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Question 2


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Some family reunions end with drunken brawls over the potato salad. Every Oregon get-together ended with Lightwards knee-deep in a tar pit after offering to give the kids a crash course in "obedience training." :P

On the other end of the spectrum, Uncle Remington's shooting lessons were well received by his four-year old pupils.

"How many points if we hit Nighthound?"

"A billion. Three billion if he goes down and stays down."

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What the Calamity?!

A Portland family reunion? How cute. ;) In some cases.

Altermind's response is up. I'll get to Max and Electro later. Mail-mi, did Timeport put the gun up to Max or Kyle? I'll also do a Frequency or Edgerunner's post later. Wow. I have a lot to do. I didn't realize how much of my storyline in Portland relied on Joe until he posted.

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What the Calamity?!

A Portland family reunion? How cute. ;) In some cases.

Altermind's response is up. I'll get to Max and Electro later. Mail-mi, did Timeport put the gun up to Max or Kyle? I'll also do a Frequency or Edgerunner's post later. Wow. I have a lot to do. I didn't realize how much of my storyline in Portland relied on Joe until he posted.

He put it up to max.

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The Return of Phil the Epic Shrink:

Phil blinks in surprise as a man in pink sunglasses sits in front of his desk.

Phil: May I help you?

Backtrack: You're the Epic Shrink?

Phil: That's what they call me, yes.

Backtrack: So you sit there and listen and don't judge or anything?

Phil: Not verbally.

Backtrack: You ever heard of Koschei the Deathless?

Phil: I take it you have?

*Backtrack breaks down in tears*

Phil: *awkwardly pats his arm*

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The Return of Phil the Epic Shrink:

Phil blinks in surprise as a man in pink sunglasses sits in front of his desk.

Phil: May I help you?

Backtrack: You're the Epic Shrink?

Phil: That's what they call me, yes.

Backtrack: So you sit there and listen and don't judge or anything?

Phil: Not verbally.

Backtrack: You ever heard of Koschei the Deathless?

Phil: I take it you have?

*Backtrack breaks down in tears*

Phil: *awkwardly pats his arm*


Wow. For once Phil the Epic Shrink actually has someone come into his clinic voluntarily. :P


On that note, I don't believe we've ever seen our favorite post-Calamity psychiatrist tackle Koschei the Deathless. * stares expectantly * ;)

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Wow. For once Phil the Epic Shrink actually has someone come into his clinic voluntarily. :P

On that note, I don't believe we've ever seen our favorite post-Calamity psychiatrist tackle Koschei the Deathless. * stares expectantly * ;)


How much do you think I hate Phil? :P

Well, if he tackled Slaughterhouse.....

Phil looks up as Koschei enters. He takes one look at the circlet and cloak and stifles a groan.

Koschei: Does something vex you?

Phil: You're a psychopath, aren't you?

Koschei: Since I'm only here until I learn how to escape, I'll humor you. Why do you say I'm a psychopath instead of what I really am?

Phil: The purple cloak suggests you think you're royalty. That wouldn't be enough for a diagnosis unless you happened to exhibit other signs, such as the circlet, also suggesting royalty, and the shirt, pants, and boots all harken back to an earlier time. Your manner of dress, combined with the look on your face and your remark when I called you a psychopath, all suggest that is what you are. There. Diagnosis made. I need a drink.

Koschei: One would think a mortal would be honored to be in my presence.

Phil: Every second I spend in your presence makes me want another beer.

Koschei: *struggling against restraints* Were I armed, Phil, I would--

Phil: Well, you're not. You can't even move. So there's nothing stopping me from leaving you in that straitjacket while I go to the bar.

Koschei: This isn't over!

Phil: Sure it is. See ya!

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MORE EPICS!!!!!!!!!!!



He can fly

Passive Powers:

When he gets killed five more FlyGuy's take his palce and live for 12 hours. Then they all die except one and he's the new FlyGuy.



Everything is sanitize and clean in a 6 foot radius sphere.

He can also produce cleaning supplies out of thing air.



Can create flyers, posters, signs, and leaflets out of thin air.

He can also minor change any written work he touches


Can create blades out of anything he touches, except living sentient things.

Edited by TheSilverDragon
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I am back!  Internet was down for far shorter than I expected, which is good.  I updated the bios for my other Dallies Epics, are their backstories acceptable for Vondra and Quicksilver?

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MORE EPICS!!!!!!!!!!!



He can fly

Passive Powers:

When he gets killed five more FlyGuy's take his palce and live for 12 hours. Then they all die except one and he's the new FlyGuy.



Everything is sanitize and clean in a 6 foot radius sphere.

He can also produce cleaning supplies out of thing air.



Can create flyers, posters, signs, and leaflets out of thin air.

He can also minor change any written work he touches


Can create blades out of anything he touches, except living sentient things.

Don't forget to add them to our Epics of Oregon idea Doc.

