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Question 2


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I. Hate. Nighthound. With a passion. Why Edgedancer?? WHY???

In other news, I want to make Timeport's transporting so that he can't take anything with him. However, that creates a problem: his clothes and any weapons he's holding. So maybe he can do skin contact teleporting, or like he can only take inanimate objects with him. Thoughts?


Maybe he can only transport objects that he perceives as "his?" So he can only take things like clothes and weapons that he indisputably owns?

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I. Hate. Nighthound. With a passion. Why Edgedancer?? WHY???

In other news, I want to make Timeport's transporting so that he can't take anything with him. However, that creates a problem: his clothes and any weapons he's holding. So maybe he can do skin contact teleporting, or like he can only take inanimate objects with him. Thoughts?

Sightline already has the skin contact limitation, so I would suggest going with the inanimate objects limitation, just to make it more interesting.

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Maybe he can only transport objects that he perceives as "his?" So he can only take things like clothes and weapons that he indisputably owns?

Does bring an issue that if he is very egotistical, he could start viewing everything as "his," and become the most powerful teleporter ever.  If he had an only inanimate objects limitation, that would be interesting, so maybe a size limit in addition to inanimate?

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I. Hate. Nighthound. With a passion. Why Edgedancer?? WHY???

In other news, I want to make Timeport's transporting so that he can't take anything with him. However, that creates a problem: his clothes and any weapons he's holding. So maybe he can do skin contact teleporting, or like he can only take inanimate objects with him. Thoughts?

Well, when I designed him the only two major villain Epics where Altermind and Corpsemaker, who was sitting in a wall at the moment, so I thought to myself, "Epics are suppossed to be arrogant monsters yet as a whole the PoV-Epics are rather not evil, for Epics that is-> I shall create the arrogant monster to trumph all monsters in an attempt to balance the general not monsterness of the other PoV-characters." I kind of overshot my goal. :P


inanimate plus touch sounds good.

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Well, when I designed him the only two major villain Epics where Altermind and Corpsemaker, who was sitting in a wall at the moment, so I thought to myself, "Epics are suppossed to be arrogant monsters yet as a whole the PoV-Epics are rather not evil, for Epics that is-> I shall create the arrogant monster to trumph all monsters in an attempt to balance the general not monsterness of the other PoV-characters." I kind of overshot my goal. :P

inanimate plus touch sounds good.

You can fix that by killing him slowly. :P:ph34r:

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So maybe he can only take inanimate objects he's touching, so he keeps his clothes and weapons, and it becomes a good way to disarm opponents.

New question: do Warriors count as inanimate :P?


Nope, they're living things under Lightwards' control. :P



I actually want to get rid of my Skin Contact Limitation. It does get annoying when he's transporting people.


I know the feeling. I've been regretting setting Lightwards' zombie limit so low for a while now.


Clearly we both need shots of Upgrade serum. :P

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Nope, they're living things under Lightwards' control. :P

I know the feeling. I've been regretting setting Lightwards' zombie limit so low for a while now.

Clearly we both need shots of Upgrade serum. :P

*puts on best curmudgeonly voice*

Maybe Lightwards should learn how to be content with what he's got! Why, back in my day, we couldn't raise a single zombie and we were grateful for it! The dead were dead and the living were living and that was how it was! We did our own chores without some Warrior of Light to fetch our socks and walk the Allosaurus! Youth today.... :P

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Nope, they're living things under Lightwards' control. :P




I know the feeling. I've been regretting setting Lightwards' zombie limit so low for a while now.


Clearly we both need shots of Upgrade serum. :P

Storming Upgrade addicts, completely useless without that stuff, can´t even raise a proper number of zombies or teleport a lady without commando, Pah, I say! PAH! :P

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*puts on best curmudgeonly voice*

Maybe Lightwards should learn how to be content with what he's got! Why, back in my day, we couldn't raise a single zombie and we were grateful for it! The dead were dead and the living were living and that was how it was! We did our own chores without some Warrior of Light to fetch our socks and walk the Allosaurus! Youth today.... :P


To be fair, it's hard to unify all life on Earth into a single zombie army when you're limited to twenty humans at a time. :P


So... is the Unicyclist/Ray thing... actually a thing that is going to happen?

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To be fair, it's hard to unify all life on Earth into a single zombie army when you're limited to twenty humans at a time. :P


So... is the Unicyclist/Ray thing... actually a thing that is going to happen?

Well then don´t be a megalomaniac like that. Look at the Jägers, they are proper bad people and only bite of as much as they can chew. :P

It would have been interesting, if Lightwards limit actually went up with his deaths, buying power with insanity but alas it´s to late for that now.


Maybe? For me it´s about as certain as the Lucentia/LIghtwards thing aka. only a joke I ignore in actual writing until I see a written piece of prose in canon that makes me think it will work. For now I´m just going along with it. :P

Edited by Edgedancer
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Well then don´t be a megalomaniac like that. Look at the Jägers, they are proper bad people and only bite of as much as they can chew. :P

It would have been interesting, if Lightwards limit actually went up with his deaths, buying power with insanity but alas it´s to late for that now.

