded by Warriors, in full control of his surroundings. Nighthound seems to be happiest when he's physically dominating or intimidating everyone around him. Funtimes sits at the opposite end of the spectrum--she wants people to love her and call her "the best Empress ever." Epics treat vanillas like animals, but while Lightwards and Nighthound are like abusive pet owners, Funtimes is like a bubbly little girl who carries a cat around and tries to braid it's fur.



As soon as people stop talking to Lightwards, Backtrack will go to introduce himself and get sent on a special mission. So there's probably not a lot of time for them to have a full conversation. They could still meet briefly, however.

Nighthoound is at his happiest when everybody hates him and he can get away with it, sprinkled with some crueltty, abuse and murder, depending with whom he´s dealing with. :ph34r:


Naturally, when compared to evil Slontzes like that she is almost a saint but given what a big comitment love is expecting someone else to give it to you and not giving them much of a choice is still a very selfish course of action. Good natured, yes but also missguided. 


Nah, just asked because it was your idea. Now, who would be the more likely target for him, Lightwards and Jeff or the gathering of Sam, Revolution, Impact and MV? I could think of pros and cons for both. This needs pondering.

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Funtimes isn't a good person. Comparatively speaking, she's the best of the bunch, and she does try to be. But Calamity has worked it's way into many of her actions, corrupting them and allowing her own selfish wants to shine through. She wants to be good, tries to be, maybe even sees herself that way, but doesn't quite get there. Could she be pulled onto the right path? Certainly. But she'd need to see that she needed guidance.

I have plans for once CM is dead. She can escape. :ph34r:

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Funtimes isn't a good person. Comparatively speaking, she's the best of the bunch, and she does try to be. But Calamity has worked it's way into many of her actions, corrupting them and allowing her own selfish wants to shine through. She wants to be good, tries to be, maybe even sees herself that way, but doesn't quite get there. Could she be pulled onto the right path? Certainly. But she'd need to see that she needed guidance.

I have plans for once CM is dead. She can escape. :ph34r:

Right now she´s Matt Smith, let us hope that she never becomes Capaldi. (Nothing against the actor, he´s awesome and enjoyable, although one could argue if he´s a good Doctor.)


I assume that after the CM battle the pace of the game will change quite a bit.

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Nah, just asked because it was your idea. Now, who would be the more likely target for him, Lightwards and Jeff or the gathering of Sam, Revolution, Impact and MV? I could think of pros and cons for both. This needs pondering.


Depends on how abusive he's feeling at the moment, I suppose. If he's bored and wants to get assigned to another task, then he should speak to Lightwards. (Lightwards would also waste no time in informing him about Traveler's distinct lack of Epic-ness.)


If he's in the mood to intimidate a bunch of powerless people, then I could imagine him going over to creep out talk to the vanillas and the new Epics. (Thus making the momentum twins see Backtrack in a much better light by comparison. :P)



Right now she´s Matt Smith, let us hope that she never becomes Capaldi. (Nothing against the actor, he´s awesome and enjoyable, although one could argue if he´s a good Doctor.)


I assume that after the CM battle the pace of the game will change quite a bit.


I personally prefer Matt Smith, as the Twelfth Doctor's writing thus far has been veering into darker territory than I'm comfortable with. But that's off-topic I suppose.


It will definitely be interesting to see how the game changes with such a major element changed. Not to mention the fact that much of Portland might be in flames by the time the Empire-Thoughttown coalition succeeds in getting to CM himself.

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Depends on how abusive he's feeling at the moment, I suppose. If he's bored and wants to get assigned to another task, then he should speak to Lightwards. (Lightwards would also waste no time in informing him about Traveler's distinct lack of Epic-ness.)

If he's in the mood to intimidate a bunch of powerless people, then I could imagine him going over to creep out talk to the vanillas and the new Epics. (Thus making the momentum twins see Backtrack in a much better light by comparison. :P)

I personally prefer Matt Smith, as the Twelfth Doctor's writing thus far has been veering into darker territory than I'm comfortable with. But that's off-topic I suppose.

It will definitely be interesting to see how the game changes with such a major element changed. Not to mention the fact that much of Portland might be in flames by the time the Empire-Thoughttown coalition succeeds in getting to CM himself.

VOTE BACKTRACK: He's Not Nighthound. :P

True. But every Doctor has had his dark moments. Even Ten had "Waters of Mars." *shudders* Capaldi just has a lot more than average. :mellow:

It's going to be a Wham Episode, I'm sure.

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Depends on how abusive he's feeling at the moment, I suppose. If he's bored and wants to get assigned to another task, then he should speak to Lightwards. (Lightwards would also waste no time in informing him about Traveler's distinct lack of Epic-ness.)


If he's in the mood to intimidate a bunch of powerless people, then I could imagine him going over to creep out talk to the vanillas and the new Epics. (Thus making the momentum twins see Backtrack in a much better light by comparison. :P)




I personally prefer Matt Smith, as the Twelfth Doctor's writing thus far has been veering into darker territory than I'm comfortable with. But that's off-topic I suppose.


It will definitely be interesting to see how the game changes with such a major element changed. Not to mention the fact that much of Portland might be in flames by the time the Empire-Thoughttown coalition succeeds in getting to CM himself.

Mhmm, I´ll probably answer that question tomorrow, when I´m actually going to write something. (Whoever is lucky enough to not get pesteered by Nighthound is allowed to deal with Lucentia ;))


Ah yes, this might just make Nighthound the ultimate wingman. :P


I feel you man..


One faction destroyed by its leader´s death and some members of the empire loosing their reason to play nice with the other, yup chaos incomming.

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Mhmm, I´ll probably answer that question tomorrow, when I´m actually going to write something. (Whoever is lucky enough to not get pesteered by Nighthound is allowed to deal with Lucentia ;))

Ah yes, this might just make Nighthound the ultimate wingman. :P

I feel you man..

One faction destroyed by its leader´s death and some members of the empire loosing their reason to play nice with the other, yup chaos incomming.

A wingman who not only chooses girls for his "friends" to hit on, but grins menacingly off to the sidelines as said "friend" flirts with the girl and looks better in comparison? That could either work extremely well, or backfire horribly when said girl learns the company her crush keeps. :o

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VOTE BACKTRACK: He's Not Nighthound. :P

True. But every Doctor has had his dark moments. Even Ten had "Waters of Mars." *shudders* Capaldi just has a lot more than average. :mellow:

It's going to be a Wham Episode, I'm sure.


And now it's time for the twelfth annual Oregon Pick-up Line Tournament! Our first contestant is the Epic known as Backtrack, competing against the infamous creepy McCreeperton, Nighthound!


The rules are simple: each contestant will try their best pick-up line on our two judges, Impact and MV. Their efforts will be rated on a scale of 1-10.


Backtrack strode up to the judges with a confident grin plastered over his face. "Say baby," he said with a wink. "You must be tired, because you've been running through my mind all night."


Impact and MV groaned before holding up signs with solid black "1s" painted on them.


Next up, Nighthound walked up to the pair, leaning over them with with a fang-baring smirk. "Hello ladies," he drawled, "you must be tired, 'cuz you've been running through my mind all night."


The pair began to lift the same signs when Nighthound spoke again:


"Running and screaming the whole time," he added with a fiendish grin.


And that concludes the twelfth annual Oregon Pick-up Line Tournament! Backtrack is declared the winner with a score of 2 points, defeating his rival by a landslide. Nighthound goes down in history as the first contestant in history to receive negative 20 points.

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