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Question 2


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Looks good. (Still impressed by the sheer amount of work that went into those characters.) Yeah, just PM me their weaknesses when you get the chance.

Edit: Splitting the RP up by region is certainly on the table, but it would depend on exactly how many players would want to get involved in The Dalles at this point. Which would depend on whether Seonid wants to have his characters move toward Portland, or stay in The Dalles for now.

So, I suppose the question here is: What do you guys think? Should we plan more action around The Dalles at this point?


Right now Portland's already past the boiling point with powerful and eccentric Epics; the RP's like a pressure cooker ready to explode from sheer volume.


"What Happened in Oregon" is already up to 35 pages, and that's with only a single city. Other cities such as Astoria have been confirmed within the story to be similarly packed full of activity, and more players seem to be joining all the time now. I harbor some concern that as this single thread grows more and more packed, it will become intimidating in size and difficult to read through, discouraging newcomers.


I have little idea of what practical effects splitting up the RP would have, or even if my concerns are logical in the slightest. But it does seem to me that as our story expands, the forum space we use should do likewise. I would tentatively support such a course of action.

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I support the New thread. As long as it stays with the "What happened in. . ." Motif. For that matter, we might want to change the main thread's title to What happend in Oregon.


Next point of Business. I can't believe that I'm the only one to notice that Seonid's Picture is the Default. We need a new Pony. Possibly one for Timeport as well.

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If we do split the thread now, here is what I propose: 


We start with "What Happened in The Dalles," and open with Backtrack and the Twins' arrival. Seonid's characters would (from the sounds of things; tell me what you want to do) be the main Epics in town. Not the rulers, but the main player Epics there. Any players who wanted to have an additional character in The Dalles would be allowed and encouraged to do so. I'd probably choose a vanilla or a family to play as, since the main character I'd be writing for in The Dalles died two years prior. (Awkward. :P


So basically, if we're going to split the thread now, we'll need to make sure we flesh out The Dalles enough to sustain it. 

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Age: 28


Human Name: Ashur (Ash) Sharon


Epic Name: Ranger


Weakness: (Not revealed at the present time)


Primary Powers:

Archery - Active power: His shots with a bow always hit his target.


Deflection Field - Passive power: All ranged shots fired at him are just slightly deflected, causing them to miss.


Chameleon - Active power: While the power is active, he blends in perfectly with his surroundings whenever he holds still. When moving, he still blends in, but can be noticed by someone with a sharp eye. Using this power takes enough concentration that he is generally unable to make advanced tactical decisions while in it. He can still pick out targets and gather information, but complex situations require more attention then he can spare while this is active. Due to this fact, while active, his life force appears like a small forest animal to anyone with the ability to sense life.


Secondary Powers:

Enhanced Vision - Passive: Can see in the dark as well as in broad daylight. This has no effect on his daylight vision. Can also sense weak points in armor or other protections such as shields, force fields, and other means. (Cannot sense Epic Weaknesses).


Plant Affinity - Passive: Never causes noise when moving through living plants. Also, if he spends the night outdoors in a wilderness setting, he wakes up recovered from all wounds he has sustained.


Weapons: A replica Welsh longbow, with a draw weight of 110 lbs. Also, a .30 caliber performance sniper rifle, although he uses his longbow whenever possible (related to his Epic ability). Carries a machete for defense against a melee assault. Carries a variety of arrows for use with his bow, including arrows with tips designed to deliver biological or chemical agents and arrows with contact explosives in the tips.


History: Ash Sharon was a member of the U.S Forest Service in southern Idaho when Calamity first appeared. His job disappeared shortly thereafter, but he kept living in the ranger's cabin in the National Forest for years, until he was recruited by Thomas Jonson to the defense force for Homedale. His first action was in a support role during a raid on a religious cult associated with Epic worship and ritual sacrifice. He was one of the 4 survivors, and saw the wanton and casual destruction that Firelord caused on his way through the city. This instilled in him an everlasting hatred of Epics that didn't go away just because he happened to become one.


Of the team, he is the most conscious of Calamity's effect on him, and uses his powers sparingly as a result, relying on natural skill augmented by Epic powers only when he needs them. Although he has been warped to some extent by the use of his powers, he is not wholly sociopathic. He refrains from murder when he can, and consciously attempts to act in opposite ways from his Calamity-influenced tendencies. Because it is not a natural respect, though, it comes off forced, and he is rarely able to maintain relationships with vanillas.


He is fanatically devoted to Paladin, as Paladin died saving his sister's life almost a year ago. This devotion, rather than Calamity's influence (although that doesn't help matters), prevents him from questioning even the most brutal atrocities committed during Paladin's darker periods. He is also developing a new relationship with Ariel.


Appearance: Ash's mother was Sephardic Jewish and his father was full-blooded Native American. He inherited the Native American looks and the Jewish name. Black hair, copper skin, brown eyes verging on black, and a lean, short, muscular build. Generally wears dark greens and browns, even though his powers allow him to blend in perfectly. He prefers to be able to blend in in wilderness environments with or without his powers.