My internet connection is going to be a little patchy for the next couple of days, I should still be able to post but not too frequently.

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I am back!  Internet was down for far shorter than I expected, which is good.  I updated the bios for my other Dallies Epics, are their backstories acceptable for Vondra and Quicksilver?


Welcome back!


The character bios seem to fit with what we've established for Vondra's government. In Aura's case, The Dalles police would have seized her and immediately brought her to their superiors. Her choices would have been to work under Vondra, leave, or be executed immediately via firing squad. Since she apparently rejected all three options, there will be a standing order to terminate her on sight.




How much do you think I hate Phil? :P

Well, if he tackled Slaughterhouse.....

Phil looks up as Koschei enters. He takes one look at the circlet and cloak and stifles a groan.

Koschei: Does something vex you?

Phil: You're a psychopath, aren't you?

Koschei: Since I'm only here until I learn how to escape, I'll humor you. Why do you say I'm a psychopath instead of what I really am?

Phil: The purple cloak suggests you think you're royalty. That wouldn't be enough for a diagnosis unless you happened to exhibit other signs, such as the circlet, also suggesting royalty, and the shirt, pants, and boots all harken back to an earlier time. Your manner of dress, combined with the look on your face and your remark when I called you a psychopath, all suggest that is what you are. There. Diagnosis made. I need a drink.

Koschei: One would think a mortal would be honored to be in my presence.

Phil: Every second I spend in your presence makes me want another beer.

Koschei: *struggling against restraints* Were I armed, Phil, I would--

Phil: Well, you're not. You can't even move. So there's nothing stopping me from leaving you in that straitjacket while I go to the bar.

Koschei: This isn't over!

Phil: Sure it is. See ya!

MORE EPICS!!!!!!!!!!!



He can fly

Passive Powers:

When he gets killed five more FlyGuy's take his palce and live for 12 hours. Then they all die except one and he's the new FlyGuy.



Everything is sanitize and clean in a 6 foot radius sphere.

He can also produce cleaning supplies out of thing air.



Can create flyers, posters, signs, and leaflets out of thin air.

He can also minor change any written work he touches


Can create blades out of anything he touches, except living sentient things.

How does this look for Reader's icon? 




EDIT: and Mommy's:




These are all awesome things. :D

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Is there a head of police already in the Dalles? Or should I just use a random cop in the car with Reader at the Springfield residence? 


I imagined Vondra's son Zachary being highly ranked within The Dalles police department, but not necessarily the ultimate head. He might fill that role if nobody else wants to make a character for it, though.


Forgive my ignorance, but what is Reader doing at the Springfield residence?

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I imagined Vondra's son Zachary being highly ranked within The Dalles police department, but not necessarily the ultimate head. He might fill that role if nobody else wants to make a character for it, though.


Forgive my ignorance, but what is Reader doing at the Springfield residence?

Vondra's HQ got word of new people arriving in the Dalles and headed toward the Springfield residence, so he sent that police car that called out to Backtrack and the twins, and Reader came along to see who they were and what they were up to. 

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OH, well then, Reader can be at HQ (wherever it is) when they get taken in in a couple of posts :P


I imagine Reader's the kind of immensely useful Epic Vondra wouldn't want to risk in the field too much. He probably has his own air-conditioned office at HQ.

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I imagine Reader's the kind of immensely useful Epic Vondra wouldn't want to risk in the field too much. He probably has his own air-conditioned office at HQ.

That's a good point. We should have the cops bring them (Backtrack and co) in to Reader before introducing them to Vondra. Or perhaps Reader is in there with Vondra when he meets with them. 

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Naturally his son is... You know I was going to make a joke but I can´t help and wonder are the children of Epics in any way special? From what we know Epicfication comes with some mutations, which might be hereditable or could make having children impossible for mixed couples, Epics without similar powers or in general, maybe it has no effects at all. Would a child have a combination of their parents powers, one of them, something different, none? Is it because of the genes or because Calamity likes the joke? So many questions!

I would like to point out that Commander and Jetstream had an Epic Son. Though he was alive pre-calamity.


Altermind's response is up. I'll get to Max and Electro later. Mail-mi, did Timeport put the gun up to Max or Kyle? I'll also do a Frequency or Edgerunner's post later. Wow. I have a lot to do. I didn't realize how much of my storyline in Portland relied on Joe until he posted.

Kyle shouldn't even be in the scene. He's still on his bike swearing because he didn't think to bring his Wheel Chair.


And sorry for the wait Maw.

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That's a good point. We should have the cops bring them (Backtrack and co) in to Reader before introducing them to Vondra. Or perhaps Reader is in there with Vondra when he meets with them. 


Reader can divine what Epics' powers are, right? They probably wouldn't let new Epics meet Vondra in person unless Reader signs them off as safe. That way the police can't inadvertently bring someone like CorpseMaker inside to assassinate the mayor.

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