Maybe? For me it´s about as certain as the Lucentia/LIghtwards thing aka. only a joke I ignore in actual writing until I see a written piece of prose in canon that makes me think it will work. For now I´m just going along with it. :P

For now, it'll be limited to the Unicyclist seeing how Nighthound treats her and feeling sorry for her.

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He won't act on it just yet. He hasn't survived this long by being rash. But I think Ray needs a nice guy in her life. A nice guy in a Darth Vader mask who agrees with the following:

Now. If he waits at all, it must be so we can think of more painful ways to kill him. :o


He'll have Sandman to back him up! And Fade as well, but in a rather begrudging fashion. Even after such a short time observing Nighthound, Fade has decided he needs to be extinguished.


On another note, what is MEE doing right now? 

Edited by Fatebreaker
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Well then don´t be a megalomaniac like that. Look at the Jägers, they are proper bad people and only bite of as much as they can chew. :P

It would have been interesting, if Lightwards limit actually went up with his deaths, buying power with insanity but alas it´s to late for that now.


That would actually have been really cool. His physical ability to dominate his Empire would go up at the same time his mental ability to control it went down. Eventually he'd figure out what was happening, and he'd be faced with the decision of whether to sacrifice his sanity for boundless power.


...has there been anything in the RP that thus far directly contradicts this notion?


For now, it'll be limited to the Unicyclist seeing how Nighthound treats her and feeling sorry for her.


Makes sense. I was just surprised at the rate our fanon was ascending. :P

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Did they already teleport away? If not, when you do have them do so, just have them pop right in the meeting. Altermind will love to have another interruption. And then there's Smoky and Summoner. He's going to be so frustrated. ;)

Speaking of Thoughttown, does anyone want to go next there? We need something to do while the Empire has their chats.

Thanks! Any ideas for an icon for Summoner? And, by the way, I'm going to include at least one small WoK cameo in each of his posts. I don't know how often I'll write his Pov, but when I do, it'll be there. ;)


These never got answered, so I'm just posting since the first one at least needs to be answered. Thanks!


There's Upgrade for you. And now CorpseMaker knows everything. A bit of clarification though. Upgrade+Streetwise don't know everything, just what happened in the 5 seconds. EVen then, the knoledge is limited. He only knows the powers of the Epics who were using them. Same with weakness.

Woah, pretty scary. Altermind, when he finds out about Streetwise, is going to want him dead. He just knows too much.


Storm it, Quota! You have conquered me for now, but it shall not last!

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These never got answered, so I'm just posting since the first one at least needs to be answered. Thanks!


Woah, pretty scary. Altermind, when he finds out about Streetwise, is going to want him dead. He just knows too much.


Storm it, Quota! You have conquered me for now, but it shall not last!


An icon for Summoner...


Would you be angry if I suggested this? :P




I'm looking for other sword silhouettes, if you think a little more subtlety is required. :P

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I think I am ready to inter the arena.

Epic Name: Wraith

Short Bio

 He has had his powers for a little while now but usually keeps to the side of conflict. Now that it looks like a full blown war is coming he wants a little bit of protection. Wraith is thinking of joining Lightward's and Dr. Funtimes' team but the Minor Epic thing is looking inviting. 


He He can turn his body and whatever his touching except living things, but he is excluded from the living things exception, into mist/smoke and back again when ever he wants.

Pre Calamity name: Jaden Goldwright 

Weakness: HaHaHa Wouldn't y'll like to know! But seriously...

I hope this is enough information to start. See you in Organ.

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Welcome to Oregon, Silver Dragon. Wraith looks like he'll be an awesome addition to the game. :)



I'm really enjoying the stream of consciousness narrative being used for Funtimes' scenes. It gives a lot of insights into Funtimes' mystifying psyche, while still showcasing the rambling randomness that characterizes her.


And now I'm really wondering who her old boyfriend was.

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I think I am ready to inter the arena.

Epic Name: Wraith

Short Bio

 He has had his powers for a little while now but usually keeps to the side of conflict. Now that it looks like a full blown war is coming he wants a little bit of protection. Wraith is thinking of joining Lightward's and Dr. Funtimes' team but the Minor Epic thing is looking inviting. 


He He can turn his body and whatever his touching except living things, but he is excluded from the living things exception, into mist/smoke and back again when ever he wants.

Pre Calamity name: Jaden Goldwright 

Weakness: HaHaHa Wouldn't y'll like to know! But seriously...

I hope this is enough information to start. See you in Organ.


I'm excited to see him in action. :) 



I'm really enjoying the stream of consciousness narrative being used for Funtimes' scenes. It gives a lot of insights into Funtimes' mystifying psyche, while still showcasing the rambling randomness that characterizes her.


And now I'm really wondering who her old boyfriend was.


Thanks! :) It took me 34 pages to figure her out, but I think I've got it down. And she's a ton of fun to write. 


Now I just need to come up with a name for her old boyfriend. :ph34r: I knew he'd existed somewhere, but haven't really fleshed him out. 

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An icon for Summoner...


Would you be angry if I suggested this? :P




I'm looking for other sword silhouettes, if you think a little more subtlety is required. :P

Why would I be angry? :P But maybe one of these is better?

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