I really like these guys. Good job! They seem to have too many powers in my opinion, but the new limitations balance that out pretty good.

Is Ranger based off of Ranger's Apprentice?

I'm all for the Dalles thread. I'll have to do some research on it, but I'd love to join in there. That would mean more characters for me, but the. Ore the merrier! And I have the feeling a couple of my current characters are going to be dead soon. ;)

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Kobold Has done many Magical things with Ponies. We'll see what he can do. Until then, Here's the Pony Creator most of use, if you want to try your hand at it.


Magical? Why, thank you. :)


Speaking of, I made this earlier to show off Backtrack's smooth pick-up skills.




He's just such a ladies' man. :P



If we do split the thread now, here is what I propose: 


We start with "What Happened in The Dalles," and open with Backtrack and the Twins' arrival. Seonid's characters would (from the sounds of things; tell me what you want to do) be the main Epics in town. Not the rulers, but the main player Epics there. Any players who wanted to have an additional character in The Dalles would be allowed and encouraged to do so. I'd probably choose a vanilla or a family to play as, since the main character I'd be writing for in The Dalles died two years prior. (Awkward. :P


So basically, if we're going to split the thread now, we'll need to make sure we flesh out The Dalles enough to sustain it. 


This proposal makes much sense to Mine Eyes. We could flesh out The Dalles as an actual living location as opposed to just a still backdrop to other adventures.


I don't currently have any ideas for characters there. Maybe I could play as the mayor, who's either an Epic or a really badchull vanilla who's managed to keep a hold on the town?

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Magical? Why, thank you. :)


Speaking of, I made this earlier to show off Backtrack's smooth pick-up skills.




He's just such a ladies' man. :P




This proposal makes much sense to Mine Eyes. We could flesh out The Dalles as an actual living location as opposed to just a still backdrop to other adventures.


I don't currently have any ideas for characters there. Maybe I could play as the mayor, who's either an Epic or a really badchull vanilla who's managed to keep a hold on the town?

Loved the comic, and a badchull vanilla mayor sounds awesome. XD

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Koschei the Deathless (bio in Epics of Oregon, intro post to come) swept into The Dalles about two years prior to the start of this RP. There were deaths, but those who could fled, and many did escape. There wasn't a lot of property damage, as Koschei's powers were not inclined toward damaging property, and he instructed the Epics in his service to leave as many homes and buildings intact as possible. 


The number of refugees was far greater than the number of casualties. Most did not return immediately, but scattered to other parts of Oregon and southern Washington. Two years later, people are beginning to move back to The Dalles, and it has gained back some of the momentum it lost. It could be under the control of a minor Epic, or a badchull vanilla mayor, but so far no High Epic despot has claimed The Dalles as their own. 


There would definitely be people who remembered Koschei, although some would probably not return out of fear or bad memories. So those who did remember him would remember that he was an evil healer from whom they fled. 


Those who remembered how Koschei died would be found primarily in one of the ranger stations outside what used to be Mount Hood National Forest. The man who killed him currently resides in Portland. 

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So I just tried many things, and my computer refused to do anything.  Could someone resize this to profile pic size?  That would be greatly appreciated.






Is that sufficient?



Koschei the Deathless (bio in Epics of Oregon, intro post to come) swept into The Dalles about two years prior to the start of this RP. There were deaths, but those who could fled, and many did escape. There wasn't a lot of property damage, as Koschei's powers were not inclined toward damaging property, and he instructed the Epics in his service to leave as many homes and buildings intact as possible. 


The number of refugees was far greater than the number of casualties. Most did not return immediately, but scattered to other parts of Oregon and southern Washington. Two years later, people are beginning to move back to The Dalles, and it has gained back some of the momentum it lost. It could be under the control of a minor Epic, or a badchull vanilla mayor, but so far no High Epic despot has claimed The Dalles as their own. 


There would definitely be people who remembered Koschei, although some would probably not return out of fear or bad memories. So those who did remember him would remember that he was an evil healer from whom they fled. 


Those who remembered how Koschei died would be found primarily in one of the ranger stations outside what used to be Mount Hood National Forest. The man who killed him currently resides in Portland. 


Cool, and just as frightening as I've come to expect from this man. :o


I'm about to go to bed, but I'll be mulling over possible character details.

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Is that sufficient?




Cool, and just as frightening as I've come to expect from this man. :o


I'm about to go to bed, but I'll be mulling over possible character details.


The waiting will be over soon. 


Not sure how comforting that's going to sound, since the scene I'm most looking forward to writing with this guy is the one where he dies. :P 

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I really like these guys. Good job! They seem to have too many powers in my opinion, but the new limitations balance that out pretty good.

Is Ranger based off of Ranger's Apprentice?


Nah. All three characters are based off of characters from a book I'm working on. (Calamity-ified versions of the characters, of course). Ranger comes from a character named Asher Il'veradon of the tribe Ti'in Kitsara, who ends up being a ranger-type character. (Incidentally, Paladin is Samhain Seonid, the character I draw my forum name from, and Guardian is Ariel Kilbaen, his bodyguard.) A lot of the background was just finding real-world correlates to the fantasy world counterparts. I might start working on this stuff in the Creator's Corner eventually.


I'm glad you think that the limitations balance out the powers. I was specifically aiming for that. Many powers, but all of them with limitations that constrain the usefulness.


Koschei the Deathless (bio in Epics of Oregon, intro post to come) swept into The Dalles about two years prior to the start of this RP. There were deaths, but those who could fled, and many did escape. There wasn't a lot of property damage, as Koschei's powers were not inclined toward damaging property, and he instructed the Epics in his service to leave as many homes and buildings intact as possible. 


The number of refugees was far greater than the number of casualties. Most did not return immediately, but scattered to other parts of Oregon and southern Washington. Two years later, people are beginning to move back to The Dalles, and it has gained back some of the momentum it lost. It could be under the control of a minor Epic, or a badchull vanilla mayor, but so far no High Epic despot has claimed The Dalles as their own. 


There would definitely be people who remembered Koschei, although some would probably not return out of fear or bad memories. So those who did remember him would remember that he was an evil healer from whom they fled. 


Those who remembered how Koschei died would be found primarily in one of the ranger stations outside what used to be Mount Hood National Forest. The man who killed him currently resides in Portland. 


So my characters are going to start on the way from Bend to The Dalles. Their intent is to wipe out any Epics they find and also any nests of cultists (whether or not they exist). It's probably only been a few days since Paladin has died last, so he's not yet in DarkPaladin mode. Ranger and Guardian are both rather happy about this, because he killed about a hundred vanillas in Bend before he died because he was convinced they were cultists. (There were no cultists in Bend).


If The Dalles has no high-power epics claiming it, it might be a good idea to have some on their way in to fill the power vacuum. It could be cool to see the badchull vanilla or minor Epic mayor playing factions off of each other, while all the time Paladin and his crew are lurking in the shadows, picking Epics off one by one. (Probably most of them will be of my own making, but feel free to make a lot of cannon-fodder Epics who are intended to die quickly, either in an Epic war or to assassination.)


And I've a cannon-fodder Epic to start racking up the kill count from the beginning, and more to come.


But not tonight. It's bedtime now.




Human Name: Jim Taylor.


Epic Name: Safari


Weakness: Carved ivory elephant tusks


Primary Powers:

Jungleification - Can turn his surroundings into African jungles (not savannahs, it's his perception of Africa that matters, not the reality, unfortunately). This can even be done indoors. The plants will grow normally, even without the light that they would normally need.


Animal Summoning - Can summon any African creature or creatures. They must come from out of his line of sight, and be in front of him generally (the 180 degree half-space that isn't behind him.) Example: He can summon a lion from around a corner, but not from behind him or right in front of the vanilla. Can control any animals he summons.


Secondary Power:

Animal Affinity - Animals won't attack him unless compelled by an animal-controlling Epic. Animals he summons will never attack him, and cannot be controlled except by himself. (Unless Lightwards kills them first and resurrects them, but that's another story.)


Modus Operandi: Likes to summon African predators to torment vanillas. Herds of rhinos to cover escapes, crocodiles for the terror value, etc. View vanillas as sport prey for his pets.


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I have three simple character ideas. Tell me your opinions.

1. Can climb any surface. Basically friction manipulation. Can climb walls and ceilings.

2. Instinctively knows and can produce with whistles the natural frequency of any object, causing resonance.

3. Can create an avatar for himself, which copies motions. It is completely tangible.

I probably won't use all three of these, but the natural frequency one and probably the climber I will be using.

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If TwiLyght has no objections, I'd definitely like to craft a vanilla mayor for this town. A badchull one. :D

I have three simple character ideas. Tell me your opinions.

1. Can climb any surface. Basically friction manipulation. Can climb walls and ceilings.

2. Instinctively knows and can produce with whistles the natural frequency of any object, causing resonance.

3. Can create an avatar for himself, which copies motions. It is completely tangible.

I probably won't use all three of these, but the natural frequency one and probably the climber I will be using.

I like these. :)

Seonid, I like Ssfari as well. See you in Oregon. :)

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Thank you Kobold and Joe for the resized images.  I am going to post a couple of Epics up in Epics of Oregon that can populate the Dallies as well.  And the first semi-Korshei post lives up to the expectations.

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If TwiLyght has no objections, I'd definitely like to craft a vanilla mayor for this town. A badchull one. :D

I like these. :)

Seonid, I like Ssfari as well. See you in Oregon. :)


You know me. I don't object to awesome things. :D 


I too like Safari. 


Thank you Kobold and Joe for the resized images.  I am going to post a couple of Epics up in Epics of Oregon that can populate the Dallies as well.  And the first semi-Korshei post lives up to the expectations.



I don't know whether to say "Thank you" or "I'm sorry." :P 

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